Councillor Robert Samuel - Willoughby

Councillor Robert Samuel - Willoughby From midnight election night until the polls are declared there are no Councillors in Willoughby. The Mayor remains in place. Authorised by Robert Samuel.

Roseville, North Willoughby, Chatswood, Chatswood East , Castle Cove, Middle Cove , Willoughby East & Willoughby The role of individual councillors

The Act prescribes the role of individual
councillors as follows:

• to be an active and contributing member of the governing body
• to make considered and well-informed decisions as a member of the governing body
• to participate in the development

of the integrated planning and
reporting framework
• to represent the collective interests of residents, ratepayers and the
local community
• to facilitate communication between the local community and the governing body
• to uphold and represent accurately the policies and decisions of the
governing body
• to make all reasonable efforts to acquire and maintain the skills necessary to
perform the role of a councillor. The Act makes it clear that councillors are individually accountable to the local community for the performance of the council

Chosen content and opinions expressed on this page is my own and are not that of Willoughby City Council’s or those of any officer or Councillor of the City.

We have started improving facilities at our Ovals for women and girls in Willoughby but there is more to do.

We have started improving facilities at our Ovals for women and girls in Willoughby but there is more to do.

"A boy once told me I play like a girl, I told him if he plays hard enough, he could too." 💪🔥

Show the world what playing like a girl really means! 👏✨

Pre-poll runs until 8pm Thursday and 6pm Friday at Willoughby Uniting Clanwilliam and St Paul’s View St

Pre-poll runs until 8pm Thursday and 6pm Friday at Willoughby Uniting Clanwilliam and St Paul’s View St

Under Mayor Tanya Taylor and supporting Councillors and hard work by our citizen’s committee on active transport we have...

Under Mayor Tanya Taylor and supporting Councillors and hard work by our citizen’s committee on active transport we have Willoughby’s first cycling strategy.
It’s not perfect but it’s a start. Thank you Bike North and allies such as Cranks Bikestore Chatswood in helping make this strategy so very important at for our city.

Please check through it and make suggested changes. It’s not perfect but let’s not make perfection the enemy of the good as some advocates have argued.

🚴Have Your Say on Willoughby City Council's Draft Cycling Strategy and Action Plan 2034! 🚴
We’re updating our 2017 Bike Plan and need your input to shape the future of cycling in our community. The new Cycling Strategy and Action Plan 2034 outlines priorities to improve cycling infrastructure, micromobility, and integrated transport across Willoughby over the next decade.

📅 Join our public engagement session:
Monday, 30 September 2024 🕖 7 PM - 9 PM 📍 Zenith Theatre and Convention Centre, Chatswood. Registration required via HYS page.

🔗 Share your feedback by completing our secure survey by Sunday, 20 October 2024

Great to catch up with the only first responders service to be out and about wearing Robert Samuel Orange ;).

Great to catch up with the only first responders service to be out and about wearing Robert Samuel Orange ;).


Pre-poll voting is open in Willoughby Monday through Friday (until 8pm Thursday ) and then on Saturday 14th for a Democracy sausage or a cake off the cake stalls.

As your local community-led independent I am encouraging my supporters to Vote to re-elect Mayor Tanya Taylor and to vote 1 Group A above the line for my team and me and 2 Group C above the line for Cr Sarkis Mouradian and his team. There are two further groups to choose from to direct your third preference.

There are three Councillor positions in Middle Harbour Ward , Willoughby City Council


Councillor Sarkis Mouradian. Mayor Tanya Taylor

Prepoll has started.  We saw the first 1500 of some 40000 voters in the Election. We also got out on parade for Emerge o...

Prepoll has started. We saw the first 1500 of some 40000 voters in the Election. We also got out on parade for Emerge our Spring Festival .

Pre poll information.  Locations:St Paul’s Anglican Church Complex behind Chatswood Toyota. Willoughby Uniting Church Cl...

Pre poll information.
St Paul’s Anglican Church Complex behind Chatswood Toyota.

