Candance Chow

Candance Chow I am running for the 17th District Illinois State House of Representatives as an extension of my journey as a public servant. Learn more

Candance Chow is a Democratic candidate for Illinois State Representative in District 17. Learn more at

Hybrid, remote or search mode friends…take a look at Dr. Angelique Adam’s quick video in simple ways to make sure you ar...

Hybrid, remote or search mode friends…take a look at Dr. Angelique Adam’s quick video in simple ways to make sure you are effective and visible to leaders while working remotely. This is a particularly important issue for women at mid career level who may take more advantage of new flexible options and then get overlooked by leadership for promotion.

The latest on what to expect in terms of the changing landscape of communication and collaboration now and going forward...

The latest on what to expect in terms of the changing landscape of communication and collaboration now and going forward in the workplace. See here to get a taste of the tools you need to be aware of...

Slack, Teams, Zoom. What will communication look like as you re-enter the workplace?

As we continue to navigate through life in a pandemic – the new normal – remote communication and collaboration become all the more essential. But working from home can be challenging, which is why a willingness to try new things is key. Various platforms offer services that make remote work easy and effective. The list below offers a few options that can help you stay connected and communicating while working from home!


Designed to support the way in which people work naturally, Slack is a collaboration hub that provides companies with easy-to-access communication tools. With organized conversations that allow you to talk individually or with larger groups, searchable history to find old conversations, and Slack calls that connect you to other members of your group, this platform mimics the environment of an actual office. Slack helps to bring you as close to a normal work environment as possible.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is another great platform that can help teams connect from afar. This platform allows you to hold meetings with groups of 10 or 10,000, giving opportunity for both small and big companies to stay in contact. Chats and calls can be held with individuals or groups from all over. Microsoft Teams makes collaboration easy by allowing groups to access, share, and edit word documents, PowerPoints and excel spread sheets.

Google Drive

Although Google Drive may not provide all remote working tools in one place, it is a great option for quickly sharing and editing documents. This platform is Google’s cloud service and allows you to store and sync files for easy backup. It can be accessed from multiple devices so you can edit wherever you are. Google Drive also allows you to share documents with others and watch them make edits in real time. This platform is great for quick and effective collaboration.


Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a comfortable environment that provides for easy communication. This platform allows for video, voice, and content sharing across various devices. Recently, many people have become familiar with this platform, which makes it an easy and seamless way to get a group of people together and talking.

These are just a few of the many collaborative platforms that help companies work remotely. If you are looking for a way to stay connected, consider any of these possibilities to best fit your communication needs. Creating a work environment similar to in-person collaboration is the key to success!

Some great Zoom tips from NextGroup and job opportunities in our area!

Some great Zoom tips from NextGroup and job opportunities in our area!

Make Zoom Work for You

In many respects, everyday life has come to a virtual standstill. But significantly, employers haven’t stopped searching for new employees, which means you shouldn't stop either. With limited face-to-face interactions, however, communication has shifted dramatically to online. Given that your next job interview—or networking session—will most likely be held over zoom, we have some advice about how best to approach your virtual interview with confidence and ease.

Background—Choose a quiet place with few distractions or ambient noise, with a background that is uncluttered but interesting, such as a bookcase or framed prints. Steer clear of virtual backgrounds—although fun, they can be distracting to you and your interviewer.

Lighting—Go for ambient lighting that isn’t too dark or too bright, and make sure to avoid backlighting.

Computer Screen—Elevate your computer so the screen is level with your chest. Sit about two feet away; not too close, not too far away! Because it's obvious when you look away from the camera, don’t give yourself the option of getting distracted—close all tabs and windows on your computer. Taking notes is fine, but make sure the file is located in a spot that doesn’t take your gaze away too often.

Set Up for the Call—Join the call a few minutes early to make sure both your video and audio are on and working—you don’t want to fuss with settings during the interview.

1. To soften your appearance, go to the video settings tab and check the box “touch up appearance.” Everyone gets self-conscious on camera, so a slight touch-up can boost confidence and make you feel more comfortable being on screen.

2. Update setting so that you join initially without video. This will allow you to compose yourself before starting your interview.

3. Even when it’s virtual, eye contact is still important. Look straight into the camera to show that you are engaged and interested throughout. Remember to sit up straight and be aware of your “resting” face. Body language is always important, even when on screen.

