I help you save money with your energy with MHM Energy Options, an energy brokerage company that specializes in helping YOU save on natural gas and electricity. We do it for a huge variety of businesses, homes, organizations and municipalities in Chicagoland and across the country and I can do it for you easily, with no cost, no risk. MHM Energy Options has partnered with Schaumburg-based Alternat
ive Fuel Supply (AFS) to offer fleet owners a way to save money and add to their bottom line while simultaneously reducing their carbon and nitrogen emissions. These are a few of the many benefits to consider when converting your fleet to a bi-fuel system of liquid propane and traditional gasoline. The people we appeal to are looking for ways to save money on their everyday purchases. They are looking for ways to build lasting customer relationships. By bringing together both parties internationally, we have created a unique global network. This network is the basis for our shopping community and loyalty program that benefits both members and merchants. It is also the basis for our understanding of a strong community which is characterized by cultural diversity and innovation and where we can all live together with a mutual commitment to aiding others and preserving the environment. This is part of our corporate identity. Only together are we strong enough to promote and implement our ideals of social responsibility. I helping people who have high deductible health insurance, no health insurance or poor health insurance to save money on their prescription medications. My prescription mail order service, You Save On Meds, is helping people save up to 80% over current retail prices. I can now help you with fully integrated solutions across electronic payments, mobile, and business processes including Analytics for small and mid-size companies. I can help you with a value-focused fully integrated solutions across electronic payments, mobile, and business processes. Develop sales models, financial models, operational models, and social analytical models for small and midsize companies. Help business owners and CXO manage their business to grow the top line and improve the bottom line.