Mudzi Pathfinders Club is pioneering a groundbreaking fish farming initiative, paving the way for sustainable livelihoods and enhanced food and nutrition security.
#hovekuvanhu #foodsecurityeverywhereeveryday #Vision2030 #foodandnutritionsecurity #presidentialcommunityfisheriesscheme
#eatfishtwiceaweek #foodsecurityeverywhereeveryday #Vision2030 #foodandnutritionsecurity #hovekuvanhu #Firstinauguralfishfair
The Blue Economy DISCOURSE as explained by AU Commission Head of Blue Economy mission, Mr George Mba Asseko, during the just ended National Stakeholders’ Consultative Worshop on ZIM Blue Economy Strategy (4-6November 2024,Harare).
#ThinkBlue #thinkFisheriesandAquaculture #Innovationforsocioeconomicdevelopment.
Empowering local communities, Ward 17 in Mudzi District is investing in its future through the development of fish ponds, ensuring a productive and successful 2024/2025 season.
#presidentialcommunityfisheriesscheme #leavingNOoneAndNoPlaceBehind #hovekuvanhu #Going4Growth
Mudzi District's Pathfinders Club has showcased success with expansion of the existing aquaculture project. One additional fishpond has been completed by the cooperative in preparation for the 2024/5 production season under the #PresidentialCommunityFisheriesScheme
#leavingnooneandnoplacebehind #presidentialcommunityfisheriesscheme #hovekuvanhu #MLAFWRD #FARD
#Empoweringtheyouth #Securingthefuture With an aim of stocking 35,000 fishponds in Village Business Units, the Presidential Community Fisheries Scheme has extended to youth business units. Nhakiwa Vocational Training Centre (VTC) in Mashonaland East was recently stocked with 8,000 fingerlings to kickstart fish production and empower youth. Leaving no one and no place behind, fish production on the VTC is a step closer to attaining an upper- middle income economy by 2030. #hovekuvanhu #Going4Growth #mlafwrd #fard #YBUs #foodsecurityeverywhereeveryday
Mudzi aquaculture project expansion! An additional pond was unveiled and stocked with 2,000 fingerlings under the Presidential Community Fisheries Scheme in Mudzi District. Taking aquaculture as a business, the lucrative returns associated with at least two ponds are key to the success and continuity of the project.
#hovekuvanhu #going4growth #villagebusinessunits #FARD
#Fish4Schools #PresidentialCommunityFisheriesScheme #pondstocking #eatfishtwiceaday
Youth in Aquaculture
#hovekuvanhu #youthempowerment #Norton #eatfishtwiceaweek #foodsecurityeverywhereeveryday #youthbusinessunits #allstakeholderinteractionday #ENABLETAAT
Mazowe Mine Primary School students delivering a poem in celebration of nutrition month during the Fish4schools programme launch.