Manly 1st - Your voice for Manly

Manly 1st - Your voice for Manly Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Manly 1st - Your voice for Manly, Public & Government Service, North Steyne, Manly, Sydney.

Manly 1st is a new, truly independent team representing the Manly Ward (Manly Vale, Seaforth, Clontarf, North Balgowlah, Balgowlah, Balgowlah heights, Fairlight, Manly) for the upcoming Northern Beaches Council elections on the 4 December 2021.

Remember there’s still time to vote!Polling booths are open till 6 pm this evening. Here’s how you can make your vote co...

Remember there’s still time to vote!
Polling booths are open till 6 pm this evening.

Here’s how you can make your vote count!

Good luck to everyone in tomorrow’s election. If you are voting tomorrow and haven’t decided who deserves your vote. Che...

Good luck to everyone in tomorrow’s election.

If you are voting tomorrow and haven’t decided who deserves your vote. Check out some of our policies and see if they resonate with you!

We look forward to seeing you all!

Great to see the younger generations getting behind us!If you want to see real change from real people in your community...

Great to see the younger generations getting behind us!

If you want to see real change from real people in your community. Vote 1 - Group D manly 1st!

If you want to put Manly 1st, head down to St Matthews in Manly Corso and vote 1 for Group D. We're true independents wh...

If you want to put Manly 1st, head down to St Matthews in Manly Corso and vote 1 for Group D. We're true independents who don't preference other parties - so a vote for us, stays with us. Vote Manly 1st now and on election day: Saturday 4th December

Get down to the iconic St Matthews in Manly for Pre Polling Open Monday—Saturday 9:00am till 5:00pmVote for Manly 1st. T...

Get down to the iconic St Matthews in Manly for Pre Polling
Open Monday—Saturday 9:00am till 5:00pm

Vote for Manly 1st. The only true independents fighting for our Manly ward. We are Group D. Above the line!

~Important information~Pre polling commences tomorrow from 9am -5pm the 22nd November!Pre polling runs Monday- Saturday ...

~Important information~

Pre polling commences tomorrow from 9am -5pm the 22nd November!

Pre polling runs Monday- Saturday all the way up till the 3rd of December 2021.

Don’t forget to Vote 1, group D above the line.

If you know you might not be around for the local elections on December 4 or your struggle with your hearing and eyesigh...

If you know you might not be around for the local elections on December 4 or your struggle with your hearing and eyesight you can still vote via ivote.

Head to

To see how you can register and vote in advance to the election!

Don’t forget to vote for Group D. Manly 1st. The only true independents fighting for your Manly Ward.


Listen to Kate Munro, CEO of youth action NSW discuss with Manly 1st how we aim to make a huge difference for our youth and young adults on the beaches!

MANLY 1ST – YOUTH STRATEGYYouth has been particularly impacted by Covid.  Many of the rites of passage for our youth has...

Youth has been particularly impacted by Covid. Many of the rites of passage for our youth has been lost over the last two years. Youth are a huge asset not a basket of problems.
Manly 1st approach to valuing the contribution our youth make to the community will be by providing;
Voice – young people want a say in their community and in particular with issues impacting on their lives. They want a ‘seat at the table’ and be included in decisions. Youth want a sense of agency to shape their lives. Manly 1st will strengthen the Northern Beaches Youth Council. It will ensure Council takes a stronger approach in giving youth a voice by constantly engaging with youth and providing avenues for youth to have a voice.
Connection – young people want to be connected to friends, family, community and culture. This strengthens their identity and sense of self. Manly 1st will promote youth-centered and community events, develop, promote and support youth centered programs and services, spaces and activities that build connection, and does so by engaging young people first.
Purpose – young people want to be engaged in things that provide them with meaning and purpose in their lives. They want to be part of something that gives their life value. This will be provided through youth engagement in the planning, resourcing and promotion of youth centered events and spaces, volunteering opportunities, and opportunities to be part of Council Committees and the decision-making process.

   with ・・・Cmooonnn it’s raining! There ain’t nothing for you out there. Do yourself and democracy a solid and have a re...

Cmooonnn it’s raining! There ain’t nothing for you out there. Do yourself and democracy a solid and have a read up on every lead candidate in the Manly and Curl Curl wards this election. There’s only ten people, it won’t take you long. And you will feel so warm and fuzzy and informed.

Manly First - True independents fighting for your Manly Ward-Don’t waste your vote this December in the local elections....