Do Your Homework—Just like with any other interview, preparation is key. Research the company and have questions ready. Being prepared will calm your nerves and allow you to be fully focused during the interview.

Zoom may be a little out of your comfort zone, but these tips can help take your in-person skills to a virtual setting. Don't be camera shy—who knows where your next zoom call may lead!

Anyone looking for a great job right here in Evanston?  If you have and HR background, this is a wonderful opportunity f...

Anyone looking for a great job right here in Evanston? If you have and HR background, this is a wonderful opportunity for women who are relaunching or pivoting their careers. See more below

Evanston Elder Care Needs HR Director

Director of Human Resources | Three Crowns Park | Evanston | Full-time

Would you like to lend a helping hand during this time of need? Come make a difference in the lives of elderly residents at Three Crowns Park. Three Crowns Park seeks a motivated individual who shares its passion and commitment to provide a genuine and unparalleled level of service for its residents. The Director is responsible for developing, coordinating and administering all aspects of Human Resources.

Three Crowns Park is a not-for-profit retirement community in Evanston that has worked to re-create and re-invent retirement living for over 125 years. As a Life Plan community, Three Crowns’ experienced and long-serving staff delivers a Continuum of Care right on campus – Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, and Nursing Care – available as needed.

Hey friends and family.  If you haven't already liked and followed NextGroup's FB page, please do so today.  That way yo...

Hey friends and family. If you haven't already liked and followed NextGroup's FB page, please do so today. That way you can join the growing network of women we support and provide great resources, tips and job opportunities in our area like this info below!

Don’t let those basic interview questions trip you up!

Job interviews may seem far from mind right now, but today’s New York Time’s Smarter Living column offers some basic advice about those interview questions most likely to give you trouble. With a little preparation, Bryan Clark reasons, you can easily nail those four basic interview questions and land that job. Don’t let the “Tell me about yourself” question throw you—most often interviewers use this opening to get you talking. And even though “Where might you be in five years?” is much less relevant these days given how often people change jobs, talk less about where you’d like to be physically, and more about what you’d like to learn over the next five years. When confronted with the dreaded “What is your greatest weakness?” query—one Clark argues should be dropped from the repertoire—don’t indulge in the “humble brag” and turn a strength into a phony weakness. Employers can smell insincerity a mile away. And finally, “Do you have any questions for me?” gives you a great opportunity to turn the interview into a real dialogue. And what connects all these great answers—preparation!

Read more about mastering basic interview questions in Newman's power to her office was literally cut b...

Marie Newman's power to her office was literally cut by the machine last week. Makes my blood boil as it should yours. Share this and encourage folks to go to her website Marie Newman for Congress (apparently I can't link to two different site in the same post).

“The Machine can keep playing all its dirty tricks, but their days are numbered. Our grassroots people-powered campaign will keep chatting with our neighbors about the need to elect a real Democrat with real plans for all of .”


I am very proud to serve on the Steering Committee for Marie Newman who is running for Congress in IL-03. Her comments a few hours ago ring true here in Evanston as well as across the nation. To do the work we need to do, we must do it at all levels and in relationship. Please join me to make sure this leader and advocate replaces the Dan Lipinski in Congress - a Democrat with truthfully the worst record of any in ensuring all voices are valued, heard and included as we do the work of this nation. Go to to learn more.

I am so very excited about the prospect of Marie making another run for Congress in the 3rd district.  She's a winner wi...

I am so very excited about the prospect of Marie making another run for Congress in the 3rd district. She's a winner with heart, brain and soul committed to the needs of her district and our larger democracy. Please join the movement to support in final push to make the official call to enter this race. 2nd times a charm! I'm right now forming a committee to bring Marie to Evanston in June so look for an invite to that and to learn more about her vision.

Make a donation and let's elect a true progressive to Congress.


Thank you to the Frances Willard House Museum for asking me to speak on leadership today for their 179th Anniversary of Frances Willard's birth. I distilled the needed traits for great leaders down to O,H,G - Optimism, Humility and Grit. What do you think?

I have served on the Board of COPE since its inception.  So proud of the work these moms, dads, kids and community membe...

