Blue Santa Needs Your Help | Beaumont Beat S1 E11
The Beaumont Police Department has been running the Blue Santa program for 30+ years to help children in need and foster positive police interactions. Learn how you can get involved in spreading joy throughout the community during the holiday season and year-round.
🎅 Will all of this fit in Blue Santa’s sleigh???
Do you recognize these Aggravated Robbery Suspects?
On November 24, 2023 at 12:26 p.m., the two suspects in the video below committed an Aggravated Robbery at a store in the 3300 block of Ave A and robbed the clerk at gun point. One suspect enters the store armed with a handgun and threatens the clerk while the other suspect acts as a lookout. There are still photos of the suspects in the comments. We understand that picture and video quality isn't great, however someone who KNOWS these suspects will be able to identify them by their clothing and mannerisms.
If you recognize these suspects, call Beaumont Police at 409-832-1234 or Southeast Texas Crime Stoppers at 409-833-TIPS (8477). You can also submit a tip to Crime Stoppers by downloading the P3 Tips app on your smartphone. All Crime Stoppers tips are anonymous and you may be eligible for a cash reward.
🎃Today’s the day!!! BPD Trunk or Treat, 2-5pm! 👻 Tag #beaumontpolicedepartment and show us your Halloween style!
Check out this awesome time lapse video captured by BPD Sgt. Garris on the Gift of Life Program Julie Richardson Procter 5K Ribbon Run route!
BPD is proud to provide traffic and public safety protection to our community during these special events! 🚔🏃🩷
🤝Community education is so important to us!! ❓Did you know that we have Police Community Relations (PCR) officers whose main jobs are informing and educating YOU? We think they’re pretty awesome.
❓Remember when we shared about Practicum in Policing a few weeks back? Today was PIP graduation and these students had some amazing things to share! Listen to these awesome testimonies. With young people like this, the future is in great hands
3/11 is National 311 Appreciation Day! Beaumont’s non-emergency service request line is an amazing resource to the community! We're thankful for all that they do.
Come join us, CANA neighbors!