Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance

Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance MDAA is a non-profit organization which seeks to generate public support for the continued testing, development and deployment of missile defense systems.

MDAA is a non-profit organization which seeks to generate public support for the continued testing, development and deployment of missile defense systems to protect our country and our allies.

Russian air defenses may have downed Azerbaijani plane: U.S. officialRussian air defense systems may have brought down a...

Russian air defenses may have downed Azerbaijani plane: U.S. official

Russian air defense systems may have brought down an Azerbaijani airliner this week, a U.S. official said Friday...

Moscow officials have not addressed statements from aviation experts who blamed the crash on Russian air defenses responding to a Ukrainian attack.

Biden announces nearly $2.5 billion in military aid for UkrainePresident Joe Biden said Monday that the United States wi...

Biden announces nearly $2.5 billion in military aid for Ukraine

President Joe Biden said Monday that the United States will send nearly $2.5 billion more in weapons to Ukraine as his administration works quickly to spend all the money it has available...

Biden's administration is working quickly to spend all the money it has available to assist Kyiv before President-elect Donald Trump takes office.

Estonian anti-drone mini missile to be tested in UkraineMILAN — An Estonian tech startup has developed a miniature missi...

Estonian anti-drone mini missile to be tested in Ukraine

MILAN — An Estonian tech startup has developed a miniature missile designed to counter low-flying drones that it plans to test in Ukraine this month...

Frankenburg Technologies' Mark-1 missile is meant to be a cheap and mass-producable weapon, according to the manufacturer.

MDAA Alert: 2024 MDAA Advocacy 2024 MDAA Advocacy Summary January 1st, 2024 – December 31st, 2024 74 Military Base Visit...

MDAA Alert: 2024 MDAA Advocacy

2024 MDAA Advocacy Summary
January 1st, 2024 – December 31st, 2024

74 Military Base Visits
51 Alerts/Press Releases
47 Speeches
23 States Advocated In
20 Led and Organized Missile Defense Demonstrations/Tests with DOD, NATO, Nations & Partners
10 Hosted High-Level Talks with US, Allies and Partners
9 Congressional Roundtable Discussions podcasts
8 Countries Advocated In
6 Missile Defender of the Year Award Events
- 64 Awardees Recipients from 7 different nations
6 Created and hosted Conferences and Forums on Missile Defense
- Hypersonic Missile Defense Forum Colorado
- Regional Coalition IAMD Forum Poland
- Pacific Space Awareness Forum Hawaii
- Think Big Go-Fast Forum Alaska
- Near Space Forum Arizona
- Air and Missile Defense Technology Conference United Kingdom
3 University Academic Critical Thinking on Missile Defense Programs
-University of Arizona AETOS
-University of Hawaii ARTEMIS
-University of Southern California SHIELD
-6 SHIELD Capstone projects became Courses of Action
-2 SHIELD Capstone projects became Congressional Law
2 Missile Defense Champion Events

The Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance’s mission is to make the world safer by advocating for the development and deployment of missile defense systems to defend the United States, its armed forces, and its allies against missile threats.

We look forward to our advocacy in 2025 and making our world and our nation a safer place through the deployment, capacity, and capability of missile defense.

Happy New Year,

Click Here To Read More: https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/alert/2024-mdaa-advocacy/

Merry Christmas From MDAA!

Merry Christmas From MDAA!

MDA conducts first-ever ballistic missile intercept test from GuamThe Missile Defense Agency intercepted an incoming bal...

MDA conducts first-ever ballistic missile intercept test from Guam

The Missile Defense Agency intercepted an incoming ballistic missile threat target in a test from Guam, according to a Tuesday agency announcement.

In a first from Guam, the Missile Defense Agency intercepted a medium-range ballistic missile target off the coast using a Standard Missile-3 Block IIA.

No runways, no sorties: Chinese missiles threaten US airpower plansAmerican air bases “can no longer be considered a san...

No runways, no sorties: Chinese missiles threaten US airpower plans

American air bases “can no longer be considered a sanctuary.” That is the sobering conclusion of the U.S. Air Force’s new Installation Infrastructure Action Plan, released in December.

Opinion: American warplanes could be kept from joining the fray of a conflict with China for days or weeks, analysts have concluded.

