The Animal Welfare Department has been overwhelmed with hundreds of orphaned kittens arriving each week, and would like to ask the public's help and provide information about what to do if you find kittens without their mother. Kittens without their mother doesn't always mean they have been abandoned. The mother could be out looking for food or finding a more suitable home for her kittens. If you find one or two kittens, their mother may be in the process of moving the family and is on her way back for the others. Wait and observe from a distance for an hour or two. If possible, observe the site for several hours to be sure the kittens are truly abandoned. A great way to determine if momma cat is coming back without you seeing her is to take some regular all-purpose flour and sprinkle it around the area where the kittens are (avoiding putting any directly on the kittens). Usually you will see kitty paw prints in the flour-that is momma coming and going. If you determine the kittens are in danger or truly abandoned, you can help save kitten lives and keep your local shelters from reaching capacity by becoming a foster parent. Those who cannot foster can call 311 to make an appointment to bring the kittens to the shelter. If the kittens are weak, or have not eaten in 3 hours, the situation is an emergency. Please head to the East side shelter location admissions entrance and someone will assist you. For more information about being a foster parent, please email: [email protected]. For additional assistance on caring for kittens, email: [email protected].