Friends of Bill Bauer

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Friends of Bill Bauer This FB page is to share your thoughts and ideas for the betterment of our community of West Seneca.

I once again chose to run for election for the town councilman position so that I can continue to represent your concerns in the town government forum.

As promised, our SPLASH PAD is OPEN! On time, on budget.Last spring a splash pad for West Seneca was a dream.After a yea...

As promised, our SPLASH PAD is OPEN! On time, on budget.
Last spring a splash pad for West Seneca was a dream.
After a year of my coordination with the recreation and highway departments and a local contractor, I am proud to present a cost saving alternative for the kids. Since the splash pad does not require lifeguards, our town saves $45,000 annually.


At the end of last night's West Seneca Town Board meeting, West Seneca Chief of Police, Mr. Daniel Denz, made a surprise...

At the end of last night's West Seneca Town Board meeting, West Seneca Chief of Police, Mr. Daniel Denz, made a surprise announcement that he will be retiring within the next 2 weeks.

Chief Denz has done an exceptional job of overseeing the Town’s security and protection through our recent Covid pandemic with confidence, forethought, and constant vigilance on a daily basis. He has been strong and responsible leader of our Police force for the last 8 years. Combined with the total of 32 years of police service to the Town of West Seneca, Dan has been a true public servant and model citizen for the Town of West Seneca.

With Chief Dan Denz’s constant foresight and diligence, he has shaped our police force so that upon his departure, our town will be in great hands with our new Police management structure for years to come.

Thank you Chief Denz for all your help, guidance and friendship, both myself and the citizens of our town will surely miss you and wish you nothing but happiness and good health in your future.


William Bauer
Town Councilman
The Term Limits Law

Comments by Councilman Bill Bauer
​I have full faith in the taxpayers and voters of the Town of West Seneca in their ability to ascertain the capabilities and talents of the candidates that they elect or reject on election day. It is the obligation and privilege of the registered voters of the Town of West Seneca to limit the term of every elected official that works for the Town. That responsibility should not be borne by the Town Board of West Seneca.
​The Town’s business structure is similar to that of a corporation in the private industry. In the private industry, it is the responsibility and duty of the upper management level of the corporation to hire and retain the most talented and conscientious managers, within an acceptable budget, to collectively as a team, run the business to make it as successful with controlled growth and sustainability. If the term limits, as proposed by Councilman Piekarec, were enacted into this business model that would mean that every 4 years, it would be a requirement to FIRE 50% of the upper management of the business, including the Chief Executive Officer. And this process would continue on for every 4 years. This would destroy the pool of talented managers that you strive to retain, the people that you are depending on to move your organization to the next level of success and obliterate the possibility of long-term continuous success. In a successful business, it is always beneficial to hire and nurture the most talented employees that you can and retain them in your employment for as long as they continue to be solid performers.
​I had the privilege over the past weekend to speak with a retired town employee that has an exceptional performance resume with the Town of West Seneca and is the epitome of service and respect in our community. This alumnus had served 3 terms, 12 years, on the Town Board as a councilperson and then went on to serve 3 additional terms, 12 years, as Supervisor for the Town of West Seneca. The taxpayers and voters elected and re-elected this individual to 6 continuous terms of office, for a total 24 years of service to this Town. This example of strength, resilience and service to our community is Ms. Joan Lillis.
I have permission from Joan Lillis to let you know that she is also against term limits for the elected officials of the Town of West Seneca.
For all of these reasons, I am against term limits being imposed on the elected officials of the Town of West Seneca.
At the June 14th Town Board meeting it was voted on to hold a public meeting at July 12th Town Board meeting to hear the public's comments on the issue of term limits for the positions of the Town Supervisor and the town board members. It will be voted on by the town board members either after the closing of the public meeting on July 12th or possibly at the following town board meeting.

3/21 is World Down Syndrome Day!  I celebrated by spending extra time with my granddaughter Amelia!

3/21 is World Down Syndrome Day! I celebrated by spending extra time with my granddaughter Amelia!


The Town Board approved last night Sutton Architecture's request for a special use permit to serve alcohol at 555 Orchard Park Road.

The group aims to convert the existing vacant building into a restaurant and brewery with outdoor seating. Dave Sutton said the restaurant and brewery should be completed within one year.

Read the full story in this week's Sun.