New US missile defense base in Poland fortifies NATO’s eastern flankThe United States last month formally opened a perma...

New US missile defense base in Poland fortifies NATO’s eastern flank

The United States last month formally opened a permanent military base in Poland, part of NATO’s missile defense system amid rising tensions with Russia

The United States last month formally opened a permanent military base in Poland, part of NATO’s missile defense system. The Polish defense minister says the base is a testament to Polish-American cooperation. VOA Eastern Europe Bureau Chief Myroslava Gongadze reports from Redzikowo, Poland.

MDAA Alert: The Pacific Missile Defense TeamDuring the first week of December, the MDAA Team had the honor of participat...

MDAA Alert: The Pacific Missile Defense Team

During the first week of December, the MDAA Team had the honor of participating in the Multilateral Integrated Air and Missile Defense Summit and Senior International Leader Event – Pacific 2024 (MISSILE-PAC 24) led by BG Pat Costello 94th AAMDC Commander. Recognizing the importance of Missile Defense to our U.S. Allies and Partners across the Indo-Pacific, the venue was hosted by the 94th AAMDC at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam and coinciding with the anniversary of Pearl Harbor and the birth of the Army’s 94th AAMDC for the air and missile defense of US Forces in the Pacific. On December 3rd, MDAA was asked to provide an innovative demonstration of a combat proven Ukrainian acoustic sensor system with an open architecture and fused data sharing network through the Space Force Universal Data Library (UDL) and Joint Fires Network (JFN). On December 4, MDAA presented the history, concept, evolution and results of this combat-proven and U.S. tested capability demonstration. Presenting for MDAA was Dr. Alexey Boyarsky, Mr. JD Gainey and myself.

Recognizing the growing threats and proliferation of Nuclear Missile capabilities by China, Russia, and North Korea across the Indo-Pacific, there is a growing sense of urgency to advance U.S. capabilities and capacities for Missile Defense. To counter the sophisticated Missile and Drone threats in the Indo-Pacific, the MISSILE-PAC 24 brought together 253 participants from 12 nations to include France, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This was an historic first for some of these nations and a tremendous surge of interest as the previous year’s participants numbered less than 75 attendees. INDOPACOM remains at the forefront of developing and integrating sophisticated Missile Defense Campaign Designs. It is the largest and oldest Combatant Command, and it has guaranteed the peace and stability for almost 80 years while confronting the malign threats of China, Russia, and North Korea.

The relevance and critical core essence of an Allied/Partner Pacific Missile Defense team is to gain a decisive strategic competitive advantage in the Pacific on integrated Air and Missile Defense that shares comprehensively the requisite data from sensors and effectors to shorten the defensive kill-chain. Investing in Trust making, Relationship building, Team making to have integration with allies and partners for agile procurement, kill web technologies and reliable supply chain networks to rapidly produce and deploy missile defense capabilities in mass is the vision and the reality of a Peaceful Pacific. Specifically, having Combined and Joint requirements for rapid adaptation, forward deployment, and innovation of Cheap, Attributable, Distributable missile and drone defense sensor and shooter capabilities to face the evolving existing, growing overmatch of missile and drone threats from China, Russia and North Korea in the Pacific is a mandate for global stability and world order.

Due to the vastness of the Indo-Pacific, having Combined, Joint persistent overhead sensor capabilities with open data sharing through and from the Space Domain is essential to sustained stability and peace. Additionally, the United States and its Pacific allies and partners must strengthen their collective operational alignments to play effectively as a team through open architecture systems and Joint exercises. To leverage Hawaii’s unique strategic position in the Indo-Pacific, MDAA has partnered with the University of Hawaii’s unmatched Space Programs through ARTEMIS. The ARTEMIS program is a 9-month executive training initiative focusing on the development, utilization and policy implications of satellite sensor technology for Earth observation. The curriculum is designed for professionals aiming to lead and innovate in the field of space operations and technology. The program offers modules on satellite sensor development and utilization, space energy, dual-use technology exploration, and the integration of policy and engineering for space operations. It is poised to advance workforce development for space operations through a rigorous, application-oriented curriculum.

