Blind Bankers of India

Blind Bankers of India Welcome to the page of blind bankers of India.

here you will find latest updates about our activities such as videos, links and notifications of our upcoming educational webinars.


अगर आप लगातार तीन वर्ष तक इनकम टेक्स रिटर्न जमा करते हैं तो इसे कृप्या ध्यान से पढें INCOME TAX RETURN FILLING HELPS YOU IN

*Accidental Death* & *Compensation*

*(Income Tax Return Required)*

अगर किसी व्यक्ति की accidental death होती है और वह व्यक्ति पिछले तीन साल से लगातार इनकम टैक्स रिटर्न फ़ाइल कर रहा था तो उसकी पिछले तीन साल की एवरेज सालाना इनकम की दस गुना राशि उस व्यक्ति के परिवार को देने के लिए सरकार बाध्य है ।

जी हाँ,
आपको आश्चर्य हो रहा होगा यह सुनकर लेकिन यह बिलकुल सही है
सरकारी नियम है ,

उदहारण के तौर पर अगर किसी की सालाना आय क्रमशः
पहले दूसरे और तीसरे साल चार लाख,पांच लाख और छः लाख है
तो उसकी औसत आय पांच लाख का दस गुना मतलब पचास लाख रूपए उस व्यक्ति के परिवार को सरकार से मिलने का हक़ है।

ज़्यादातर जानकारी के अभाव में लोग यह क्लेम सरकार से नहीं लेते हैं ।

जाने वाले की कमी तो कोई पूरी नहीं कर सकता है लेकिन अगर पैसा पास में हो तो भविष्य सुचारू रूप से चल सकता है ।

अगर लगातार तीन साल तक रिटर्न दाखिल नहीं किया है तो ऐसा नहीं है कि परिवार को पैसा नहीं मिलेगा लेकिन ऐसे केस में सरकार एक डेढ़ लाख देकर किनारा कर लेती है लेकिन अगर लगातार तीन साल तक लगातार रिटर्न फ़ाइल किया गया है तो ऐसी स्थिति में केस ज़्यादा मजबूत होता है
यह माना जाता है कि मरने वाला व्यक्ति अपने परिवार का रेगुलर अर्नर था
अगर वह जिन्दा रहता तो अपने परिवार के लिए अगले दस सालो में वर्तमान आय का दस गुना तो कमाता ही जिससे वह अपने परिवार का अच्छी तरह से पालन पोषण कर पाता ।

सब सर्विस वाले लोग हैं और रेगुलर अर्नर हैं लेकिन बहुत से लोग रिटर्न फ़ाइल नहीं करते है जिसकी वजह से न तो कंपनी द्वारा काटा हुआ पैसा सरकार से वापस लेते हैं और न ही इस प्रकार से मिलने वाले लाभ का हिस्सा बन पाते हैं ।
इधर जल्दी में हमारे कई साथी / भाई एक्सीडेंटल डेथ में हमारा साथ छोड़ गए लेकिन जानकारी के अभाव में उनके परिवार को आर्थिक लाभ नहीं मिल पाया ।

Source - forwarded
*Section 166 of the Motor act, 1988 (Supreme Court Judgment under Civil Appeal No. 9858 of 2013, arising out of SLP (C) No. 1056 of 2008) Dt 31 Oct 2013.*

जागरूक रहे सतर्क रहें।।

Wish everyone  happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities2020.International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2...

Wish everyone happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities2020.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2020: History, theme, significance of the day

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2020: Also called World Disability Day, the theme for this year is 'Building back better: towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world by, for and with persons with disabilities'

World Disability Day 2020 aims to further increase the awareness about People with Disabilities while celebrating their achievements and contributions. International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2020:

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2020:World over, People with Disabilities(PwDs) have been affected “disproportionately” by the health, social and economic consequences of the global COVID-19pandemic, as per UNESCO. Stressing on the need to pull in collective efforts, the theme for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), also called World Disability Day, observed annually on December 3, is ‘Building back better: towards an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world by, for and with persons with disabilities’.

