Our Purpose
PLEASE NOTE: THHI does not provide services or public assistance to individuals directly.
THHI serves as the lead entity for Hillsborough Countyβs Continuum of Care, and assists organizations and agencies within Hillsborough Countyβs Continuum of Care by assisting to administer federal, state and local funding through contracts with social service agencies.
Our purpose is to LEAD the Continuum of Care in COLLABORATION with agencies in order to develop and provide INNOVATIVE solutions to reduce and end homelessness in Tampa-Hillsborough County.
This collaboration with a wide range of partners (homeless service providers, government officials, advocates, business and community leaders, and people who are homeless) engages and mobilizes systems of care on a local, regional and national level to develop effective prevention and intervention services for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
THHI performs several important functions to coordinate homeless services in the CoC which include:
-Leading and coordinating the CoC through system-wide planning and collaborations;
-Developing, coordinating, and monitoring new and existing housing and services programs to meet the needs of the homeless and/or at-risk population;
-Administering federal, state and local funding through contracts with social service agencies to deliver these services;
-Ensuring through monitoring that funds are efficiently and effectively utilized based on community performance data standards; and
-Coordinating the annual homeless count in Hillsborough County.
Through these and other efforts, the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative works to:
-Strengthen the homeless crisis response system,
-Implement community wide, proven models of intervention,
-Utilize data and metrics to evaluate and improve program performance, and
-Promote community engagement
β¦ all with the goal to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring in Tampa-Hillsborough County.