Asian Women's Shelter works to eliminate domestic violence by promoting the social, political and economic self-determination of women and all survivors of violence and oppression. Asian Women's Shelter (AWS) was founded in 1988 to address the needs of women, children, transgender and non-binary survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, especially those who are immigrants and refugees
. They inspire our unrelenting commitment to end violence in our families, communities, and world. We provide comprehensive survivor centered and trauma informed services in over forty languages, including a 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter program, transitional and permanent housing program, Arab Women’s Services and Q-RAB Program, Q***r Asian Women and Transgender Support Program, Anti-Trafficking Program, and more. At AWS, survivors and their children begin to heal and rebuild their lives. Other AWS initiatives engage our communities to affect positive change: Public Awareness, Grassroots Mobilization, Systems Advocacy & Change and Organizational & Movement Capacity Building. Contact us to learn more about opportunities to learn, volunteer, donate, contribute, and more. AWS follows an equal opportunity employment policy and employs personnel without regard to race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, s*x, s*xual orientation, gender expression, age, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status. AWS is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and does not discriminate with regard to applicants or employees with disabilities, and will make reasonable accommodations when necessary.