Systemwide, starting Monday, Jan. 24, until further notice:
- All Library locations, including Cherrydale and Glencarlyn Libraries, will be open on a regular schedule.
- In-person programs, including storytimes and Maker services at The Shop, will pause so that staff can be diverted to other service points.
- Scheduled virtual programs, which staff can conduct from anywhere, will continue. Please visit our events calendar for more information.
- Some meeting and study rooms will be unavailable, in order to accommodate temporary staff workspace and overflow materials.
- Current and upcoming library card expirations will be extended for 90 days.
Read the full post for all details:
Library Operations Update: January 17, 2022
Arlington Public Library, like many other services in the region, has been impacted by the latest COVID-19 related staffing shortages. As we continue to do our best to keep Library operations running, the following temporary measures will be taken:
Cherrydale and Glencarlyn Update
- Cherrydale and Glencarlyn Libraries and book drops will remain closed through Sunday, Jan. 23, 2022.
- Holds currently on the shelf at Cherrydale and Glencarlyn will be moved to Central Library for pickup starting Wednesday, Jan. 19; these holds will be held at Central through Wednesday, Jan. 26.
- New holds can still be placed for pickup at Cherrydale and Glencarlyn, but no new holds will be fulfilled at these location during the closure. Patrons who currently have unfilled holds have the option to choose a different pickup location through their Library Account online or via the Library App.
Going forward, the Library will prioritize keeping locations open for service. Systemwide, starting Monday, Jan. 24, until further notice:
- All Library locations, including Cherrydale and Glencarlyn Libraries, will be open on a regular schedule.
- In-person programs, including storytimes and Maker services at The Shop, will pause so that staff can be diverted to other service points.
- Scheduled virtual programs, which staff can conduct from anywhere, will continue. Please visit our events calendar for more information.
- Some meeting and study rooms will be unavailable, in order to accommodate temporary staff workspace and overflow materials.
- Current and upcoming library card expirations will be extended for 90 days.
How Can You Help?
In recent weeks, an increase in unclaimed holds across the system has impacted staff workload. There are two ways you can help:
- Pick up your holds before they expire.
- If you are unlikely to visit the library in the coming days and weeks, pause or “Freeze” any unfilled physical holds that are not yet ready for pick up.
Providing access to Library services while keeping all our locations open remains our top priority. Operations will continue to be assessed, as these plans are contingent on current staffing levels, and operations may be further impacted if additional staffing shortages occur.
Thank you for your patience and understanding and for using Arlington Public Library. We look forward to seeing you soon.