What is the theme all about?

This year’s theme emphasizes the importance of strengthening collective efforts for universal access to essential services, including immediate health and social protection, education, digital infrastructure, accessible information, employment and other socio-cultural opportunities. Persons with disabilities are not to be left behind in times of crisis, as per UNESCO.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for greater inclusion of persons with disabilities in the society, including in COVID-19 response and recovery. “Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities is crucial to fulfilling the core promise of the 2030 Agenda: to leave no one behind,” Antonio Gueterres said, referring to the global action plan to bring about a more just and sustainable world. The UN chief was addressing countries that are parties to the 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The pandemic has deepened inequalities, affecting around one billion people with disabilities globally, said the UN chief. “Even under normal circumstances people with disabilities were already less likely to be included in their communities,” he said.

UNESCO will also organize a global awareness-raising campaign, “Tell our stories, enable our rights”, on its official social media channels, focusing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people living with disabilities and on the immediate response to the crisis through open, inclusive and innovative use of digital solutions, tools and resources.

I take this issue of disability inclusion extremely seriously.

Securing equal rights for persons with disabilities is enshrined in the values of the and a core promise of the Goals: to leave no one behind.

— António Guterres () November 30, 2020

“While I celebrate that there are now 182 parties to the convention, the pandemic has made evident that there is still a long way to go in fully understanding the human rights model of disability enshrined in the convention, and therefore in fully implementing its provisions,” Guterres said in a video message.

When crises such as communities, people with disabilities are among the worst affected.

Let’s commit to tackling together the obstacles, injustices & discrimination they experience.

— António Guterres () December 3, 2020

ALSO READ | Pandemic and a lockdown: Persons with disabilities grapple with more challenges


IDPD was proclaimed in 1992 by a United Nations General Assembly resolution to “promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society…”.

As per the UN website, building on many decades of UN’s work in the field of disability, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), adopted in 2006, has further advanced the rights and well-being of PwDs in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other international development frameworks, such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Charter on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, the New Urban Agenda, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development.

Dear all, , chosen group of empowering Bankers, is happy to bring to you a series of empowering classes on every Saturday from t...

सभी बैंक कर्मियों को ब्लाइंड बैंकर्स  ऑफ इंडिया का तहे दिल से नमस्कार।बैंक कर्मियों के वेतन वृद्धि तथा अन्य मामलों को ले...

सभी बैंक कर्मियों को ब्लाइंड बैंकर्स ऑफ इंडिया का तहे दिल से नमस्कार।

बैंक कर्मियों के वेतन वृद्धि तथा अन्य मामलों को लेकर हुए द्विपक्षीय समझौते/Bipartite settlement पर आधारित ब्लाइंड बैंकर्स ऑफ इंडिया का आज दोपहर के 3:00 बजे से प्रारंभ होने वालावेबीनार,
आप नीचे दिए लिंक के माध्यम से देख सकते हैं।

आप इसकी जानकारी अन्य बैंक कर्मियों को भी दे यह हमारा आपसे अनुरोध है।

Webinar on 11th bipartite settlement Key PointsSir/Madam, brings the most informative interaction on recently signed ...

Webinar on 11th bipartite settlement Key Points Sir/Madam,Blind Bankers of India brings the most informative interaction...