The program name ARTEMIS – Advanced Reconnaissance and Tracking for Environmental Monitoring and Indo-Pacific Security. Artemis is the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt, symbolizing vigilance and protection which is an appropriate name for this program. ARTEMIS aligns with a recently signed MOU between the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) and the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA). Statements from both the Provost of UHM (Michael Bruno) and the Chairman and Founder of MDAA (Riki Ellison), which provide the context for which ARTEMIS is being developed, can be found here: https://www.hawaii.edu/news/2024/01/16/space-science-initiative-mou/

Purpose: Illuminate the importance of the Indo-Pacific region and Hawaii’s critical role and consequential contributions to National Security. Showcase the State of Hawaii as an emerging market for Space activities and STEM programs through ARTEMIS.

Objective: Identify the emerging strategic challenges and opportunities across the ARTEMIS construct as it relates to the National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy. Inform and generate ideas to define the 2025 CAPSTONE Projects.

From Hawaii to California and on to Arizona, MDAA is combining Executive Education, Science, and Technology to advance America’s relative-competitive advantages for Missile Defense. It is now two weeks later from this catalyst event in Hawaii and we stand beside the memorial of the USS Arizona at the University of Arizona in Tucson reflecting and empowering new motivations for America’s Missile Defense. The loss of the USS Arizona and many American Lives stands as the iconic symbol of Pearl Harbor and as a symbolic warning for what could happen with lack of integrated air and missile defense. We have absorbed and strengthened from the team trust and team building of the success in Hawaii to now the defense of the United States Homeland here in Arizona and on our national borders. Our University of Arizona AETOS is empowered.

Click Here To Read More: https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/alert/the-pacific-missile-defense-team/

MDAA Alert: There's no Greater Time to Advocate for Missile Defense“There's no greater time in the world than it is toda...

MDAA Alert: There's no Greater Time to Advocate for Missile Defense

“There's no greater time in the world than it is today to advocate for missile defense. This is our 66th virtual congressional roundtable. This is on accelerating missile defense and joint lethality with R&D.

And we can just start right off on how great it was yesterday on the Aegis shot, the MDA shot, the shot from Guam that we proved and demonstrated to the world to defend that island. I want to give a lot of credit, a lot of credit to John Bier of MDA, to Heath Collins of MDA, Lieutenant General Heath Collins and John, the architect of this, as well as Paul Mann, Lieutenant General Rob Rasch, to be able to accelerate that first block of our architecture for the defense of Guam. Just magnificent.

So, I'm very excited about that as we discuss this today. So, we're in a world where new technologies and advancements are happening so fast. And our ability to move back quickly is important in our ability on missile defense, on joint lethality, on everything.

We're going through a cost curve revolution. And the research and engineering of the Pentagon, of the Department of Defense, is really the bread and butter of taking new capabilities from wherever they come from, from contractors, from ideas, from small companies, all over and take that through the valley, as they call it the valley of death, but they take that through to test it, to prove it, to make sure it's safe and sound, to work with our military on it.

And that is a critical component before they can pass it off to be actually acquired and sustained and put forward to the warfighter. So, where the challenges have been, especially in today's world, is our combatant commanders around the world are demanding for these new systems, whatever they are. And they could be high-end, what we just saw yesterday with Guam and what they did there, or it could be low-end, what you're seeing with the drones that are in our country and elsewhere.

So, that mixture has to be balanced. And we have to be able to put these capabilities in our warfighters' hands to be able to compete and outdo our threat or our enemy in those AORs.”

- Mr. Riki Ellison, MDAA Founder and Chairman

“So the acquisition community is responsible for procuring, testing, evaluating, and deploying this capability. Well, more times than not, that capability still requires about 5% more effort to have it adapt and tailored to that combatant command's operating environment. We see it often at INDOPACOM because we're the only combatant command that's maritime focused.

So a lot of the resources coming from the services, we have to be able to flex that capability for operations into our maritime environment. There's no money for that. So organizations like R&E, DARPA, SCO, now coming up with DIU and CDO, they have two-year money that has been able to kind of bridge that gap for us.

