Maybe our ON TO 2050 comprehensive plan seems to be looking far into the future. But maybe not.
As we enter 2025, the year 2050 will be as far away as the year 2000!
Learn more about ON TO 2050: #HappyNewYear2025
Thanks to the great partnership with Austin Coming Together, CMAP is excited to announce the release of Austin’s Central Avenue Corridor Plan.
Read about it in the latest CMAP Planning News:
The plan's goals include:
• Creating an attractive, safe public realm for residents and visitors that helps unlock the neighborhood’s development potential.
• Encouraging development that enhances quality of life and increases opportunities for residents.
• Building community support and partnerships, identify funding sources, and securing other resources to advance community priorities.
Happy Friday, everybody! This week, we're highlighting one of our favorite ways to gather location specific data: interactive online maps, like this one for Safe Travel for All.
Safe Travel for All is a regionwide initiative to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries in northeastern Illinois. Participating counties will be developing safety action plans specific to their communities, guided by a regional framework to coordinate future improvements and maximize the impact of local and systemwide traffic safety improvements.
We want your feedback! To add a hotspot to the safety map for your county, visit your county’s Safe Travel for All page at
#featurephotofriday #cmap #safetravelforall #safety #trafficsafety #safetyhotspot #northeasternillinois #cookcounty #dupagecounty #kanecounty #lakecounty #mchenrycounty #willcounty #planning #urbanplanning #community #engagement
Thanks to the great partnership with Austin Coming Together, CMAP is excited to announce the release of Austin’s Central Avenue Corridor Plan.
The plan is a blueprint for how Austin can realize the community’s vision for a healthy Central Avenue corridor that will serve as a unifying presence, both supporting and illustrating a thriving and united neighborhood.
View the plan at
Goals include:
• Creating an attractive, safe public realm for residents and visitors that helps unlock the neighborhood’s development potential. 🏡
• Encouraging development that enhances quality of life and increases opportunities for residents. 🛍
• Building community support and partnerships, identifying funding sources, and securing other resources to advance community priorities. 💰
Chris Taliaferro - 29th Ward Alderman Urban Land Institute
How can northeastern Illinois' roadways become safer for all? CMAP's own Lindsay Bayley and Vickie Barrett spoke about programs that can save lives during a presentation to the Illinois Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Lindsay is the program lead for Safe and Complete Streets at CMAP. Vickie is a senior transportation planner. Check the comments to learn more about our Safe Travel for All and Speed Management programs.
Safe Travel for All
Communities across the region can make a real difference improving traffic safety — but don’t just take our word for it!
CMAP Board member and Village of Romeoville Mayor John Noak shared how CMAP’s Safe Travel for All project makes it easy for people who live, work, and travel in northeastern Illinois to show and tell where roads need safety improvements.
Visit to learn more and place pins on traffic safety hotspot maps for Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake McHenry, and McHenry counties. #safestreets #safetravelforall
You can help improve traffic safety in northeastern Illinois. CMAP is partnering with Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties on Safe Travel for All:
This regionwide initiative will create safety action plans to reduce — and ultimately eliminate — fatalities and serious injuries on our roads.
Please visit the Safe Travel for All project website (and county-specific pages linked within) to:
▶ Drop pins on the safety hotspots map
▶ Take the traffic safety survey
▶ Get event and open house details
▶ Sign up for project updates
Aimee Lee, CMAP’s Deputy of Transportation, presented the Plan of Action for Regional Transit and its recommendations as our region’s response to the looming transit fiscal cliff.
She joined a panel discussion held by the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations annual conference on transit funding challenges across the country.
The panel also included Matt Maloney from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and Kanti Srikanth from the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board to provide insights from the Bay Area and Washington, D.C. region.
Sharing our work and lessons learned with regional planning peers across the country is key as we collaborate to solve shared challenges. It’s also important to consider what other regions are doing.
Read the recommendations for northeastern Illinois at
Thank you to APWA Chicago Metro and its City Branch for the opportunity to join your recent luncheon attended by many public and private sector partners along with special guests visiting from Australia.
They shared insights about their local government transportation and infrastructure, circular economy, engagement and more. CMAP’s Deputy of Communications and Engagement Jennie Vana served as emcee.
CMAP team members were at U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin and U.S. Rep. Robin Kelly’s grants workshop at Prairie State College. We talked with local mayors and managers on regional funding opportunities that support transportation and infrastructure projects throughout northeastern Illinois.
Representing CMAP were (left to right): Tricia Hyland, Ryan Gougis, Patrick Day, and Jon Haadsma.
We're excited to engage with our federal delegation and local government partners to discuss our role as the region’s metropolitan planning organization and highlight our funding programs.
See how to apply, and learn more about the types of projects eligible for funding:
CMAP team members enjoyed the opportunity to connect with parents and students at an open house at Passow Elementary School in Franklin Park. Pictured are Brett Brown and Lily Brack. Elizabeth Miller also was at the event.
It's part of the vision to create a brighter future for Grand Avenue, which is near the school. CMAP is partnering with the Village of Franklin Park to transform Grand Avenue into a safe, accessible, and thriving corridor.