A Safer Conifer

A Safer Conifer Community members + volunteer & career firefighters from all 3 fire districts who favor consolidation

We are disappointed in what will likely be the outcome of consolidation not passing, but we respect the decision of the ...

We are disappointed in what will likely be the outcome of consolidation not passing, but we respect the decision of the voters of our communities. We would like to thank everyone who generously donated their time and/or hard-earned dollars to our campaign, and to all of you who saw the value in this request from our Fire districts and voted YES! We are determined to continue to support our area first responders who deserve only the best for all that they do for us.

Based on Unofficial Election Results (if results do not change significantly, it is unlikely there will be an automatic recount):

Dear Members of the Community,

We wish to extend our sincere gratitude to all of you who participated in the recent vote on the consolidation of Elk Creek, Inter-Canyon, and North Fork fire-protection districts. While we had hoped for a different outcome, we respect and acknowledge the decision that has been made by the majority of voters. We also want to express our gratitude to voters in Elk Creek Fire Protection District for the passage of ballot measure 7E, preventing the loss of 2.5 mills in the district, to voters in Inter-Canyon Protection District for a majority vote on both 6A and 6B, and to voters in North Fork Fire Protection District for a majority vote on 7B and 7C.

The results of any vote underscore the importance of the democratic process, where the voices of community members are paramount. We hear your concerns and respect your decision, and we remain committed to serving the emergency needs of our community to the best of our abilities.

This was an incredibly close race (the consolidation question in Jefferson County, 7F, last stood at 50.69% No and 49.31% Yes.) This tells us that a significant number of voters have identified the need to expand emergency services in this community.

We were dedicated to the idea of consolidation as the best method to accomplish this, as it would provide increased 24 / 7 staffing and therefore a more robust emergency-response capacity. We know this increased capacity is needed to care for this mountain community as it grows. We will continue exploring ways to enhance our services and remain open to dialogue and collaboration with the community to address the challenges ahead, both known and unexpected.

We understand that consolidation is a complex issue with various perspectives and concerns. We also believe that circumstances and perspectives may change, and we remain receptive to the needs and concerns of our community members.

Your support and involvement are crucial, and we will work together to ensure a safe and resilient future for all.

Our firefighters and other emergency responders will continue to work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of the community, as they always have.

Thank you for your engagement and for entrusting us with the responsibility of safeguarding your lives and property.


Elk Creek Fire Protection District

For results in Jefferson County: https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CO/Jefferson/118893/web.317647/ #/summary

For results in Park County:

Drop those ballots off at a 24-hour drop box, as it's too late to mail them now. Locations listed below!

Drop those ballots off at a 24-hour drop box, as it's too late to mail them now. Locations listed below!

We want your autograph! Currently, we have 47 envelopes with no signatures and seven households who accidentally swapped envelopes.

Remember to carefully check that your envelope is the right one and you’ve signed it before you take it to a drop box or vote center. (It’s too late to mail! Ballots must be received, not postmarked by Nov 7!)

We’re so encouraged by all the waves and honks as you drive by on your way to the Holiday Boutique at Conifer High Schoo...

We’re so encouraged by all the waves and honks as you drive by on your way to the Holiday Boutique at Conifer High School. Thank you!

The Canyon Courier published two op eds yesterday regarding consolidation. There are some outrageous claims we feel we m...

The Canyon Courier published two op eds yesterday regarding consolidation. There are some outrageous claims we feel we must address:
MYTH: emergency services will be decreased to ECFPD residents
FACT: nothing will change in the immediate future while the consolidated district works to hire more firefighter/paramedics. Once personnel are hired, the entire district will benefit from additional full-time, on-duty firefighter/paramedics ready to quickly respond to emergencies from newly staffed stations.

MYTH: Substantial property tax increases.
FACT: for most homeowners, the additional amount will come to...less than $1 per day. You can put in your home's newly assessed value and calculate more precisely using the tax calculator at mountainfireresources.com. For the average home in our area, it comes to $8-14/month.

MYTH: relocation of fire/EMS out of Conifer
FACT: while the administrative functions will eventually all move to what is now Inter-Canyon Fire Station 3 near Windy Point, fire and EMS will absolutely remain in Conifer. Station 2 in Pine Junction is planned to become a fully-staffed station, and an ambulance will remain at Station 1, plus there will be fully staffed ambulances at Windy Point and in Buffalo Creek.

MYTH: loss of local control
FACT: the consolidated district will continue to be overseen by a group of residents elected by fellow residents, will still hold monthly public meetings, will still be subject to the same state laws for Title 32 special districts, and will still have to pass yearly financial audits. There is no loss of local control, neither the county nor the state are taking over our fire districts.