I would like to give the West Seneca taxpayers a short update of the 3/30/20 Town Board meeting. The Town Board passed, in a 3 -2 vote, to accept the NYS funding of $100,000 from Assemblyman Patrick Burke to cover the cost of the needed structural repairs for 2020. The work will be performed by the Town of West Seneca Highway and Buildings and Grounds department employees and equipment and will have oversight by a professional structural engineer, the Town Engineering, Code Enforcement, Finance and Highway Department. A monthly progress report and budget oversight will be submitted to the Town Board for publication. There will be no additional cost to the taxpayers of West Seneca to bring this building back to a fully functioning facility. A delay in approving the acceptance of the funding would have risked the $100,000.00 to be pulled from the Town of West Seneca and be given to another municipality.
The work on this project will not proceed until the current Corona virus pandemic is under control, the West Seneca town employees are back to their jobs and until the funding from DASNY (Dormitory Authority) is released to the Town of West Seneca. The vast majority of the town residents that I have been in contact with over this issue are in favor or repairing the Burchfield at no cost to the taxpayers, as opposed to having the taxpayers fund the demolition of the building themselves.
I have been elected to represent all the residents of the Town of West Seneca, be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers and work to make West Seneca a better place to live. Repairing our fixed assets, maximizing our workforce productivity and doing so at no additional cost to our taxpayers is exactly what I was elected to do. Now is not the time for promises, it’s the time for progress.

Today marks the start of my position on the West Seneca Town Council.. My eldest son (Dr. William J. Bauer) held the bib...

Today marks the start of my position on the West Seneca Town Council.. My eldest son (Dr. William J. Bauer) held the bible as I was sworn in by judge Shannon Filbert. It was a humbling yet enthusiastic experience. I look forward to assisting the current administration to improve our town in 2020. Thanks again to all the individuals who helped me accomplish this.


If you weren’t one of the over 2,000 West Seneca early voters, I would appreciate if you would commit to voting on Tuesday, November 5th. Vote the “A” line of candidates for a new era of prosperity and pride in our hometown.
With the campaign coming to an end and the election in a just 1 day, I would like to take this time to thank all of our friends and family for all the effort, guidance and contributions that you have afforded me over the last 10 months. Your generosity and sincere support of my run for political office has been truly humbling for me and I will forever be thankful to each one of you.


PLEASE SHARE THIS -The West Seneca Bee requested biographies from each of the candidates to help their readers learn more about everyone.
I am publishing the bio I've submitted to the Bee here for you to share (limited to 250 words)
William J. Bauer (Bill Bauer)
Candidate for the 2-year Town of West Seneca Councilman term
The democratic, conservative and working families candidate.
I am married, have 4 adult children and have lived in WS for 33 years. I attended Hutch Tech and graduated from SUNY Alfred with a degree in Construction Management.

After 25 years in the WNY construction industry, I started and ran a successful local highway construction business in WS
for 12 years (Edbauer Construction). employed over 100 tradesmen on contracts of $10 million per year.

Since 2014, I have volunteered on 2 committees with our town (Comprehensive Plan and Sign
Revision) and last year was appointed to the Town Ethics Board. due to the combination of spending time on this board/committees, and with my construction and business background, I feel that I have the experience needed to help monitor and control costs in West Seneca.

My goals as councilman are to:
 increase the tax revenue by attracting new and maintaining existing businesses in the Town.also control the Towns expenditures by closely monitoring spending.

 Utilize the current workforce for all Town repairs and maintenance and minimize the outsourcing of work to contractors and vendors.

 Repair the Burchfield Nature Preserve building with town workforce

 Work with the owner of the old Seneca Mall site to have redevelopment start asap and to incorporate mixed use business and housing center along with community based recreational attractions.

West Seneca needs smart economic development and fair labor contracts.

West Seneca needs smart economic development and fair labor contracts.


Lets Get out and VOTE for the best change for your town board!


Bill Bauer: Bringing Real Experience to the West Seneca Town Board
Early Voting Starts Saturday, Oct. 26

Let's get out to vote for a positive change to your town board, with some real experience!!  (Resume on friendsofbillbau...

Let's get out to vote for a positive change to your town board, with some real experience!! (Resume on

Lets Get out and VOTE for the best change for your town board!


