“This is friendship right here”
3 weeks in and they are skipping holding hands life is good 😎
It feels good to be back in the schools checking in with Project Upward Bound students. 📚
Nucleus Robotics in Action!!!!
Upward Bound Alum..Cairo Pilot to SIUC Grad 👨🏾🎓
Annnnnnd the winner is ......
Here’s another PUB Testimony of gratitude....
Hey Mrs. Markida. I wanted to tell you thank you for all that you and upward bound did for me. A few days ago a group of students from upward bound in another state came to visit our department and I gave them a tour and speech on college and I can honestly say it may have been the most honest and heartfelt thing that I’ve ever said to anybody. To see those kids light up the way they did when I told them my story really did something to me and reminded me of how much of a role upward bound played in me being where I’m at today. I am forever grateful for y’all and your efforts are not going in vain! Please pass this message to Ak for me too.
Demetrius Green
Sneak peek of the Law work study Mock Trial!! #PUB #summer2018
Ms. Jamari Brown giving a speech as Amelia Boynton, one of the women from the movie Hidden Figures, at the Martin Luther Jr. Breakfast. #MLKDay
Great job Jamari!!
Mad Money presentation SIU credit union....Final Exam study kits for Project Upward Bound Students Sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.
MAD Money presentation by SIU Credit Union..Sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. CARBONDALE Alumnae Chapter