Willoughby Uniting Church Clanwilliam Street

Pre-poll Opens Saturday 7 September

Eligible voters can vote in person for the NSW Local Council Elections from tomorrow Saturday, 7 September to Friday, 13 September (excluding Sunday, 8 September) at pre-poll venues.

Pre Polling in Lane Cove is at the Lane Cove Council Chambers

Pre-polling eligibilty:
✅ You may be eligible to vote in person before election day at an early voting centre for a local government election if you:
✅ will be outside your ward or council area on election day
✅ will be more than 8km from a voting centre (polling place) in your ward or council area on election day
✅ will be travelling and unable to attend a voting centre on election day
are seriously ill or infirm, and due to such illness or infirmity will be unable to attend a voting centre
✅ are approaching maternity
have religious membership or beliefs that prevent you from attending a voting centre on election day
✅ are in a correctional centre and prevented from attending a voting centre on election day
✅ are caring for a person outside of a hospital setting, which prevents you from attending a voting centre on election day
✅ will be working on election day
✅ are a silent elector
✅are a person with a disability
✅ believe that attending a voting centre on election day will place your personal safety or the safety of your family at risk.

Further information about the election, including finding your Ward's prepoll venue is available at

Plenty here for Willoughby City in this report.  Intergenerational neglect    Good to see a willingness to try something...

Plenty here for Willoughby City in this report. Intergenerational neglect Good to see a willingness to try something new. Hoping to see more concrete plans for Willoughby. Delighted that it has called out and fixed the facilities for bus drivers at the Chatswood Interchange. Thank you Mayor Tanya Taylor and Councillor Jam Xia for your advocacy and Marjorie O’Neill for your actions. The pot plants at the Cambridge Apartments and their owners are grateful as are the bus drivers.

In May 2023, the NSW Government announced the creation of a Taskforce to make recommendations to improve the reliability, quality and effectiveness of bus services across NSW. Read about the final report here

The final Bus Taskforce report has been released, and it noted that buses as a public transport option were “neglected, underfunded and largely misunderstood.”

The report noted that buses were the most affordable public transport option because of their cost. However, their quality and reliability were “not meeting community needs and expectations.”

A statistic that will not surprise Lane Cove commuters is that 60 per cent of all public transport complaints come from bus passengers.

The Taskforce's final report, dated May 2024, is called The Forgotten Mode: A Call to Action on Buses.

As Lane Cove commuters know all too well, Sydney buses (operated by different private operators) have been unreliable, with cancellations and timetable changes since the buses were "franchised". Lane Cove buses are part of Region 7 and are operated by Busways.

The Taskforce had 12 months to review the “franchised/privatised” system.


You can vote early starting Saturday but only at St Paul’s behind Chatswood Toyota and at Willoughby Uniting at Clanwilliam

Why not the The Concourse Chatswood? Well it’s a Jazz club now. No room at the Inn. So pleased to offer a small venue for performance here in Willoughby City. Hats off to the citizens committee made up of locals who are also leaders in the Arts who pointed out what a difference a small accessible venue like could make for Sydney and of course for Willoughby. So important to listen and act in the ideas of our community. Great to see. Cranks Bikestore Jill Newton and so many more locals enjoying the venue. Willoughby City Library comes alive at night !

Willoughby City Council
Chatswood NSW
Sydney Metro
The Post
The Concourse Chatswood


Join the party. It looks and feels like Spring. A long and fun Willoughby tradition.

A skateboard explodes in  !

A skateboard explodes in !

Thank you WalkSydney .  . It is vital we create places everyone can visit. Accessible end of trip change rooms are essen...

Thank you WalkSydney . . It is vital we create places everyone can visit. Accessible end of trip change rooms are essential for this to happen.

I am pleased to say that at Willoughby we can, after effective lobbying from two members of our Access and Inclusion Committee supported by Councillor Georgie Roussac , Mayor Tanya Taylor and myself , expect facilities in Chatswood of this nature very soon. The Council team have kicked up some extra outside grants from other levels of Government to make it happen faster than originally planned. Sadly one of the original advocates has died before she can use it. A wonderful legacy though for the people of Willoughby.

The new Changing Places facility in Ringwood, VIC, is the 300th such facility to be established in Australia.