Webinar on 11th bipartite settlement Key Points
Blind Bankers of India brings the most informative interaction on recently signed 11th bipartite settlement impacting bankers directly on Sunday 3:00 p.m.
Each banker wants to understand its diverse dimensions and have queries, What components of bankers salary slip will get enhanced and by how much. How to optimise from the different options available related to LFC, medical, etc.
To give clarity on the subject we will have Mrs. Sushila Datwani and Dr. Sunil Deshpande who possess prodigious knowledge about the settlements.
About speakers:
1. Sushila Datwani
She has over 40 years of work experience in the government sector including ministry of External Affairs, New Bank of India and Punjab National Bank at managerial positions. After retirement, she felt the urge to share the immense epitome of knowledge that she has garnered from her rich experience, and is doing the same through her youtube channel : Life Skills - All in One, through which she shares banking sector information, government job updates, Python, Data science and Machine learning training.
2. doctor Sunil Deshpande
He is working as a Senior Manager and In-charge of Staff Training Centre Pune in Bank of Maharashtra. He is presently President of Bank of Maharashtra Officer’s Organisation affiliated to NOBO AND BMS.
He HAS also SERVED AS President and General Secretary of NOBO earlier and was part of negotiating committee of UFBU with IBA at the time of 9th and 10th bipartite settlement. NOBO is affiliated to Bhartiya Mazdoor sangh which sourly works with the principal of nation first industry next and individual last.
He was also the Director on board of Bank of Maharashtra for two terms from 2008 to 2014 as Officer Employee Representative. Under his guidance in Bank of Maharashtra, union converted the union telephone diary into Braille format in 2018 which was inaugurated at the hands of Shri Shiv Pratap Shukla Hon’ble MoS Finance which is indeed very unique.
All are invited to participate by asking their queries during the live discussion at 03:00 PM on 15-11-2020 on our YouTube channel. The direct link for the same is given under for the convenience of all participants.
You know we love to get your patronage and we would hope participation in large numbers. Please effort to spread the message for the benefit of maximum.
Team Blind Bankers of India

Webinar on 11th bipartite settlement Key PointsSir/Madam, brings the most informative interaction on recently signed ...

Dear all, , chosen group of empowering Bankers, is happy to bring to you a series of on every Friday. This Fr...

Webinar on Resolving Challenges faced by People with Vision Impairment Sir/Madam,Blind Bankers of India in collaboration...

Webinar on Resolving Challenges faced by People with Vision Impairment

Blind Bankers of India in collaboration with Saksham brings to you a Webinar on Resolving Challenges faced by People with Vision Impairment in various spheres of life.

This webinar has been made possible by HCL Foundation.
This webinar will primarily emphasize on usage of gadgets and assistive technology for low vision/blind people.
The evolution of technology in the recent years has made life easier for us but there are still some who haven’t been able to reap the benefits of this integration of technology into their lives. Mr. Dipendra Manocha, Dr. Piyush Chanana and Mr. Yogesh Taneja will help us to bridge this gap.

Mr. Dipendra Manocha is working as the Developing countries coordinator and Lead of Training and Tech Support with the DAISY Consortium. He is member of the Executive Committee of the World Blind Union. He is managing trustee of the Saksham Trust. He is the elected president of the DAISY Forum of India. During the past decade, he has managed or coordinated several technological development or implementation projects. He is selected as Ashoka Fellow and recognised as a social entrepreneur.
He has also received National Award by government of India for contributions for community development in the area of disability in 2005

Dr. Piyush Chanana is working as the Lead of Strategy and Innovations at Saksham. He is also the CEO of Raised Lines Foundation, a company created out of IIT Delhi that specializes in research and development of tactile solutions for people with vision impairment. He has done his PHD from IIT Delhi, and possesses 10 years of working experience in the field of Assistive technologies.

Mr. Yogesh Taneja is working as Manager with Union Bank of India. He has been involved in various research projects of Saksham, and has tested several assistive solutions for the organization. He has vast experience conducting workshops and trainings on accessibility and IT solutions.

Also, we are delighted to conduct an accessibility quiz during the webinar. The link of which will be shared in the YouTube comment box.
Interested aspirants may click on the google form and can submit the quiz during and post half an hour of the broadcast of the webinar. The result of the quiz will be announced the same day at 5:30 PM on yet another YouTube live session.
The first three winners will be awarded with exciting assistive devices from Saksham.

We invite you to participate in the webinar taking place on Sunday, November 8, 2020 from 3:00 PM onwards.
Looking forward to your participation in large numbers
Please find the link for the live session below
You can subscribe to Blind Bankers of India’s YouTube channel to get
notified of this session and future sessions.
You know, we enjoy as we get your patronage
Team Blind Bankers of India

Sir/Madam, in collaboration with brings to you a ...

