Costan Lectures Preview LIVE!
Costan Lectures Preview LIVE!
The African American Episcopal Historical Collection gives thanks for the leadership and support of the Most Rev. Micheal Curry as the 27th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. Join us at we walk the Way of Love and lift up the contributions of Black Episcopalians to the Jesus Movement. #AAEHC #vts
Tomorrow is Giving Day!
Listen in as our #VTS students share how your contributions impact them!
Donate now:
#vtsinspires #vtsgivingday
Tune in for a message from Dean Ian Markham about Giving Day 2024 this Thursday to see how your gift supports the important work VTS does. #virginiaseminary vtsinspires #vtsgivingday
Tune in for a message from Dean Ian Markham about Giving Day 2024 this Thursday to see how your gift supports the important work VTS does.
Donate now:
#vtsinspires #vtsgivingday
Make plans to attend the Neighborhood Art Festival this Saturday, September 7th, here on campus from 12pm- 10pm! This is an event you do not want to miss! There will be something for EVERYONE! #vts #virginiaseminary #residentialseminary
Make plans to attend the Neighborhood Art Festival this Saturday, September 7th, here on campus from 12pm- 10pm! This is an event you do not want to miss! There will be something for EVERYONE! #vts #virginiaseminary #residentialseminary
Virginia Theological Seminary and The General Theological Seminary invite you to a joint reception and dinner at the Mellwood Art Center during the General Convention. Join us for an unforgettable evening with alumni and friends from both seminaries on Tuesday, June 25, at 7 p.m. Please register by Wednesday, June 19, using the below link:
#VTS #GeneralSeminary #ResidentialSeminary #HybridMdiv #GeneralConvention2024
Take a listen as #VTS M. A. student, Christian, from The Anglican Church of Ghana shares about his first year at #VTS #ResidentialSeminary #VirginiaSeminary
Take a listen as #VTS M. A. student, Christian, from The Anglican Church of Ghana shares about his first year at #VTS. #VirginiaSeminary