Greetings from NASSDOC!
We would like to apprise you of the training session on 'EBSCO Social Science Databases Training Session. a provider of widely used e-resource databases, is going to conduct an onsite training session, to be hosted by Mr. Abhinash Choudhary, Training Manager, EBSCO Information Services, for the NASSDOC Library users.
The training will be conducted online. Date and Time: July 28th, 2023, 11 a.m.
Link to join on your computer, mobile app or room device:
Zoom Link - https://ebsco-india.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rRayYIIPQc26jL0iQLwFAA
Webinar ID - 81344617277
Webinar Passcode – 062938
The attendees would require to register to join the session on the above link.
A line of confirmation for your participation will be highly appreciated, and we look forward to meeting you in the training session.
A participation certificate will be provided on demand.
EBSCO Online Training | NASSDOC