Policing and White Supremacy
A look at the ways that white supremacy and policing have been intertwined since the days of slave patrols, the impact of this connection, and what can be done about it.
No Cop Academy Documentary | Theatrical Trailer (2021)
Throwback to last Monday’s #NoCopAcademy Toolkit Release and to the #NoCopAcademy campaign! From 2017-2019, Chicago Black youth powerfully organized and led an effort against the construction of a $95 million dollar cop academy, and demanded the city of Chicago fund youth and communities instead. This upcoming documentary chronicles the explosive #NoCopAcademy campaign through those who lived it.
“Real community safety comes from fully-funded schools and mental health centers, robust after-school and job-training programs, and social and economic justice. We want investment in our communities, not expanded resources for police.”
Full Documentary Coming Soon.
No Cop Academy
NoCopAcademy.com for more information about the campaign.
NoCopAcademy.com/Toolkit to download and read the toolkit.
SoapBoxPO.com/NoCopAcademy to see more visuals and PSAs from the campaign and updates on the documentary.
Get engaged in current abolitionist fights to take power away from police, prisons, and ICE and invested into our communities: The Final 5 Campaign, Students Strike Back, Stop General Iron, Defund CPD Campaign
End Illinois Prison Lockdown: "Cages don't stop COVID"
Today we join the End IL Prison Lockdown Coalition demanding that the state of Illinois take the appropriate actions to protect those in IDOC.
Where are you Gov. Pritzker? In the past 10 months, incarcerated people in Illinois have faced an extreme, ineffective, and unending prison lockdown, forced to stay in their cells over 23 hours a day! Still, over 60 are dead and 1,000s infected. Cages Don't Stop COVID!
Sign our petition: linktr.ee/EndILPrisonLockdown
#EndILPrisonLockdown #FreeThemAll #CagesDontStopCOVID
8th Day Center for Justice Closing Celebration
What Do You Know About Chicago Spending On Police?