Pre-poll voting is open in Willoughby Monday through Friday (until 8pm Thursday ) and then on Saturday 14th for a Democracy sausage or a cake off the cake stalls.
As your local community-led independent I am encouraging my supporters to Vote to re-elect Mayor Tanya Taylor and to vote 1 Group A above the line for my team and me and 2 Group C above the line for Cr Sarkis Mouradian and his team. There are two further groups to choose from to direct your third preference.
There are three Councillor positions in Middle Harbour Ward , Willoughby City Council
Prepoll has started. We saw the first 1500 of some 40000 voters in the Election. We also got out on parade for Emerge our Spring Festival .
You can vote early starting Saturday but only at St Paul’s behind Chatswood Toyota and at Willoughby Uniting at Clanwilliam
Why not the The Concourse Chatswood? Well it’s a Jazz club now. No room at the Inn. So pleased to offer a small venue for performance here in Willoughby City. Hats off to the citizens committee made up of locals who are also leaders in the Arts who pointed out what a difference a small accessible venue like #TheLounge could make for Sydney and of course for Willoughby. So important to listen and act in the ideas of our community. Great to see. Cranks Bikestore Jill Newton and so many more locals enjoying the venue. Willoughby City Library comes alive at night !
Willoughby City Council
Chatswood NSW
Sydney Metro
The Post
The Concourse Chatswood
#communitymatters #castlecove #bikejumps
Traditional dancing on the BBQ deck
Chatswood Junior Rugby Club so good to see Beauchamp Park facilities well used. A business case for future investment #CityOfDiversity #CommunityMatters #chinesedance
#Chatswood #SydneyMetro #CityOfDiversity
Local eyes and local representatives.
Sometimes it’s important to be local to have the time to ensure our shops are safe to be in and around. No more so than in the treacherous trip from Castle Cove to Chatswood and back. Delighted to see new lights coming in at Ray’s Place near our new pedestrian barrier. Here is our Willoughby City Council team member checking we get what we pay for. “Phil” the contractor is one of the many parents who have highlighted the traffic hazard outside Woolies opposite the playcentre. Working with Council and Councillor Mouradian we can now expect a wombat crossing in there too. Hats off to the RPS kid who highlighted most of the safety hazards on his dog walk.
Happy Holi!
#chatswood #LunarNewYear2024 #CityOfDiversity
Thank you JCS(Japan Club of Sydney) for choosing Chatswood for the Masuri Festival. So good to welcome Japanaroo, Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney.
Great to be hanging out with Deputy Mayor Councillor Brendon Zhu and Mayor Tanya Taylor