Decades of Passion 2023
We are still overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible support and energy that filled the room at Decades of Passion. Thank you to each and every one of our guests for making the event truly spectacular!
Discover the stories of our 11 incredible honorees, each of whom has made a profound impact on the YWCA Central Alabama!
Check out the link to see the full video!
#YWCACentralAL #YWCA #eliminateracism #empowerwomen #genderequality #racialequality #genderequity #racialequity #ywcaisonamission #DecadesofPassion #120years #GivePlentySupport120 #DedicateCelebrateDonate
We're thrilled to announce that Santa's Workshop was an absolute success, spreading joy and creating magical holiday memories for families in our community!
A special shoutout to our incredible volunteers, the dynamic junior board, and our dedicated staff, who worked tirelessly to make this festive experience possible.
Thank you to each and every one of you who donated gift cards. Your kindness is making a real and meaningful impact.
#YWCACentralAL #YWCA #eliminateracism #empowerwomen #genderequality #racialequality #genderequity #racialequity #YWCAIsOnAMission #giving #santasworkshop
Decades of Passion was a huge success, raising an impressive $945,000! This achievement is a testament to the power of our community and your unwavering support.
Your commitment to eliminating racism and empowering women has fueled this remarkable success. Together, we are making a tangible impact, creating positive change, and building a future filled with equality and empowerment.
But the journey doesn't end here! You can still be a part of our mission by contributing. No matter the size, every donation brings us one step closer to changing the lives of women and children in Central Alabama. Click the link in our bio to make a difference today!
Thank you for standing with us, believing in our mission, and being champions of change!
#YWCACentralAL #YWCA #eliminateracism #empowerwomen #genderequality #racialequality #genderequity #racialequity #ywcaisonamission #DecadesofPassion #120years #GivePlentySupport120 #DedicateCelebrateDonate
During #WeekWithoutViolence, YWCA Central Alabama is uniting against gender-based violence. We had a few members of our staff answer the following prompts provided by YWCA USA .
1. Ending gender-based violence is important because:
2. A world without violence looks like:
3. I stand with survivors because:
We all deserve safety and freedom from violence!
#YWCACentralAL #YWCA #eliminateracism #empowerwomen #genderequality #racialequality #genderequity #racialequity #ywcaisonamission #domesticviolenceawarness #dvawareness #endDV #DomesticViolenceAwarenessMonth #WWV23 #EndGBV
YWe Talk - Advancing Justice
During our racial justice challenge, we understand issues facing women, children, and communities of color are multifaceted, and therefore the solutions must also be multifaceted. Moderated by Dr. LaRhonda Magras, CEO of YWCA Central Alabama, the panelists will celebrate YWCA's legacy of advancing justice and ensuring equity for all.
YWe Talk - YWomen Lead
Join YWCA Central Alabama for a Women’s History Month YWe Talk as we invite women entrepreneurs to share their stories of success, trials and tribulations along the journey of economic advancement.
We're proud to be the featured nonprofit at the Birmingham Squadron Women Empowerment Night on Thursday, March 9, 2023! Support the YWCA Central Alabama by wearing your Persimmon and Black.
Don't forget to get your tickets by clicking on the link below!
#ywca #centralalabama #bham #empowerwomen #eliminateracism #BirminghamSquadron
People often assume physical violence when they hear about dating abuse, but that's not always the case. Physical violence is just one example of abusive behavior.
Dating abuse can be:
⚠️ PHYSICAL violence - hitting, kicking or using another type of physical force
⚠️ SEXUAL violence - forcing or pressuring a partner into physical intimacy and/or sexual touching when the partner does not consent or is unable to consent or refuse. It also includes non-physical behaviors like posting or sharing sexual pictures of a partner without their consent or sexting someone without their consent.
⚠️ EMOTIONAL or MENTAL abuse - using verbal and non-verbal communication with the intent to mentally or emotionally harm and/or exert control over a partner
⚠️ STALKING - repeated, unwanted attention and contact by a current or former partner that causes fear or safety concern for an individual victim or someone close to the victim
▪️ Checking phones, emails, social media without permission
▪️ Extreme jealousy, insecurity or possessiveness
▪️ Frequently belittling, name calling, put downs
▪️ Explosive temper
▪️ Isolating you from family and friends (physically, financially, emotionally)
▪️ Any physical harm
▪️ Making false accusations
▪️ Erratic mood swings
▪️ Telling you or repeatedly pressuring you into what to do/ controlling behavior
Understanding common types of abuse will better prepare you to identify them when you see them; experiencing even one or two of these warning signs may be a red flag that abuse is present in your own relationship.
If you are experiencing abuse or know someone who is, SPEAK UP and SAY MORE. Please call our 24-hour crisis line. We can help.
☎️ (205) 322-4878 (HURT)
#SAYMORE #TDVAM #TDVAM23 #teendating #teendatingviolence #teendatingviolenceawarenessmonth #teendatingviolenceawareness #teendatingabuse #datingviolence #datingabuse #healthyrelationships #warningsigns
🗣️ SAY MORE 🗣️ February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM), a national campaign amplifying the needs of youth and their experiences with dating violence.
Dating abuse is a pattern of physically, sexually or emotionally abusive behavior over a period of time that is used to exert power and control over a current or past dating partner. Anyone can experience dating abuse, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic standing, race, religion or culture.
If you are experiencing abuse or know someone that is, SPEAK UP and #SAYMORE. Please call our 24-hour Crisis Line. We can help.
☎️ (205) 322-4878 (HURT)
Check out our Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month post to find more information about teen dating violence, relationships, how you can help and our TDVAM: SAY MORE campaign at
YWe Talk - The Art of Advocacy
What role does art have in generating social and political change? What is the responsibility of artists in highlighting and addressing social issues? Join YWCA Central Alabama as we discuss the role art plays in the fight to create a world that truly promotes peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all!
Moderated by Dr. LaRhonda Magras, CEO of YWCA Central Alabama, the panelists will discuss how their work lives at the intersection of art and advocacy. They will also discuss how their work has been a force for education and conversation about contemporary social issues, from gender and race to accessibility and more.
🔶 YWe Talk 🔶 | Join us live today at noon as we discuss the role art plays in the fight to create a world that truly promotes peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all!
Register at
YWe Talk - Centering Survivors Part 2
Join YWCA Central Alabama as we honor the lived experiences and stories from survivors of domestic violence by highlighting their journeys of moving beyond surviving to thriving. Experience the power of survivors sharing their stories with their own voices.