Our Story
The I.D.E.A.S. Center seeks to expand educational opportunities for and improve the academic attainment of Hispanic, transfer, sophomore, and veteran students. The Center provides students with *FREE peer-to-peer mentoring and tutoring services*. In addition, the Center has space for students to:
-Build relationships
-Collaborate with peers, faculty and staff,
-Receive academic services
-Study individually
Our FREE peer tutoring services provide students with guidance in courses that are difficult and critical for degree attainment, while peer mentors are available to connect students to university services, like-minded peers, and faculty and staff. Additionally, students can meet with mentors and tutors online for FREE.
The I.D.E.A.S. Center fosters the academic success of students through providing services after hours. Services are mostly provided in the evening and on the weekends. The Center’s hours provides students with the flexibility to meet academic as well as work and family demands. In addition, online mentoring and tutoring services allows students to receive services while on the go and from off–campus locations.
The I.D.E.A.S. Center space is designed to encourage community building and academic success. Students have space to meet with peer mentors and tutors privately and publicly. Also, students are able to utilize the space to study individually or in a group as well as meet with faculty and or staff.