What Shotgun has done with the acquisition community, specifically with Dave Tremper and his competitive acquisition program, they took an evaluation, a technical evaluation of the JFN first week of December 2023, and it became a program of record 41 days later. So that program of record is being handed off to Air Force's C3BM for sustainment beyond. So Shotgun has found ways to use the acquisition community against itself to be able to deliver that.

I would offer that it hasn't happened very much, but it has been done. And this type of leadership and understanding how the system works to deliver capability to the warfighter is critical. And the other part is there's really no money to bring in Army, Navy, Air Force systems under the same umbrella to work.”

- Mr. JD Gainey, MDAA Board of Directors Member

“And it's, you know, you've heard the term, the valley of death, we exist to take on that valley of death, which is that challenge of getting a successful technology into something that men and women are able to, you know, to prevail in conflict because they're using it. And it is my very strong opinion that most people call that a money problem, that gosh, you know, we just didn't have enough money to do that. And my very strong opinion is that it's really an information problem, meaning we didn't collect the right information.

And it's funny, back to that idea of throwing things over the fence, I call them Christmas presents. You know, we ask the warfighter what they want for Christmas five years from now, and we try to translate that and build it and give it back to them instead of working hand in hand every step of the way as we go forward. So I've got three offices, and I'll go through this pretty quick, but I've got an office called Multi-Domain Joint Operations that is meant to be the eyes and ears that is that what I call the magnifying glass between the warfighter and the technologist, where they're taking those warfighter needs and focusing them on the technological community and taking those technological capabilities and then focusing those back on the warfighter. The second office is an office called Mission Integration, and I heard J.D. talking about this a little bit, but I am a deep, deep, deep believer that we are not leveraging technology enough in the area of modeling and simulation to help provide us the information to make very rapid, good decisions. And the Mission Integration office is chartered with helping better describe and execute kill webs or kill chains. I think you guys have probably heard that term, this idea that I may need an Army missile with a Navy command and control system with an Air Force sensor, and that I need to be able to do that seamlessly. In order to do so, you need to be very methodical about engineering that architecture.”

- Mr. Thomas "Shotgun" Browning, Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities

“We are at a point where we've really got to accept risk, and risk in the sense of trying new ideas and new concepts and doing that very quickly. And the cool part about DevSecOps is you buy down that risk iteratively very rapidly and bit by bit, and it gives you the opportunity to pivot.

So this idea of leaning into really addressing joint challenges through rapid prototyping and rapid iteration, I think is the key to the future, and we need obviously support to get there.”

- Mr. Thomas "Shotgun" Browning, Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities

“You're making it happen. It was great. It was great to be able to open up and clearly articulate a very complex situation and a complex environment and how you guys are doing something about it, how you've thought through it, and you're producing and you're putting capability through that Death Valley, great capability to make our country better and make this world safer.”

- Mr. Riki Ellison, MDAA Founder and Chairman


Mr. Thomas Browning, Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities

Mr. JD Gainey, MDAA Board of Directors, Former Senior Analyst USINDOPACOM

Mr. Riki Ellison, MDAA Founder and Chairman

Click Here To Read More: https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/alert/theres-no-greater-time-to-advocate-for-missile-defense/

MDAA Alert: Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of The Year Award Ceremony 2024In Team building and Team recognition for...

MDAA Alert: Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of The Year Award Ceremony 2024

In Team building and Team recognition for the Indo-Pacific Missile Defense Team, we set the conditions of trust and honor in recognition of our best Missile Defense defenders from our Nation and from our Pacific Allies and Partners in hosting the Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of The Year Award Ceremony 2024 this past Wednesday, December 4th in Honolulu, Hawaii. This marks our 5th Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of the Year and our 79th Missile Defender of the Year event in recognizing 974 recipients from 22 nations. This year, 2024, we brought the Pacific Missile Defense Team together like no other year before in national participation as we hosted our allies and partners in a winning, trusting setting with our United States joint force and from Australia, Japan, the Philippines, India, Canada, France, and The United Kingdom. Brigadier General Patrick Costello, the 94th AAMDC Commander and the Leader of the Indo-Pacific Missile Defense Team, provided vision, togetherness, honor, and leadership, inspiring all to make the Indo-Pacific safer. We honored our best of the best warfighters and missile defense operators in the INDOPACOM for 2024 from the United States and our Pacific Allies as the World Champions in this vital and critical mission.

