On Monday, February 5, 2024, our Police Chief, Kevin Pierce, graduated from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) Command and Leadership Academy after successfully completing the Region 5 class in November of 2023 at the Government Services Center in West Chester, PA.
The program recognizes the challenges in law enforcement leadership, particularly in the upcoming decades. The NJSACOP recognizes that one of the components of that challenge is the development of future law enforcement leaders. The NJSACOP Command & Leadership Academy is a unique blend of theory and application designed to fulfill that mission. The 13-week training academy utilized behavioral science theories in conjunction with scenario learning to enhance development and education. Participants explored four Areas: Preparing Yourself to Lead, Understanding and Motivating Others, Leading Great Teams and Leading Great Organizations. The Program Curriculum was developed through the United States Military Academy at West Point in collaboration with highly experienced law enforcement practitioners and specialists, specially selected by NJSACOP, who possess an exceptional blend of experience and instructional credentials. The Leadership Academy studied leadership as a science with logic, critical thinking, methodology and vision utilizing organization theory in a law enforcement context with police-oriented case studies. Candidates for this course were selected from a wide cross-section of jurisdictions and agencies in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland.
Our Chief is proud to have completed this course and looks forward to applying the leadership principles learned to the South Coatesville Police Department.
Thank you to South Coatesville Borough Council Members Bob Floyd, Kenny Bond and Shelly Eveland for attending the graduation ceremony almost two hours away in New Brunswick, NJ. Your support means a lot to our Chief!