दृष्टि बाधित व्यक्तियों द्वारा संचालित किया जाने वाला भारत का पहला ऑनलाइन रेडियो चैनल रेडियो उड़ान इसकी जानकारी आज हम ब्...

दृष्टि बाधित व्यक्तियों द्वारा संचालित किया जाने वाला भारत का पहला ऑनलाइन रेडियो चैनल रेडियो उड़ान इसकी जानकारी आज हम ब्लाइंड बैंकर्स ऑफ इंडिया द्वारा आयोजित वेबीनार में प्राप्त करेंगे।
इस वेबीनार का सीधा प्रसारण आप नीचे दिए हुए लिंक के माध्यम से देख सकते हैं।।।

Dear Sir/Madam We at , an empowering group of chosen visually impaired Bankers. is deligh...

Live class

Live class

Dear all, , chosen group of empowering Bankers, is happy to bring to you a series of on every Friday This Fri...

Dear Sir/Madam Webinar on the Scope for Blind People in the Radio Field We at Blind Bankers of India, an empowering grou...

Dear Sir/Madam
Webinar on the Scope for Blind People in the Radio Field
We at Blind Bankers of India, an empowering group of chosen visually impaired Bankers. is delighted to organize an exclusive webinar with Radio Udaan on coming Sunday , 1st November, at 12pm.
Speaking of Radio Udaan, it is the first national disability community radio station run by people with disabilities and it is recognized by India Book of Record for its unique working. Moreover, many RJs and team members of Radio Udaan have received National and prestigious awards for their work.
If you are an RJ aspirant and you want to see yourself as an RJ in future then this webinar can prove to be a rich source of information for you. We will have a conversation with some of the main team members of Radio Udaan regarding:
- What is the scope for blind people in Radio industry?
- How visually challenged people can work as an RJ?
- The challenges for blind people who want to have career in Radio Field.
- What skills blind people should have to do well in Radio world?
- What are the tools and software for editing and recording shows?
The viewers can ask their questions live and the guests will answer all the questions.
Please find the link for the live session below
You can subscribe to Blind Bankers of India’s YouTube channel to get
notified of this session and future sessions.
You know, we enjoy as we get your patronage
Team Blind Bankers of India

Dear Sir/Madam We at , an empowering group of chosen visually impaired Bankers. is deligh...


