Midlothian Councillors met today and elected SNP Councillor Kelly Parry as leader of the Council, with SNP Councillor Colin Cassidy elected as Deputy Leader.
SNP Councillor Debbi McCall was elected Provost, with SNP Councillor Connor McManus elected Deputy Provost.
The SNP also formed a gender balanced cabinet of six SNP Councillors with Douglas Bowen, Dianne Alexander, Ellen Scott, Stuart Mackenzie, Colin Cassidy and Kelly Parry elected to key posts.
The new Council Leader Kelly Parry said:
"The SNP are delighted to have been elected to serve and lead Midlothian Council. We look forward to working with all elected members and our communities to make Midlothian the best place to live."
"We have worked hard since the election with Councillors in other parties, and we will continue to do so."
The new Provost for Midlothian Debbi McCall said:
"I'm privileged to be elected to serve as Provost for Midlothian, the first woman to do so. I look forward to serving and leading Midlothian forward."
Deputy Leader Colin Cassidy said:
"The first priority of our administration will be to give a laser like focus to the cost of living Crisis. We will work with our communities and elected members to ensure that the Council focuses it's priorities to help those most in need."