Historical testimonies show that few residents earlier inhabited Abuanan with scaterred houses alongside the century old Bago River. There was only one pathway going east with virgin scene of bamboo groves, coconut trees and forest trees. It was known earlier as “Numancia” which was patterned from one of the places in Spain. During the 18′” century, “Numancia ” was considered a town with nearby si
tio called Abuanan in the haciendas of Pedro Villasor and Encarnation Ramos. Eugenio Limco was the first Teniente del Barrio and Teodora Mamar as the Cabeza Mayor. The families of Abuanan, Dulman, Colangan and Pahiwar were the prominent residents of the town. In 1898, through the effort and leadership of Ambrosio Abuana, the name “Numancia” was changed to Abuanan, which later was known as Barrio Abuanan under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Bago. Barangay Abuanan is situated at the end of the twelve (12) kilometers Sum-ag- Abuanan Road leading to the east. It is bounded on the north by the source of the Bago Irrigation Dam and Bulad Creek, on the west by Sum-ag River, Atipuluan Creek on the south and Bago River on the east. This Barangay is a sprawling territory of rice and sugarcane fields which are the main sources of income and livelihood of the residents.