Subject: Hindi Course Praramvik and Pragya must be compulsory for the teachers of Sanskrit subject in the government schools of West Bengal.
It has been observed that almost all schools in West Bengal has a Sanskrit subject teacher. Sanskrit teachers are almost free as Sanskrit is taught in class seven and eight only. Sanskrit teachers are either B A or M A in Sanskrit and having B Ed degree. They get full salary like other subject teachers but take class for seven and eight only. Government should train such teachers of Sanskrit subject for Hindi Course Praramvik and Pragya so that after being trained they can teach Hindi in class Five to Ten in government schools in West Bengal. Sanskrit teachers will be able to cope up Hindi very easily and hence all Sanskrit subject teachers of West Bengal should be trained as conversion course quickly. As Sanskrit is taught only in class seven and eight hence Sanskrit teachers take only two class daily, rest of the time they remain free but they get full salary and it is a great loss in the field of education. Hence government must introduce Praramvik and Pragya Hindi course for Sanskrit teachers of West Bengal on Saturday and Sunday and during Summer holiday so that they become eligible to teach Hindi for the students of class Five to Ten. Sanskrit subject teachers must be converted nto Hindi teacher s in emergency basis. Further few teachers should be deployed in different Hindi Training Centre from Hindi Speaking area like Bihar and Uttarpradesh, Madhya Pradesh so that they can teach Hindi to Sanskrit teachers in West Bengal. In every district of West Bengal, atleast four Hindi training centre must be opened to facilitate Sanskrit teachers to attend Hindi Class on Saturday and Sunday and during Summer holiday. This is a good technique to introduce Hindi subject in the government schools of West Bengal. Please take necessary steps soon.
Please inform the above matter to U G C N C T E, Central Education Minister (formerly Human Resource Development department) through email and writing a formal letter. Sometimes, department do not check email regularly and a postal letter will be definitely checked. If you write a letter and drop it in letter box of post office then they must read it because it is hard copy and everybody will see it. They must take action. Email करेंगे तो ईमेल नहीं देख सकते लेकिन चिट्ठी लिखेंगे तो चिट्ठी जरूर पड़ेंगे और काम होगा । इसलिए ईमेल कीजिए और साथ में चिट्ठी भी लिखिए ।