◉ Due to the collapse of the health system, we, the health professionals, have prepared this message for the people, in case you do not want to risk going to the hospital immediately;
◉ Symptoms appear from the third day after infection (viral symptoms).
➙ 1st phase;
◉ Body pain
◉ Eye pain
◉ Headache
◉ vomiting
◉ Diarrhea
◉ Runny nose or nasal congestion
◉ Decomposition
◉ Burning eyes
◉ Burning when urinating
◉ Feeling feverish
◉ Scuffed throat (sore throat)
➙ It is very important to count the days of symptoms: 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
◉ Take action before the onset of fever.
◉ Be careful, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids, especially purified water. Drink plenty of water to keep your throat moist and to help clear your lungs.
➙ 2nd phase; (from 4th to 8th day) inflammatory.
◉ Loss of taste and / or smell
◉ Fatigue with minimal effort
◉ Chest pain (rib cage)
◉ Tightening of the chest
◉ Pain in the lower back (in the kidney area)
➙ The virus attacks nerve endings;
◉ The difference between fatigue and shortness of breath:
• Lack of air is when the person is sitting - without making any effort - and is out of breath;
• Fatigue is when the person moves around to do something simple and feels tired.
➙ It takes a lot of hydration and vitamin C.
Covid-19 binds oxygen, so the quality of the blood is poor, with less oxygen.
➙ 3rd phase - healing;
◉ On day 9, the healing phase begins, which can last until day 14 (Convalescence).
◉ Do not delay treatment, the sooner the better!
➙ Good luck everyone!
It is better to keep these recommendations, prevention is never too much!
• Sit in the sun for 15-20 minutes
• Rest and sleep for at least 7-8 hours.
• Drink 1 and a half liters of water per day
• All food should be hot (not cold).
➙ Keep in mind that the pH of the *Cor