I have served on the Board of COPE since its inception. So proud of the work these moms, dads, kids and community members do for our students. Please join me in donating to the annual backpack/supplies drive. Just $25 from 100 of you will get us 1/4 of the way to our goal!

C.O.P.E. volunteers are housed at Evanston schools and provide assistance for Evanston families who have urgent safety, shelter or sustenance needs.

Thanks to everyone who spoke in support of passage of the ERA here in Illinois.  I remember pushing for passage some 20 ...

Thanks to everyone who spoke in support of passage of the ERA here in Illinois. I remember pushing for passage some 20 plus years ago in D.C. - its well past due as a foundational element of our constitution.

The Illinois House voted Wednesday night to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment more than 45 years after it was approved by Congress, putting it one state away from possible enshrinement in the U.S. Constitution amid potential legal questions.

Rep. Kelly Cassidy stands for every woman, every Democrat in Springfield when she has the guts to speak the unspoken tru...

Rep. Kelly Cassidy stands for every woman, every Democrat in Springfield when she has the guts to speak the unspoken truth, and use herself as a catalyst for change. Thank you Rep. Cassidy! I hope others will share their gratitude for her bravery.

House Speaker Michael Madigan has asked the legislature’s top watchdog to investigate allegations that his allies retaliated against a Democratic lawmaker, a move that could provide him some insulation as he remains under fire over sexual harassment claims in his political and government organizat...

I wanted to share this report as a follow up to conversations regarding a graduated income tax.

I wanted to share this report as a follow up to conversations regarding a graduated income tax.

A research group unveils a pair of graduated income tax options that for the first time tell taxpayers exactly where they and the state budget would stand. The key income figure: $300,000.

Thank you to Dilara Sayeed for putting this commentary out there.  I too hope to lend my voice to the need for reform to...

Thank you to Dilara Sayeed for putting this commentary out there. I too hope to lend my voice to the need for reform to our processes, practices, and culture of campaigns going forward.

If any of you who were my supporters - or not my supporters - during the primary election wish to join this effort, please comment or let me know via private message.

For me, this is about using the experience gained through the campaign for the betterment of our election and governance systems as a whole.

I too have received many thank yous for running especially amid a very tough campaign environment. I truly appreciate the acknowledgement of how hard it is. But it shouldn't be so hard - at least not in this way. The difficulty should be around the ability to listen, convey a message, and have thoughtful, fact-based dialogue around the extremely complex issues our state faces. That's what should be hard about running for office. And, that's exactly why we need change so desperately. More to come.

Dilara Sayeed, who ran for state representative in the March 20 primary election, explains why more good people don't run for office.


Dear Supporters:

At approximately 10pm on Tuesday night, I called Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz to congratulate her on winning the Democratic nomination for Illinois State Representative in District 17.

I entered this race six months ago because of my deep conviction that all children deserve access to excellent public education and fulfilling economic opportunity. Our campaign has only deepened this belief. As I knocked on doors throughout Evanston, Skokie, Wilmette, and Glenview, I met the most incredible parents, grandparents, educators, professionals, and students. Across this district, people agree that we must do whatever it takes to secure a bright future for our children and their children by providing affordable housing and access to mental health support, progressive tax reform and common sense gun reform, quality early childhood education and targeted career training.

With your help, I will continue to fight for these issues regardless of the office or title I hold.

This campaign was powered by people. Over 450 individuals contributed financial resources to make this possible. Over 200 people across this district volunteered to knock on doors, write postcards, host meet and greets, enter and compile data, write emails, and much, much more. Despite significant obstacles, together, we came within striking distance of a win.

I could not have asked for a better “kitchen cabinet” - a huge thank you to Pete Giangreco, Coray Ames Hoffner, Ju Chien Hsu, Barbara Kahler, Dawn Koenigsknecht, John Kupper, Bridget Nelson, Rachel Niemann, Tracy Quattrocki, Andy Ross, and of course, Leslie Weyhrich, who volunteered countless (and many late) hours to make this thing move forward.

I am honored to have had the support of progressive, independent Democratic leaders including State Senator Heather Steans and State Representative Kelly Cassidy, and Democratic Committee Chairs, Eamon Kelly, Lucy Herman Moog and Carol Ronen.

I believe we are part of a larger movement, one that acknowledges that we must change the way politics are done in Illinois.

