Elder Abuse
Are you aware that as many as one in 10 older people in New Zealand will experience some kind of elder abuse?
Wednesday, June 15, is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). This a chance to use our voice and say no to elder abuse and speak against it.
Our Abused Elders need support as they might have no other family than the abuser(s). Many don’t speak out, because they might feel powerless, or out of shame, loyalty or unconditional love.
The Hon Dr Ayesha Verra is the Minister for Seniors. As part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day the Office for Seniors is launching a new campaign to shine a spotlight on elder abuse.
“The campaign encourages friends, whānau and neighbours to look for the signs of abuse and includes videos on the different types of elder abuse people can experience.
Keep an eye out for the videos on social media, TV and radio and please share these with your networks.
Elder abuse is not OK. Now is the time to make sure the older people in your life are safe and well. We all have a role to play in putting an end to elder abuse and to help support the health and wellbeing of the older people around us. Not just for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, but every day.
Some forms of abuse are more subtle than others and are often hidden in plain sight. It can be psychological, as well as physical, and more often than not people experience more than one type of abuse.
If you are concerned that someone is experiencing elder abuse, it’s OK to help. A free, confidential telephone helpline is available for help and support.”
Anyone can call 0800 32 668 65 (0800 EA NOT OK) whether you are being abused or you are concerned for someone who might be. You can also text 5032 or email [email protected]
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