Mr Anthony Carr
Come on down.
Well well well what do we have here then. Loyal followers, nosey folk and service managers and creeps, below you will see how corrupt, incompetent and downright threatening some of our senior managers really are.
Exhibits 1-8 clearly show how deformed, out of touch and downright narcissistic this so called senior manager is. Firstly make up your mind, are ”your” staff following SOPs or not ??
VDIs are just about consumables, what about baldy tyres, loose wheels, no screen wash, no fuel, no oil, light defects, missing lifesaving equipment?? So will you stand up in the fatal accident enquiry and defend the driver due to ”your” staff breaking SOP and having them drive ?? We doubt it
End of shift and rest break SOP. It’s very clear from your mumblings that these aren’t working and your staff sometimes do what they like. Mixed messages here Mr Carr, are we following some SOPs or all SOPs or just whatever suits on the day. Sort out your own house.
Fatal accident enquiries??
Your SLT defended staff but those staff don’t know. Are you thick ?? The control room messes up every shift, individuals are sometimes to blame but as always never taken to task. Sweep sweep 🧹 under the magic carpet. Please stop trying to scare people.
SOCIAL MEDIA well well well we sat here at HQ and laughed and laughed. You are no closer to finding out who we all are, Elon musk is closer to landing on the moon that you are to unmask all of us. Do not tell people who they can and can’t engage with, you do not own these people, you can not inform them who to and not speak to, I would go as far as saying this is coercive behavior and breaches a few rules Mr Carr. If you continue to try and silence staff we won’t allow it.
How about you put more time and effort into sorting out the bad apples that spoil your area of work, take the bad ones to task and set examples, but no you send out narcissistic coercive emails to scare staff under the guise of you being supportive.
Heres some advice
Start being honest, start doing your job and stop wasting time writing scaremongering emails trying to disguise it as support and stop wasting time trying to find us
Or has JAMIE MCNAMEE got you in his pocket too ? maybe this is the real reason as we see no improvement in your area of business. The big Tesco boss not delivering.
I say us as there’s 8 of us 🙃🙃
We are not here to chastise the service we are here to out the wrong ones, the bullies, the corrupt and the ones with 9 lives.
Over and out