I will continue to fight for the future of all of our children. What is more, I am excited to have an even bigger and bolder group of friends and colleagues to do this work with me.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making this possible.


Today is Election Day folks! Please go vote and, if you live in the 17th, vote for Candance Chow.Your voter information:...

Today is Election Day folks! Please go vote and, if you live in the 17th, vote for Candance Chow.

Your voter information:

As the next 17th District State Representative, Candance Chow will fight hard for our public schools, for affordable housing and mental health supports, for a fair, progressive tax system, for workforce and jobs readiness programs, and for fiscal responsibility in our state. (Please find my issues platform here:

Candance Chow is 100% pro-choice and 100% in support of common sense gun control.

Candance Chow currently serves as a District 65 Evanston/Skokie School Board member and last year led the effort to save our schools from disastrous budget cuts by passing a referendum with a historic 80% approval. Candance Chow is an independent, progressive Democrat who will put our families and kids first, and politics last.

Learn more here:

Candance Chow will put our kids and families first, and politics last as an independent, progressive Democrat and champi...

Candance Chow will put our kids and families first, and politics last as an independent, progressive Democrat and champion for our public schools. That's why she is endorsed by Chicago Tribune, Senator Heather Steans, State Representative Kelly Cassidy, Carol Ronen 9th CD Democratic Committeewoman, Eamon Kelly, Liz Tisdahl, Mark Tendam, Hon. Delores Holmes, Steve Hagerty, and many many more.

Join them and vote for change in Illinois. Vote for Candance Chow!

Election Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, March 20th. Find all your voting information here:

Follow the money. And as fmr 6th Ward Alderman Mark Tendam said, vote for Candance Chow, the “only progressive, independ...

Follow the money. And as fmr 6th Ward Alderman Mark Tendam said, vote for Candance Chow, the “only progressive, independent candidate in this race who can beat Mike Madigan’s candidate.”

Early Voting is still open tomorrow. Election Day is this Tuesday, March 20th (6AM - 7PM).

Voters should know how much money and where Gong-Gershowitz gets her money

Enjoying the thrill of early voting with Sydney and the world’s best intern Rebecca Lee

Enjoying the thrill of early voting with Sydney and the world’s best intern Rebecca Lee

I won't be on TV this weekend (much to the dismay of my mom). I'll be out knocking on doors and talking with voters at e...

I won't be on TV this weekend (much to the dismay of my mom). I'll be out knocking on doors and talking with voters at early-vote polling locations. I hope to see you there!

This is "Candance Chow for 17th District Illinois State Representative" by Gabriel Frankel on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who…

BREAKING: RoundTable Editorial Board is now urging voters NOT to vote for Jen Gong-Gershowitz for State Representative. ...

BREAKING: RoundTable Editorial Board is now urging voters NOT to vote for Jen Gong-Gershowitz for State Representative.

The Time for Change is Chow!

Please share widely. Let's Get-Out-the-Vote!

This section contains editorials, guest essays, blogs and letters to the editor concerning Evanston issues.

BREAKING: "Late last night,... Jen Gong-Gershowitz for State Representative disclosed contributions totaling over $366,0...

BREAKING: "Late last night,... Jen Gong-Gershowitz for State Representative disclosed contributions totaling over $366,000" from those "loyal to Speaker Madigan". That's some $600,000 Gong-Gershowitz is spending to buy this election.

Madigan must "win this primary race because if Chow wins she probably won't arrive in Springfield next January as a happy freshman duckling," says Sun-Times contributor, Rich Miller.

Donate today! Help us fight back and mobilize against the machine to elect a Democrat with integrity and a champion for our public schools.

Join us! Contribute today.

It's despicable. Gov. Rauner has put politics and fealty to the NRA above the safety of our kids and families, vetoing t...

It's despicable. Gov. Rauner has put politics and fealty to the NRA above the safety of our kids and families, vetoing the gun dealer licensing act.

We license barbers, car dealers, and booze, but after an Evanston Township High School graduate lost his life to gun violence, a Chicago police officer was shot in the line of duty, and 17 students and teachers were gunned down in a mass shooting in Florida, we still cannot license fi****ms? It's despicable, but we will not give up until we have common sense gun laws across this state and across this country.

Gov. Bruce Rauner said Tuesday he will veto legislation that would have required gun dealers to get state licenses.

