We just heard a celebratory shout and went over to investigate. Let’s hear from Otha, case manager in our Chronic Homeless Program…
Congratulations to Mr. Gerald J, who served our country through the U.S. Army. This Veteran just moved in to his own apartment AND is now working full-time at a rehabilitation center.
Well done, Sir!
Good morning and happy Monday to all, but especially to Mr. Andrew Gaddy, who was recently promoted to Director of Eddie Beard Vet House! Here’s Andrew on Friday after receiving the generous clothing donation Tom James Company…
We first met the team at SMS Assist when their Veterans Employee Working Group contacted us, out of the blue, to drop off a huge donation of toiletries and other necessities they had collected for unhoused Veterans.
They took it a step further for Christmas, conducting a toy drive for kids and grandkids of Veterans served by Inner Voice. No wonder SMS Assist has been named one of the best places to work in Chicago!
Here are Mitch and Chris of SMS Assist to tell you about it - and special thanks to Becky for her extensive behind-the-scenes work <3
Fall came very quickly to Chicago this year…and thanks to Bombas generous donation, we have plenty of high quality socks to keep feet warm, as Wayne can attest :)
Ladies and gentlemen, WE HAVE TOMATOES! This is our first time to plant a garden at Pioneer House, our transitional home for men in West Garfield Park, and we are pretty excited that it is starting to, ah, bear fruit. Check out Jumaani’s Tomato Tour 😆
Rescuing Leftover Cuisine
BIG THANKS to @RescuingLeftoverCuisine for donating delicious, nutritious and bounteous food to Pioneer House, our transitional home for men in West Garfield, and congratulations on opening your Chicago branch!
Rescuing Leftover Cuisine (RLC) redistributes excess food to feed people experiencing food insecurity. If you're not familiar with them, you'll want to change that! https://www.rescuingleftovercuisine.org/
Happy birthday, Chef Kristina! We are SO grateful for you <3
Divvy Bikes has had a big week! Ryan is here to share information about Divvy 4 Everyone, with $5 annual membership for those who qualify
Star Farm Chicago is at Pioneer House today with free organic veggies. Stop by and get some- and find out about YOUR child tax credit!