Interview of Padamshree J.L. Kaul Secretary General of AICB
An interview with Visionary Padamshree Jawahar Lal Kaul, Secretary General, AICB was organized by Blind Bankers of India on Saturday October 10, 2020 at 3:00 PM.
Blind bankers of India is an empowering group of chosen visually impaired Bankers.
At various points in our lives, we all identify and seek to learn from successful personalities. They become models for inculcating problem solving and right decision-making skills, developing interpersonal abilities and providing guidance to overcome challenges.
We, Blind bankers of India, are delighted to bring a series of Insightful interviews every second and forth Saturday with various Personalities from different professions who may strengthen our lives in some or the other way.
About Padmshree J. L. Kaul
By dint of his unstinting hard-work, indefatigable zeal, enduring commitment and unimpeachable integrity, Jawahar Lal Kaul has shone as a beacon light of hope and promise for the millions of blind people in India and developing countries. Born in Sri Nagar, Jammu and Kashmir on 28th July, 1944, Shri Kaul lost his sight due to Smallpox at the tender age of five. Undeterred, he pursued his school and university education, braving heavy odds and distinguishing himself as a student with outstanding merit. He stood first in B. A. (Hons) Sanskrit at Punjab University in 1967, receiving the Gold Medal in recognition. Shri Kaul shifted to Delhi and immediately plunged headlong into trying almost single-handed, to carve out new horizons for the blind. He set up in 1967 the Training and Rehabilitation Centre for the Blind in Delhi of which he became the Secretary. He then went on to espouse the cause of the blind at the national level and took the leading role in founding the National Federation of the Blind–the first self-help nation-wide organization of visually challenged persons in India. He continued as its General Secretary till 1978, raising the standard and profile of the organization’s work to great heights. In 1980, he set up the All India Confederation of the Blind (AICB)–an umbrella organization with its Headquarters in Delhi. With Shri Kaul as its Secretary General, AICB, starting with a meager amount of Rs. 300 and a small rented office, has now grown into an impressive edifice of programmes and services for the blind, a campus of its own and Affiliates and branches in different parts of the country. Recognizing the importance of education, Kaul has developed at AICB the biggest Braille production Centre in the country which is providing textbook support to school and college students in over 10 States. He has also set up a Science Laboratory and a Resource Centre, encouraging people to recognize that even blind children, given the right inputs, can study Science subject at par with sighted students. Kaul has facilitated the opening of Stenography as a new and viable employment opportunity for the blind. His pioneering and untiring efforts led to the establishment of systematic training in Stenography, which has resulted in over 400 blind persons being employed as Stenographers in Banks and Government Departments. The programmes of rehabilitation of the rural blind undertaken by AICB, under his leadership, are also highly commendable. From 1977-85, he served as the Executive Secretary of the East Asia Committee of the International Federation of the Blind. He was unanimously elected as the Secretary General of the Asian Blind Union for a four-year term at the World Blind Union meet in Melbourne in November, 2000 and re-elected unopposed on 10th October, 2004 in Damascus, Syria and March, 2008 in Delhi. He was also nominated as Chairman of Credential Committee of the Asian Blind Union and also member of World Blind Union’s Credential Committee. He was appointed as Chairperson of World Braille Council in 2009 for a period of three years. The World Blind Union conferred upon him its Honorary Life Membership. He received from the Prime Minister of India, on behalf of AICB, the FICCI National Award for best service to the blind in training and rehabilitation. He was conferred the Thomas Memorial National Award 2000 by All India Blind Welfare Trust, Chennai for his outstanding contribution to the field. He was honored with the 2002 World Human Rights Promotion Award from Indian Institute of Human Rights. He was also presented the prestigious T. P. Jhunjhunwala Award 2003 by The Rajasthan Club. He was further awarded NCPEDP – Shell Helen Keller Award on December, 2003 for his Outstanding work. He is also the recipient of prestigious R. M. Alpaiwala Memorial Award for his best services to the field, by the National Association for the Blind, Mumbai. He was conferred on the First Marga Schulze Award 2006 in Malaysia for his best services rendered for empowerment of visually impaired women in Asia and Africa. The Award was presented to him in the 12th International Conference of ICEVI on behalf of Dr. H. E. Schulze and Marga Schulze Foundation, Germany. Mr. Shri Kaul received the most prestigious Louis Braille Medal from the World Blind Union in its 8th General Assembly held in Bangkok in November, 2012 for his outstanding service to the international blind community. Known for his relentless service & leadership to people with visual impairment in India and the developing world across the globe. Recognizing his unparallel service he was conferred upon Padamshree by the President of India in 2014.
You can subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified of this session and future sessions.
We enjoy as we get your patronage
Team Blind Bankers of India.

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

Micro Small & Medium Enterprises 2020 Guidelines of Govt. of India by Dr. Ashwini Kumar Agarwal

Micro Small & Medium Enterprises 2020 Guidelines of Govt. of India by Dr. Ashwini Kumar Agarwal
Dear all,
Blind bankers of India is pleased to bring to you a series of classes every Friday on various subjects/ papers of Banking. This Friday the Topic was:
Micro Small & Medium Enterprises 2020 Guidelines of Govt. of India presented by Dr. Ashwini Kumar Agarwal
Dr. Ashwini Kumar Agarwal possesses doctoral degree in Education & Training
with an experience of over three decades in Banking and also in
rehabilitation of persons with disability. He has taken more than 7,200
hours of training sessions in different training centers. He is the Gold
Medalist and winner of Indian Overseas Bank Award and Calcutta Bankers
Association Award. He was also felicitated by President of India in the year
1991 for being an outstanding handicapped employee.