An Angophora had had its time yesterday falling in Barambah.  Our local Bushcarers though have already taken seeds and t...

An Angophora had had its time yesterday falling in Barambah. Our local Bushcarers though have already taken seeds and there are established saplings regrowing in the reserve. It’s a small reserve but enough for a game of “backyard” cricket or a picnic. Enough for the neighbourhood to come together when a tree falls. Small public open spaces matter. Volunteers in our Parks are vital. That’s why we are introducing a Parkcare program alongside our Bushcare program so our Parkcarers have the support of Council they need.

Happy Fathers Day.  My Dad isn’t as mobile as he once was and doesn’t get out as much.  The Metro into the city and the ...

Happy Fathers Day. My Dad isn’t as mobile as he once was and doesn’t get out as much. The Metro into the city and the accessible pathways in and out of the stations meant we had a great day a couple of weeks ago wizzing around the network.

For those who are or have older male role models in their lives Happy Fathers’ Day. For those of us with teenagers I hope they are out of bed in time for any Fathers’ Day breakfasts / brunches planned !


How to make your vote count. Postal votes are possible now and pre poll shortly. The voting system is complex so to make all your votes count it’s worth some thought. In Willoughby we all get to vote in three Councillors in our Ward and separately for a Mayor. Setting out your voting preferences for Councillor ensures your vote counts.

This is my summary of how the vote works for electing the three Councillors which I have drawn from others.

We have a system of Single Transferable Vote (STV). Under STV, candidates need to reach a predetermined quota of votes. As three councillors are elected, the quota is - 25%+1. After a candidate has reached quota, their excess votes will be distributed according to the preferences on the ballot papers. If the voters have not written preferences on their ballot paper - namely only voted 1 for their chosen Councillor group - the vote will exhaust and be removed from the voting pool.

If your choice doesn’t get all three seats, you still want to have a say about who gets the remaining seat(s). A vote for a single group 1 will only go to the group you choose’s candidates. If your group’s first candidate gets elected, they will flow to the second candidate. If the second candidate gets elected, they will flow to the third candidate. However if the third candidate does not get elected, they will exhaust. If their second candidate does not get elected, they will exhaust. It is bad when a vote exhausts because the vote will be removed from the voting pool. This situation allows other people’s votes, which still remain in the pool, to have the entire say about who else gets elected. In order for your vote to decide all three elected councillors, you need to number all boxes above the line. At the last election there were very few votes between the candidates vying for the third spot and that is likely again this time.

Putting preferences does not reduce the strength of your vote. If your chosen candidate does not get all three seats, it gives you a say in who gets the remaining seats. Your vote will remain in your chosen group until no more of that group’s candidates can be elected.

Hence even if you dislike another group in preference to one of the other groups it is better to preference that group in front of the group you like the least.

In Middle Habour Ward I am encouraging my voters to vote 1 for my group and 2 for Councillor Sarkis Mouradian both groups are the only community led local independents running in our ward and I will leave the third choice to the individual voter depending on their preferences for the final group they wish to prefer.


Great to see Roseville Junior Cricket Club’s out and about with their girls program.

An overview by Willoughby Living of the candidates for Council their platforms, their links to our community all in one ...

An overview by Willoughby Living of the candidates for Council their platforms, their links to our community all in one place.

The Willoughby Council election is on September 14, and we need to elect twelve Councillors and a Mayor. Here the candidates tell YOU what they stand for to help you decide...

Youth policy often gets forgotten.   It hasn’t at Willoughby.  Thank you KYDS Youth Counselling for all you do.

Youth policy often gets forgotten. It hasn’t at Willoughby. Thank you KYDS Youth Counselling for all you do.

Join a powerful webinar on navigating change, grief, and loss in young people, featuring insights from Louise Hall of MacKillop Seasons and an expert Q&A panel.

Whether you're a parent, carer, or work with youth, this session will help you better support them through life's challenges.

👉🏽Register now:

Young people can respond in various ways to change and parents, carers and those who work with children and young people must understand how we can support them through this experience. From changes like moving to a new school or having a relationship end to significant change and grief experienced with the loss of a loved one, this webinar aims to improve your understanding of change and grief. Hence, you are better equipped to support your child or young person as they navigate this complicated experience.


