FB family first and foremost I am grateful to God for the response that my 1st published book, "Truth is Stranger Than Fiction and Usually a Lot More Colorful," has received! No one but God could have accomplished what has happened thus far and the best is still yet to come! Thank you to everyone that has purchased the book thus far, I appreciate your support and do not take it likely. If you have not received your FREE companion workbook, please visit my website, www.mvp-notarialsvcs.com and send me your email through the Contact Me page and I will email it to you! On this Wednesday at 12 noon (EST) I will be interviewed on the Radio Talk Show, "Dare to Be Authentic." Please use this link to listen in https://www.blogtalkradio.com/marimitchellporter/2024/05/08/dreams-deferred-are-not-dreams-denied-with-guest-shirley-ann-stewart-tibbs
Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I hope that you stay blessed on PURPOSE!
Join me with guest Shirley Ann Stewart-Tibbs talking about not giving up on your dreams and her book "Truth is Stranger than Fiction." Shirley Ann is a published author, a motivational speaker, and a preacher. She shares the truth about her life so that others who have experienced the same or simila...