Manly First - True independents fighting for your Manly Ward
Don’t waste your vote this December in the local elections. Make sure you vote for Manly First. The only locally run party that genuinely has the best interests of the local community at heart!

See you at the polls in December!

The 4th policy off the rank for Manly First is one we are very passionate about. See below for how we aim to get manly o...

The 4th policy off the rank for Manly First is one we are very passionate about. See below for how we aim to get manly on board to do our bit for the environment!

Policy Announcement - Protecting Our Environment makes Solar Sense
Manly 1st will introduce Solar Sense, a scheme designed to support the community put solar on our roofs in an affordable and sustainable way, decreasing our reliance on coal and gas-fired power and helping our transition to renewable energy to support our environment.
Solar Sense will see Council do the hard yards sourcing reputable and accredited solar companies. Residents will apply to Council to access Solar Sense and have solar installed. Council will pay the installation cost of solar, and the resident will repay Council over a ten-year, interest free period, through their rates.
Solar Sense give our residents the benefit of immediate lower energy costs without the burden of upfront installation charges. If the resident sells their property within the ten-year period, the balance of the cost is repaid to Council at settlement. Council can use bulk-purchasing and GST exemptions to lower the cost of each solar unit, providing the community with further savings and more opportunity to expand Solar Sense to the community and benefit our environment.

Manly 1st is Community 1st.  This belief underpins your Manly 1st candidates. James Brodie, your Manly 1st candidate, is...

Manly 1st is Community 1st. This belief underpins your Manly 1st candidates.

James Brodie, your Manly 1st candidate, is a local small business owner. He understands the blood, sweat and tears that go into a business. He doesn’t have the luxury of a guaranteed pay cheque every fortnight, a flexi day, or an air-conditioned office.

Manly 1st will fight for local businesses across the Manly Ward in practical ways to reward owners for mortgaging their houses, working 16-hour days, 7 days a week, employing local people, and supporting their local community.

Commercial property owners in the old Manly LGA have been hit with a business rate increase of 43%. In Covid times with business failing and properties vacant this is unacceptable. Council did not have to increase rates as a massive lump sum in the middle of a global pandemic. They could have staggered the rise over four years but didn’t. That’s not business friendly. That’s not good enough.

Manly commercial property owners have been slugged with a Special Levy on their properties since the 1990’s. This has raised millions of dollars for Council, with $1.4M last year alone. Yet owners have never been provided information on how or where this levy is spent. This lacks transparency. Owners should know and owners should have a say.

Policy Announcement number 3– Support for local businesses

Manly 1st will fight to significantly reduce the cost and complexity of outdoor dining, to actively encourage the expanded use of outdoor seating for cafés and restaurants in our Manly Ward. Outdoor seating supports business financially and creates a great vibe for business and the community.

Manly 1st will support commercial property owners in Manly in a review of the Special Levy, and if owners want to continue the Levy, they will be provided with full visibility of where and how the Levy is spent and have a seat at the table in determining how it is used.

Manly 1st stands for an upgrade of the tired, neglected, and unattractive Manly Vale commercial strip with the installation of paving, landscaping, seating, and lighting to support local businesses and the Manly Vale community.

Manly 1st will push for the expansion of events into Manly that benefit our local business community by reviewing Council fees and red tape.

Manly 1st will ensure that there is regular formal contact between the Manly Business Chamber and Council, so a conduit exists for the local business community to raise concerns, bring new ideas and partner with Council in initiatives that support local business.

Manly 1st will push for expanded public seating in Manly to cater for older residents and families.

Manly 1st will seek a review of business parking to make it more flexible for businesses and their staff.

Manly 1st will relocate Rangers to Manly Council chambers and upgrade Ranger services in Manly to improve safety, amenity and compliance for residents and businesses across the area.

Manly 1st will fight for the Hop Skip Jump bus service to support residents and business in the Manly Ward (more to come)

In 2021 do we as a community think it’s acceptable to not provide female specific change rooms for female sporting teams...

In 2021 do we as a community think it’s acceptable to not provide female specific change rooms for female sporting teams at many of the local ovals? Women deserve to have safe, clean and well maintained facilities just like their male counterparts!

Keen to hear your views!

Manly Mermaids Rugby
Seaforth Raiders Rugby Union Club

MANLY 1st – POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT 2. UPGRADED SPORTS FACILITIESManly 1st is Community 1st.  Our policies are designed to t...