Call out for volunteers for 14 September and the previous week

DM me to make a difference in our community by volunteering at the polling booths for a couple of hours

Willoughby is a great place to be and none more than this weekend with Armenian Day celebrations in the Mall , Le Marché...

Willoughby is a great place to be and none more than this weekend with Armenian
Day celebrations in the Mall , Le Marché-Sydney's French market and our Fauna Fair all on. Thank you Willoughby Environmental Protection Association for your involvement in the day too. Great to be showing around my Middle Harbour Ward running mate Stephanie Spencer (who makes sure our paperwork is in on time!)

“Politics done differently” - a reminder from Kylea Tink for North Sydney this weekend.  Effective independents work wit...

“Politics done differently” - a reminder from Kylea Tink for North Sydney this weekend. Effective independents work with others to get things done and I am proud to have worked with Sarkis on Council. We don’t always agree but we do get things done for our community. Councillor Sarkis Mouradian is also running in Middle Harbour Ward. Like me he is also a local community led independent. Sarkis is a builder - a builder of community as much as a builder of buildings. We also need Sarkis on Council to get things done. That’s why on my “How To Vote Card” it will be Vote 1 for Councillor Robert Samuel team and Vote 2 for Sarkis Mouradian Team

Excited to be joining Mayor Tanya Taylor Vote 1 Michael Chen for Naremburn Ward - Willoughby and our supporters on this ...

Excited to be joining Mayor Tanya Taylor Vote 1 Michael Chen for Naremburn Ward - Willoughby and our supporters on this life changing piece of infrastructure. Fully accessible means everyone can visit Willoughby and many of our locals can go places they wouldn’t otherwise be able to get to.

Jo Haylen
Transport for NSW
The Post

Pop in if you are around with your thoughts.  Working on plans for better public and open spaces , stronger community an...

Pop in if you are around with your thoughts. Working on plans for better public and open spaces , stronger community and a more responsive and accountable Council.

We have a bit more to work with after last night’s Council meeting. We reviewed a new libraries strategy that imagines how we can do so much more with our libraries.

We also did a final check on our Operational Plan that confirms the budget for next year.

Councillor Robert Samuel - Willoughby and I will be at Kitaya from 9am. Would love to have a chat.

Metro from Chattie to the City and back again set to open in August assuming no glitches.   Chatswood - Crows Nest - [No...

Metro from Chattie to the City and back again set to open in August assuming no glitches.

Chatswood - Crows Nest - [North Sydney] - [Martin Place] - Central in minutes

Making Chatswood a great place to be. Willoughby City Council are working on plans for making Victoria Avenue downhill of the Station a better place to be. It can’t come quickly enough.

The exact date of the opening of the driverless train line between Chatswood and Sydenham will hinge on final testing and safety approval.

Interesting advocacy by Councillor HY William Chan · City of Sydney on the importance of design and governance in buildi...

Interesting advocacy by Councillor HY William Chan · City of Sydney on the importance of design and governance in building sustainable and inclusive cities. At Willoughby we have recently built “design excellence” into our local large building requirements. based on City of Sydney experience. How we use these provisions to build community is a work in progress. However we are already seeing more substantial enhanced public domain being designed into new projects

📐 : My global keynote on the future of sustainable cities and communities through design excellence and urban governance at the Union Internationale des Architectes (UIA) World Congress of Architects.

A tough act to follow from Bjarke Ingels (BIG)' keynote! Such an honour to be delivering on the main stage following one of the greatest architects of our time.

Definitely one the largest audiences I’ve had. Attended by 6,000 participants with 37% of attendees under the age of 35 years old, the next generation is crucial to sustainable urban practice.




Hats off to our friends on the other side of Boundary St.

Ku-ring-gai Council have returned the old bowling club in Roseville Chase to community land. Thank you Councillor Alec Taylor Mayor Sam Ngai and your colleagues who supported it from your neighbours in Willoughby.

Save the East Roseville Bowling Club from Development


Victor Street
Sydney, NSW


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