Congratulations to our World Champions of Missile Defense from the Indo-Pacific

Introducing our 2024 Indo-Pacific Air & Missile Defender of the Year awardees

Click Here to Read More: https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/alert/mdaa-alert-indo-pacific-air-missile-defender-of-the-year-award-ceremony-2024/


The sound of VICTORY and the sight of VICTORY- Huge Win for the Defense of Guam, Huge Win for the Defense of the Pacific, Huge Win for the MDA team led by Paul Mann and the leadership of Lt Gen Heath Collins, Huge Win for Aegis, Huge Win for our Country and its missile defense. This missile defense test shot today launching the SM3 Block IIA out of the VLS in Guam made the world a safer place.

Congratulations Winners and World Champions

Congressional Roundtable Discussion: Accelerating Missile Defense and Joint Lethality with R&EPlease join us Wednesday, ...

Congressional Roundtable Discussion: Accelerating Missile Defense and Joint Lethality with R&E

Please join us Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM (ET) for a virtual discussion: Accelerating Missile Defense and Joint Lethality with R&E


Mr. Thomas Browning, Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities

Mr. JD Gainey, MDAA Board of Directors, Former Senior Analyst USINDOPACOM

Mr. Riki Ellison, MDAA Founder and Chairman

The event will take place Wednesday, December 11, 2024, from 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM (ET) on MDAA’s YouTube channel. Questions that may be asked during the live event can be submitted through the RSVP form or emailed to [email protected]

Please Click Here to RSVP: https://ow.ly/t37e50UnOBr

Russia has used its hypersonic Oreshnik missile for the first time. What are its capabilities?The silent black-and-white...

Russia has used its hypersonic Oreshnik missile for the first time. What are its capabilities?

The silent black-and-white surveillance camera video of the Russian missile attack in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro was brief but chilling...

A Russian attack on a military industrial facility in central Ukraine on Nov. 21 marked the first use of a powerful new weapon -– a hypersonic ballistic missile with multiple warheads

Exclusive : China Unveils Metal Storm Mobile Electromagnetic Gun System as Defense Solution Against Aerial Threats.Accor...

Exclusive : China Unveils Metal Storm Mobile Electromagnetic Gun System as Defense Solution Against Aerial Threats.

According to information published in a Chinese defense magazine...

Exclusive : China Unveils Metal Storm Mobile Electromagnetic Gun System as Defense Solution Against Aerial Threats

Estonian Startup to Test ‘Shahed-Killer’ Missile in Ukraine Frankenburg Technologies will test an in-development anti-ai...

Estonian Startup to Test ‘Shahed-Killer’ Missile in Ukraine

Frankenburg Technologies will test an in-development anti-aircraft missile in Ukraine next year.

Estonian defense startup Frankenburg Technologies will test an in-development anti-aircraft missile in Ukraine next year.

South Korea commissions its first next-generation Aegis destroyerCHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand — South Korea’s navy formally...

South Korea commissions its first next-generation Aegis destroyer

CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand — South Korea’s navy formally received the first of a new class of guided-missile destroyer equipped with the Aegis combat system late last month.

The ROKS Jeongjo the Greatis is the first warship to adopt the Korean Vertical Launching System II.

MDAA Alert: Team defense is better with Allies and PartnersDear Members and Friends,    We had the honor of speaking and...

MDAA Alert: Team defense is better with Allies and Partners

Dear Members and Friends,

We had the honor of speaking and presenting at the Multilateral Integrated Air and Missile Defense Summit and Senior International Leader Event...

Read more: https://ow.ly/p8Tm50UmNfH


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Our Story

MDAA is a non-profit organization which seeks to generate public support for the continued testing, development and deployment of missile defense systems to protect our country and our allies. The organization seeks to educate the general public with respect to missile defense issues and the urgent need for it.

MDAA is a non-partisan organization which does not advocate a particular company, system or product. In order to act impartially, MDAA is governed by a Board of Directors which does not have a financial interest in the decisions the United States Government makes with regard to its missile defense systems. Hence, MDAA's Board of Directors is populated with business professionals drawn from outside the defense industry who offer the perspective of citizens who wish to be protected.