Manly 1st is Community 1st. Our policies are designed to take the pressure off our community and provide practical support making a real difference every day.
Following our recent policy announcement cancelling ground hire fees for our volunteer-based sporting clubs, we now release further measures to support our clubs and the thousands in our community associated with them. This policy also provides facilities for other non-sport users in our community.
Many of our Manly Ward sporting facilities lack the infrastructure needed to provide for members and supporters. They are outdated or designed without the future in mind. This hinders the development of our great clubs and fails to recognise the efforts of volunteers.

As a priority Manly 1st will fight for the upgrade of facilities at the following clubs;
Manly Vale Football Club – approval for a first-floor addition to the existing amenities building to provide suitable space for the club, with the club determining the appropriate use of the facility with the needs of the club and the community considered.

Manly Allambie United Football Club – replacement of the existing amenities block with a purpose-built facility in consultation with the club, catering for male and female teams, canteen, toilets, storage, and meeting and group space. The club to determine the appropriate use of the facility with the needs of the club and the community considered. A review of the Council’s decision to defer the installation of synthetic pitches until at least 2024.
David Thomas and Miller Reserve – a review of the current inadequate parking situation with a view to expanding available carparking spaces.
Raiders Rugby- replacement of the existing amenities block with a larger purpose-built facility in consultation with the club, catering for male and female teams, canteen, toilets, and meeting and group space. The club to determine the appropriate use of the facility with the needs of the club and the community considered
North Steyne S.L.S.C – urgent upgrade to the existing clubhouse. This iconic clubhouse has been neglected by Council and should be treated with the same level of urgency as other Surf Clubs. Council to continue to maintain this building at their cost rather than shift future building maintenance costs to a club who have served the community for over 100 years.
Manly Roos Junior Rugby Union Club, Manly Savers Rugby Club and Manly Marlins Rugby Keirle Park – replacement of the existing amenities block in consultation with the three clubs with a facility that caters for male and female players, toilets, storage, and gym space. Upgrade the current inadequate lighting. Conversion of the main field and area to the western side of this pitch to a synthetic surface. Review of the current parking situation to increase spaces and entry/exit of vehicles.
Note: Manly 1st acknowledges that some of these grounds are also used by local cricket clubs, and the upgraded facilities will also positively impact on their use. Manly 1st also welcome feedback from other clubs who are impacted by poor facilities failing to adequately cater for members and the community.

Manly 1st Policy Announcement 1. – Sporting field fee cancellations Manly 1st is Community 1st.  This belief underpins t...

Manly 1st Policy Announcement 1. – Sporting field fee cancellations

Manly 1st is Community 1st. This belief underpins the DNA of your Manly 1st candidates. A strong community is resilient, inclusive, and compassionate. The bedrock of a strong community are our volunteer-based community organisations; sporting clubs, service organisations, frontline providers, cultural and social groups. They are inclusive of age, s*x, motivation, and ability. Local Government, being closest to its community, should be about community
Manly 1st will take the pressure off our volunteer-based Club Committee’s, parents, and players by cancelling ground fees and lighting fees for all sporting venues.

Our volunteer-based sporting organisations cater for many thousands of boys and girls, women and men. They teach skills, build life-long friendships, provide pathways.

Despite the thousands of volunteer hours dedicated to our clubs by coaches, managers, canteen volunteers, and parents, clubs are charged thousands of dollars in ground fees by Council each season. We know these funds are better kept by clubs to provide equipment and uniforms, coaching aids, and a reduction in registration fees for all players.

Manly 1st putting your community 1st.

Meet your candidate Maryann Novakovic Bringing over 40 years of management and community development experience to the M...

Meet your candidate
Maryann Novakovic

Bringing over 40 years of management and community development experience to the Manly 1st Team, Maryann is an experienced local who is passionate about making Manly the top priority in every decision made by Council.

Holding senior management roles and advisory roles at both State and Local Government level and the not for profit sector, including NSW Police, Zoological Parks Board, Powerhouse Museum, Lifeline NB, Royal Far West and Vinnies Broken Bay, Sydney and NSW. Maryann strongly believes in transparency in all levels of decision making, developed with community consultation as the benchmark for all planning. Currently engaged by Vinnies in Community development for the local area, she is also a member of the NBC Places for People Strategic reference group, as the Manly representative.

