The festivities will take place on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24. First, Rockingham will be extolling the results of the historic house’s exterior renovation during a seven-month closure in 2023 and officially toasting the grand reopening (last September) of the house for tours with a 1:00 pm ceremony from the second-floor porch to kick off the afternoon’s celebrations. Announcements of future work to continue to ready the site for the 250th celebration of our country’s founding will be included. Then, George Washington will be celebrated with an open house event commemorating his 292nd birthday. The downstairs parlors and the upstairs military office, featuring our life-sized Washington will be open from after the opening ceremony to 4:00 pm, with no need for reservations. Visitors can interact with period-clothed staff, participate in a scavenger hunt and pick up a child’s activity pamphlet to go. The rooms will be themed with three major aspects of Washington: Virginia Planter, Continental Commander in Chief, and President. The porch, normally closed to the public, will also be open for limited access. The Friends of Washington Crossing Park fife-and-drum corps will be accompanying the day's festivities either on the grounds or in the barn. There will be light refreshments available in the kitchen and the museum store will be open.
More may be added to the day’s festivities, so keep checking the Rockingham Historic Site page and our website, www.rockingham.net. A donation of $5 is suggested.