Congratulations Mr. Brundidge, August teacher of the month. You are much appreciated! ❤️
Welcome to Green Acres, Ms.Allen💚💛 Great day to be a MUSTANG!
Welcome to Green Acres, Mrs. Conwell💚💛 Great day to be a MUSTANG!
Welcome to Green Acres, Ms. Henry💚💛 Great day to be a MUSTANG!
Welcome to Green Acres, Mr. Mayfield💚💛 Great day to be a MUSTANG!
Love day was super exciting at GAMS…Students had an opportunity to show LOVE anonymously to their peers.
Watch the excitement on their faces!!!❤️❤️❤️
Awesome morning with our Exceptional Scholars🐎🐎
We did stations today, stations are learning centers located around the library/classroom where the scholars spend time doing specific tasks. The objective was to learn more about the parts and the taste of different color apples. Our scholars did a great job this morning 👍🏽👍🏽We’re soooo proud of our Exceptional Scholars
Kudos to AJ working on his irrigation project with Ms. Leonard and Mrs. McMullins today🎉🎉👍🏽👍🏽
We’re celebrating success at GAMS.
Check out our football players being great peer helpers in our self contained classroom. I love to see our scholars take the initiative to be KIND intentionally.
Mini Wind Turbine with a few 6th graders… A little quick STEM makerspace in the library this morning.
Open House was awesome!!! Parents learned about ACAP Scores and how to increase student performance from home. Kudos to Mr. Strickland, our employee of the month👍🏽
Happy birthday Mrs.Walters!!! From your scholars
GAMS Block Party 2023 Part 2
It’s National Youth Violence Prevention Week 2023 and Counselor Jackson spoke to the students during lunch🎉🎉Along with a nice cool treat🍦🍨🍧🧊