The fall 2023 play is...
"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" based on the book by Kate DiCamillo and adapted by Dwayne Hartford!
"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" is a play adaptation by Dwayne Hartford of the popular children's book written by Kate DiCamillo. The story revolves around the enchanting and emotional journey of a china rabbit named Edward Tulane.
Edward Tulane is a beautifully crafted and dapper rabbit, gifted to a little girl named Abilene by her grandmother Pellegrina. Although Abilene loves Edward, he is more concerned with his own appearance. While on an ocean voyage, Edward is accidentally tossed overboard. Thus begins his miraculous journey.
"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" is a heartwarming and poignant play that explores themes of love, loss, and the transformative power of empathy. It takes audiences on a magical adventure that touches the hearts of both children and adults, reminding them of the importance of compassion and connection in a world that often seems cold and distant.
Fall 2023 Play - Clue #4
This is your final clue! The fall play will be revealed tomorrow, June 30, at 6:30 pm! Make sure you review all four clues and comment your final guesses!
Fall 2023 Play - Clue #3
Do you have any new guesses with this latest clue? π€ Or does your guess still work?
Fall 2023 Play - Clue #2
Any guesses? Feel free to share them in the comments!
BHS Drama is proud to announce the spring 2023 musical: "Legally Blonde"! Be sure to watch the video to learn how our "clues" during poster reveal brought us to this musical.
Final reveal of the week! Have you figured it out yet? π
Something stinks? Nope! "Something Rotten" went off the call board today! Also, "Amelie" is not our musical!
Today in our poster reveal, "Spelling Bee" doesn't have enough Chips and Ms. Flaherty objects to "Guys and Dolls".
Reveal #5 - "Annie" and "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" went to the "Rejects".
Poster reveal number 4: We have eliminated "1776", "Oklahoma!", and "Once Upon a Mattress".
Three shows met their end today! We are not doing "Bring it On" and "Xanadu!" We are too afraid someone might snap an ankle. π¬ Also, "Les Mis" is far too serious.
Two posters down. 29 to go!
Check Please by Jonathan Rand
We are pumped for our opening (and also closing) night of "Check Please" by Jonathan Rand! Brush Beetdiggers Catering/FCCLA is serving up a delicious meal while we're serving up some laughs!
Check Please by Jonathan Rand
Walking into our performance tomorrow night like...
It's almost here! Brush High School Drama Club and Brush Beetdiggers Catering/FCCLA are proud to present the annual dinner theatre tomorrow (2/9/22) evening. Seating begins at 5:30 pm!
Here's an explanation of the clues!
Clue #1 - BHS Drama Spring Musical
"Eternally Lost and Crazy". Dress rehearsal mic check