Make sure everyone gets there burn permit before they burn.
Are you wanting to conduct an "open burn or an agricultural open burn" in Reno County? You need to apply for a Burn Permit. (Small recreational fires or cooking fires do not require a permit.) To apply for a Reno County Burn Permit go to www.renogov.org/controlledburn or scan the QR code in the flyer below.
Register as a new user or log in with your existing account. Fill in the address for each parcel of land that could be a part of an intended burn.
After receiving your burn permit, you must notify Hutchinson / Reno County Communications Center 30 minutes prior to the start of a burn by calling the non-emergency phone number at 620-694-2800. They will require this information from you: your name, address, telephone number and permit number(s) and the location, nature and circumstances of the proposed burn.