One of our student fellows wrote an article for the New Trier News about the rise of student activism in response to the...

One of our student fellows wrote an article for the New Trier News about the rise of student activism in response to the tragedy in Parkland, FL. Students are the future. This is why we do what we do--to pave the way for our kids"

Julia Cordover, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (MSD), was surprised when the fire alarm rang for the second time in one school day. Earlier that day, students had gone through a fire drill, a common practice at most high schools. During the last period of the day, the alarm went of...

Watch this message from Candance Chow responding directly to the false and deceptive mailers being sent out by Madigan a...

Watch this message from Candance Chow responding directly to the false and deceptive mailers being sent out by Madigan and Gong-Gershowitz. Then, please share widely.

Candance Chow responds to the false and distorted mailers being sent out by Mike Madigan and the Friends of Jen Gong-Gershowitz

  is fired up, fighting back, and ready to win! Standing room only with Carol Ronen, Eamon Kelly, Mayor Steve Hagerty, a...

is fired up, fighting back, and ready to win! Standing room only with Carol Ronen, Eamon Kelly, Mayor Steve Hagerty, and Candance Chow to mobilize against the machine and knock doors for a Democrat with integrity and a champion for our public schools. Only 8 Days left! Sign-up now to GOTV ("Get-Out-the-Vote") for Candance Chow here:

BREAKING: The New Trier Democrats have called out the "nasty mailings" from Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, prompting them to ...

BREAKING: The New Trier Democrats have called out the "nasty mailings" from Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, prompting them to revisit their endorsement process.

Last night, the NTDO Executive Committee held its monthly meeting. The agenda included the usual housekeeping items, finances, etc. as well as discussion of future New Trier Dems events and Get Out…

BREAKING: Editorial Board of Evanston RoundTable warns voters about Gong-Gershowitz' false attacks."In our view, some of...

BREAKING: Editorial Board of Evanston RoundTable warns voters about Gong-Gershowitz' false attacks.

"In our view, some of the flyers mailed by the campaign of Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz one of five candidates for State Representative of the 17th District, go beyond the pale," said the Editorial Board.

"A flyer that many residents of the 17th District received in the mail this week states in big bold letters: “Candance Chow will join Donald Trump and Bruce Rauner in cutting our schools and cutting our children’s futures short.

Anyone who knows Ms. Chow knows this is absurd. As President of the District 65 School Board, she worked tirelessly on the April 2017 referendum to secure more funding for the children in School District 65’s schools. The whole point of the referendum was to provide funding for local public schools and to avoid teacher layoffs and larger class sizes."

This section contains editorials, guest essays, blogs and letters to the editor concerning Evanston issues.

 ! Show your support for Candance Chow by adding this to your profile picture now. It's simple and effective. Its Time f...

! Show your support for Candance Chow by adding this to your profile picture now. It's simple and effective. Its Time for Chow!


Vote Candance Chow - an independent, progressive Democrat - for 17th District Illinois State Representative. Endorsed by Chicago Tribune. Early Voting is open so vote today!


Stay Tuned: In a few minutes Candance Chow will be live with Dan Coyne talking about the state of the race...

Thanks for having me New Trier High School's AP Gov & Politics class as a guest speaker! Thanks for chatting with me abo...

Thanks for having me New Trier High School's AP Gov & Politics class as a guest speaker! Thanks for chatting with me about grassroots politics, gun control, and reform in public education!

BREAKING: State Senator Heather Steans & State Representative Kelly Cassidy two of the  most respected progressive legis...

BREAKING: State Senator Heather Steans & State Representative Kelly Cassidy two of the most respected progressive legislators in Illinois, have joined and endorsed Candance Chow for Illinois State Rep.

Sen. Heather Steans: “Candance is the kind of independent force we need more of in Springfield. As an advocate for women and girls and a strong leader on education, she will stand up against business-as-usual and fight for families and children."

Rep. Kelly Cassidy: “It’s easy to claim you’re independent, but it’s harder to prove it. Throughout her life and career, Candance has shown the gumption to take on powerful forces and defeat them.”

See our full press release here:

Thank you Pastor Cherry for having me at Christ Temple Church Evanston IL this morning!

Thank you Pastor Cherry for having me at Christ Temple Church Evanston IL this morning!


Evanston, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 8pm




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