V Corps HSC

V Corps HSC The OFFICIAL fan page for the families of V Corps HSC company. Welcome to the official fan page for V Corps HSC! Army please visit the U.S.

We hope to keep you updated with all the latest news from around post, along with updates from our soldiers downrange! If you are looking for the official source of information on the U.S. Army homepage at, http://www.army.mil/. Please remember to adhere to official OPSEC regulations. If you choose to disregard OPSEC, in any way, shape or form, we will have no choice, but to remove your remarks

. While this is an open forum, it's also a family friendly one. Please keep your comments and wall posts clean. In addition to keeping it family friendly, we ask that you follow our posting guidelines here. If you don't comply, your message will be removed.





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