Maryann is well remembered in the community for her roles at Manly Council for 11 years, covering Open Space, Cultural and Tourism planning and development resulted in outstanding outcomes including redevelopment of all playgrounds increased funding for sporting field and facility improvements, cycleway development and environmental projects. Attracting major grant funding and working closing with all stakeholders resulted in projects and programs with real outcomes. Her passions for seeing ideas become reality, and never give up attitude, earnt her respect with all stakeholders from all sectors. Her practical understanding of how Council works is a vital tool in making local ideas and needs a reality.
Maryann is passionate about returning the power to Manly Ward residents, something lost since the amalgamation into Northern Beaches Council as a community the Amalgamation has only resulted in higher rates and reduction in services.

She is determined to provide the highest quality facilities and develop policy that provides families with an environment that is safe while retaining the Manly Village, a place that we call home.

Photo Stephen Govel Photography

Check out this write up about James Brodie, long time strength coach working for Manly Marlins Rugby in their recent Mar...

Check out this write up about James Brodie, long time strength coach working for Manly Marlins Rugby in their recent Marlins Fillets newsletter! It gives an insight into some of the motivations about why he is running!

Meet your candidate. Bio - James BrodieI am James and I own J-Train Athletic Performance; a local gym focussed on improv...

Meet your candidate.

Bio - James Brodie

I am James and I own J-Train Athletic Performance; a local gym focussed on improving performance based measures in athletes. My team and I work with multiple community based sporting teams such as the Manly Marlins, Forest Rugby and Manly Savers. Over the years we have worked with multiple other junior teams from all sports in the area and have been servicing our local community for over 10 years. Sport in the community is something I believe provides incredible life-long benefits around fitness, self-esteem, discipline and person skills. I love working with athletes from all levels to ensure they get the best experience from their sports that they can also take into their lives outside of sport.

Apart from my business I really enjoy my Off Grid farm where I practice sustainable living methods and have built a carbon neutral, self-sufficient property. I am passionate about the environment and how we can as a global community, reduce our negative footprint on the planet.

I am also involved with supporting charities working for people with mental health and disabilities. I believe that supporting these causes helps build a stronger and more aware community.

I am running for Council because I think it needs a younger, fresher perspective for the community. Through my engagement with many local businesses, charities and the sporting community, I hope to implement change that will positively impact these areas. Through my passion for the environment I want to increase sustainability and environmental awareness in Manly and the whole Northern Beaches to ensure we all have a place we can enjoy for years to come. I can’t wait to share some of our polices with you all very soon!

Meet your candidates!Bio – John Kelly Currently Executive Director of Community Northern Beaches, I am responsible for p...

Meet your candidates!

Bio – John Kelly

Currently Executive Director of Community Northern Beaches, I am responsible for providing Domestic Violence, Homeless, Migrant & Refugee, Family, Child & Youth, and Volunteer Services for the Northern Beaches. Prior to this I was Executive Director of CatholicCare for the Parramatta Diocese, Executive Officer for St Vincent de Paul Broken Bay Diocese, Village Manager for RSL LifeCare, Organisational Manager – Sunnyfield, and Director-Corporate Services, WorkVentures. For over twenty years I have worked tirelessly for the community, and particularly those in our community that find themselves voiceless.

Before my Not-for-Profit career I worked for fourteen years in Local Government across four different Council’s including Warringah Council. This gives a good insight into the workings and culture of Council’s.

Outside of the office environment I coached Manly Roo’s and Vikings for nine years, Manly Marlins for six years, was age manager of the Nippers at North Steyne for six years, and an active patrol member at North Steyne for eighteen years.

I enjoy travel, particularly Rugby World Cups (I’ve been to six!), and craft breweries wherever I happen to be. I hold an MBA from Macquarie University Graduate School of Management, and a Bachelor of Business degree from UTS Ku-Ring-Gai.

I’m standing for the Council elections because I believe that local government should be reimagined and working a lot closer for the whole local community than it does. I’m looking forward to releasing our Manly 1st policies over the coming months to show how we are different to the others standing in this critical election.

Photo Stephen Govel Photography


Manly 1st is a new, truly independent team representing the Manly Ward (Manly Vale, Seaforth, Clontarf, North Balgowlah, Balgowlah, Balgowlah heights, Fairlight, Manly) for the upcoming Northern Beaches Council elections on the 4 December 2021.

As locals living in our unique area we believe your Northern Beaches Council can do better to represent and support our Manly Ward;
Local businesses,
Local community service, sporting, and cultural groups,
Local services,
Local environment, and the
Local community

Stay tuned as we release our policies leading up to the election.


North Steyne, Manly
Sydney, NSW



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