Micro Small & Medium Enterprises 2020 Guidelines in english by Dr. Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal

Micro Small & Medium Enterprises 2020 Guidelines in english by Dr. Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal
Dear all,
Blind bankers of India is pleased to bring to you a series of classes every Saturday on various subjects/ papers of Banking. Exclusively in English. This
Saturday the Topic was:
Micro Small & Medium Enterprises 2020 Guidelines of Govt. of India presented by Dr. Ashwini Kumar Agarwal
Dr. Ashwini Kumar Agarwal possesses doctoral degree in Education & Training
with an experience of over three decades in Banking and also in
rehabilitation of persons with disability. He has taken more than 7,200
hours of training sessions in different training centers. He is the Gold
Medalist and winner of Indian Overseas Bank Award and Calcutta Bankers
Association Award. He was also felicitated by President of India in the year
1991 for being an outstanding handicapped employee.

Dear all, Blind bankers of India is pleased to bring to you a series of classes every Saturday on various subjects/ papers of Banking. Exclusively in English...

webinar on empowering NGO Voice Vision Bankers of India have org...

webinar on empowering NGO Voice Vision
Blind Bankers of India have organized a webinar on Voice Vision " an NGO with difference" on October 11, 2020 at 3 PM.
About Founder of the NGO Miss Sushmeetha B. Bubna:
A dynamic personality and an expert, Alongside working as CEO AT ASCENT NETWORKS PVT. LTD. (Turnkey implementer for IT & BMS Solution) from 1996, she Founded a non-profit called Voice Vision in 2000, who’s focus is on empowering persons with visual impairment and other disability via integrated programs. Propagating values of Independence, Inclusion and Dignity.
Madam Sushmeetha, In 2020 launched a social enterprise, called “faiyda”. Means Financial Ability For I You And All. An online market place, selling products made by disables. Enabling their financial independence and dignity.
She is Recipient of many awards like, the National Award, for Best Accessible website, 2011, 10th Mrs. PILOO DORAB KHAMBATTA MEMORIAL AWARD for outstanding Self-Employed Blind Entrepreneur by National Association For The Blind, India, The Bajaj Discover Dr Batra's Positive Health Award 2010, as a Positive Health Hero, ICICI Fund Your Own Worth award as one amongst top 25 inspiring stories out of 18,936 stories of women across India February 2018 & many more.
Many achievements have been covered and appreciated by various sections of print and electronic media.
You can subscribe to Blind Bankers of India’s YouTube channel to get notified of this session and future sessions.
You know, we enjoy as we get your patronage
Team Blind Bankers of India

Dear Sir / Madam, Webinar with Empowering NGO Named Voice Vision How can a NGO can make difference... we at Blind Bankers of India are organizing a webinar o...

“तकनीक के ज़माने में कैसे करे अपने बैंक खाते की सुरक्षा,ये हम सब के लिये है एक कठिन परिक्षा ”। *वेबिनार की तिथि  04.10.2...

“तकनीक के ज़माने में कैसे करे अपने बैंक खाते की सुरक्षा,
ये हम सब के लिये है एक कठिन परिक्षा ”।

*वेबिनार की तिथि 04.10.2020*
*समय : दोपहर 03.00*

प्रिय महोदय/महोदया,
अगले वेबिनार का विषय :
*डिजिटल बैंकिंग में साइबर सुरक्षा*

आज कल हम बैंकिंग व्यवहार ये एक क्लिक पर कर रहे हैं और इसके कारण साइबर धोखा धड़ी के शिकार भी हो रहे है। मेहनत से अर्जित आपकी और हमारी संपत्ती को कैसे सुरक्षित रखे?
पासवर्ड की गोपनीयता कैसे रखे?
फिशिंग क्या है?
डेटा ब्रिजिंग क्या होता है?
स्कैमिंग का मतलब क्या है?
हैकर्स को विफल कैसे किया जाए?
इन मुद्दो पर वेबिनार में विस्तार से चर्चा होगी।