My wife Sherry and I went to the 2nd debate for Town Of WS Supervisor this evening. It was a standing room only event starring James Lawson​, Gene Hart Jr.​, and Gary Dickson; All candidates for Supervisor. Great community involvement.
The debate was wide ranging including the environment, town employees, the Burchfield and of course taxes! All 3 candidates had a good grasp on the topics that the taxpayers demand attention on. Please, all West Seneca Voters, do your homework. Look at all the candidate resumes and work ethics and vote for the best qualified leader for our town for the next 4 years.
This town needs a multi-talented, diverse and hardworking leader to energize our community pride and solidify our future!

Bill Bauer: Bringing Real Experience to the West Seneca Town Board

Bill Bauer: Bringing Real Experience to the West Seneca Town Board

I want a small piece of your LAWN!  If you are in West Seneca and haven't requested a  BIll Bauer Candidate sign, please...

I want a small piece of your LAWN! If you are in West Seneca and haven't requested a BIll Bauer Candidate sign, please do so by responding with your street address below! We will begin putting signs out in October! Thanks!!

Thanks to Local 6 Ironworker's Hall for a top Notch location for our fund raiser.  Perfect Venue!

Thanks to Local 6 Ironworker's Hall for a top Notch location for our fund raiser. Perfect Venue!

Final Fund Raiser Event for Friends Of Bill Bauer

Final Fund Raiser Event for Friends Of Bill Bauer

Final Fund Raiser Event for Friends Of Bill Bauer

A lot of support and fun @ Timothy Healy’s fundraiser tonight!!

A lot of support and fun @ Timothy Healy’s fundraiser tonight!!

Since some of you don't have time to look at the  information on my campaign website ( I have...

Since some of you don't have time to look at the information on my campaign website ( I have decided to additionally post my Election Platform here for your review!
Bill Bauer’s
2020 - 2021 Town Councilman - Employment Platform

Increase the tax base by attracting, welcoming and retaining new businesses and development by accelerating the approval process to expedite the start of construction.

Retain existing businesses by addressing their concerns and mediating a solution on a one on one basis.

Aggressively pursue the development of the former Seneca Mall site by continuing my current open dialog with the property owners of the site. Utilizing my 40 years of infrastructure and development management experience I have with a personal goal to have a shovel in the ground for the start of development, prior to Nov. of 2021.

Review and negotiate private engineering and construction contracts with the Town for cost cutting initiatives, material substitutions and VECPs (Value Engineering Cost Proposals)
Meticulously review the need for outside consultants and self - perform as much work in-house with our current workforce as possible. The town should utilize the talented individuals that they currently employ, on smaller projects, instead of outsourcing to private companies.

Town government needs to be more open and ethical. Each town employee should have to attend annual ethics training and execute an ethics document that ties to employment along with the mandated sexual harassment training.

Initiate a program to inventory and evaluate the market value of the equipment owned by the town, track the cost of repairs for each piece of equipment and determine if keeping the equipment is cost effective compared to purchasing new or renting for short terms. Sell current equipment that is excessively under utilized.

I would like to be the Town’s liaison on infrastructure and building construction and repairs, as well as participate in the grant application process for future funding requests.

Participate in future collective bargaining agreements with signatory town unions. I have almost 20 years of experience in negotiating collective bargaining agreements between unions and owners.

Develop target dates for the implementation of the goals detailed in the Town’s recently adopted comprehensive plan and follow through with the ex*****on of these tasks when they are financially achievable

in support of his West Seneca Town Board Campaign

Yet another endorserment came in today, this time from the IronWorkers Local No 6 - I have worked with them for 30 years...

Yet another endorserment came in today, this time from the IronWorkers Local No 6 - I have worked with them for 30 years and I appreciate our business relationship.

Enjoyed a nice evening with friends listening to 'Strictly Hip' at the Queen of Heaven carnival tonight!

Enjoyed a nice evening with friends listening to 'Strictly Hip' at the Queen of Heaven carnival tonight!

Had a great time last night supporting Congressman Brian Higgins!

Had a great time last night supporting Congressman Brian Higgins!

Thank you to all my supporters for bringing me Victory at the Primary!We will be gathering our signs back and will retur...

Thank you to all my supporters for bringing me Victory at the Primary!
We will be gathering our signs back and will return them in October!




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