वक्ता –

*श्री दीप राज*, प्रबंधक, पंजाब नेशनल बैंक
इन्होंने ईसीई में बी.टेक में स्नातक की पढ़ाई पुरी की है, वे 2012 से पंजाब नेशनल बैंक में प्रबंधक के पद पर सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग के अंतर्गत अंचल स्तर, बैक ऑफिस तथा डाटा सेंटर में कार्य कर चुके हैं।
भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक के तत्वावधान में (IDRBT) द्वारा आयोजित साइबर सुरक्षा पाठ्यक्रम को भी इनहोने पुर्ण किया हैं।

*श्री सुनील कुमार द्विवेदी* प्रबंधक, बैंक ऑफ महाराष्ट्र,
इनहोने आईटी बी-टेक में स्नातक स्तर तक पढ़ाई की हैं,
बैँकिंग के विभिन्न पाठ्यक्रम इन्होंने पुरे किये है जैसे :
JAIIB, CAIIB, DISA (डिप्लोमा इन इन्फोर्मेशन सिस्टम ऑडिट), गूगल से डिजिटल मार्केटिंग, IIBF से ग्राहक सेवा और BCSBI, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी सुरक्षा, साइबर धोखा-धड़ी की प्रबंधन प्रणाली आदी,
श्री द्विवेदी वर्तमान में बैंक ऑफ महाराष्ट्र के सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी प्रशिक्षण संस्थान में कार्यरत हैं

*श्री अमित कुमार* सबइंस्पेक्टर, दिल्ली पुलिस,
विगत 10 वर्षों से सरकार के विभिन्न विभागों में कार्यरत, साइबर धोखा-धड़ी के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में कार्य का इनके पास गहन अनुभव है जिसमें मोबाइल बैँकिंग के फ्रौड का भी समावेश है।

*ब्लाइंड बैँकर्स औफ इंडिया के बारे में*
यह भारत के विभिन्न बैंकों में कार्यरत दृश्टिबाधित कर्मचारियों का एक वौट्सप समूह है।वर्ष 2014 से यह समूह सभी दृश्टिबाधित बैँक कर्मियों को एक मंच पर लाने हेतु कार्यरत है। कोरोना के इस दौर में विभिन्न विषयों को ध्यान में रखते हुए तथा ज्ञान वर्धन हेतु हमने दिनांक 27.04.2020 को हमारा युट्युब चैनल प्रारंभ किया है।

अतः हम आप को इस वेबिनार में यूट्यूब के माध्यम से जुडने का अनुरोध करते है।

इस वेबिनार के सिधे प्रसारण से जुड़ने हेतु नीचे दी हुई लिंक का प्रयोग करें, यहा यह ध्यानमें रखे की इस लिंक के माध्यम से आप इस वेबिनार के सीधे प्रसारण से जुड़ पाएंगे।
आप इस चैनल को सस्क्राइब करें और दोस्तो को भी इस चैनल के बारे में बताए।
नोटिफिकेशन की सेटिंग में सभी नोटिफिकेशन (all notification)
के विकल्प का चयन करें।

आप के सकारात्मक सहयोग की अपेक्षा के साथ
ब्लाइंड बैँकर्स ऑफ इंडिया समुह।

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Dear all,

Blind bankers of India is pleased to bring to you a series of classes every Friday on various subjects/ papers of JAIIB.
Topic: Right to Information Act 2005 by Dr. Ashwini Kumar Agarwal
Dr. Ashwini Kumar Agarwal possesses doctoral degree in Education & Training with an experience of over three decades in Banking and also in rehabilitation of persons with disability. He has more than 7,200 hours of training sessions in training centers. He is the Gold Medalist and winner of Indian Overseas Award and Calcutta Bankers Award. He was also felicitated by President of India in the year 1991 for being an outstanding handicapped employee.
Interested aspirants may click on the below link to join the sessions on Zoom
Time: Aug 28, 2020 07:00 PM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi
Meeting ID: 838 4558 8364
Passcode: 752611

Please find the YouTube channel link of blind bankers of India from
where you can watch the classes live and can ask your queries on the
comment box. The queries will be answered live!
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soon as we upload videos and go live
The Blind Bankers of India team

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...




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