MYTH: displacement of volunteer staff
FACT: career staff and volunteers in all 3 districts are IN FAVOR of consolidation because this will make our districts safer, and provide more safety equipment for our volunteers. There will not be "additional layers of bureaucracy" because the firefighter/paramedics being hired are those titled positions such as Battalion Chief. Did you know that all of our Chiefs and PIOs are firefighter/paramedics? They go out on calls, same as the career staff and volunteers - there is no bureaucracy, just chain of command, and everyone pulls double-duty.

Recruitment and retention: ECFPD has the a program to provide full coverage of tuition for any current EMT who chooses to go through additional training to become a paramedic. The Inter-Canyon Fire Board of Directors has a committee on this subject alone and works with Chief Shirlaw to address the challenges of finding and keeping volunteers. One of the problems our districts face is that we don't offer competitive salaries, this mill levy will allow us to give well-deserved pay raises to help retain current personnel and recruit the best new hires to protect our homes.

Vote YES on all of the Elk Creek Fire, Inter-Canyon Fire, and North Fork Fire ballot measures to approve consolidation so we can help keep our mountain communities safer by being better prepared for increasing call volumes, an aging population, and our high wildfire risk. Thank you!


Three fire departments along U.S. 285 are asking voters whether they should consolidate into the Conifer Fire District, an issue that has caused tension among board members and residents in the Elk Creek Fire District. The Canyon Courier published two op-eds to give readers perspectives on both side...

Consolidation Ballot Language – yes, it is a bit confusing on the ballot! If you have not yet voted and still have quest...

Consolidation Ballot Language – yes, it is a bit confusing on the ballot! If you have not yet voted and still have questions… Read on…. (For context, a YES vote is endorsed by firefighters and volunteers!)

The language used on the ballot for the three Elk Creek FPD ballot issues that are related to consolidation (7D / 7E / 7F) is unclear and lacks context on the requirements for the approval of Consolidation. To provide clarity, we have included a brief explanation of each ballot issue and what is necessary for a complete YES vote for Consolidation.

Elk Creek Fire Protection District Ballot Issue 7D: This ballot measure asks you to vote “Yes / For” or “No / Against” A TOTAL APPROVED MILL LEVY OF UP TO 16 MILLS to fund the proposed consolidated FPD. The 16 Mill Levy total is based on extending the current Elk Creek FPD 12.5 Mill Levy (which otherwise disappears end of December 2023) and adding an additional property tax levy of 3.5 MILLS. Voting ‘Yes / For’ makes it financially feasible to Consolidate.

Elk Creek Fire Protection District Ballot Issue 7E: This ballot measure asks you to vote “Yes / For” or “No / Against” keeping the current Elk Creek FPD Mill Levy of 12.5 MILLS in the event consolidation is not approved. The 12.5 Mill Levy would be payable in 2024 and would continue without expiration. Voting ‘Yes / For’ amounts to zero net change in today’s property taxes, however, this ballot initiative alone, will NOT allow the consolidation to take place.

Elk Creek Fire Protection District Ballot Question 7F: This ballot measure asks you to vote “Yes / For” or “No / Against” the consolidation of the Elk Creek Fire Protection District, the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District, and the North Fork Fire Protection District to form the Conifer Fire Protection District as a single consolidated fire protection district. This question is asking you to vote “Yes / For” or “No / Against” on Consolidation. Voting ‘Yes / For’ issue 7F moves Consolidation forward using the funding made available by 7D.

How do I vote YES for Consolidation in the Elk Creek FPD?
In order to vote YES for Consolidation, you MUST vote “YES” for BOTH Ballot Issues 7D and 7F. A YES on one and a NO on the other is NOT a YES vote for Consolidation. Why vote YES on Ballot Issue 7E? In the event consolidation is not passed, to protect and extend the current Mill Levy of 12.5 MILLS, you MUST vote YES for Ballot Issue 7E. This prevents the ECFPD from having its Mill Levy reduced to 10 MILLS if consolidation doesn’t pass. This is a safety hedge, maintaining current funding levels and creating no new tax levy beyond the present.

We ask all Elk Creek FPD voters to vote YES for all three issues (7D / 7E / 7F). The firefighters are voting YES because

Consolidation is in the best interest of our family, our friends, and our community.

We are happy to answer any questions.

For more info:

Thank you CBS for your excellent coverage of the reason why consolidation is so critical, not just for our community, bu...

Thank you CBS for your excellent coverage of the reason why consolidation is so critical, not just for our community, but for those who rely on us as well. Please watch and share, and in Elk Creek FPD, YES on 6A and 6B in Inter-Canyon FPD, and YES on 7B and 7C in North Fork FPD! https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/video/jeffco-voters-being-asked-to-consolidate-3-fire-districts-into-1/
Elk Creek Fire Fighters Local 4710

CBS News Colorado political specialist Shaun Boyd explains why those in Jefferson County are being asked to consolidate three fire districts into one.

"We represent career firefighters (Local 4710), and we say Yes to Consolidation. Our volunteer colleagues will tell you ...

"We represent career firefighters (Local 4710), and we say Yes to Consolidation. Our volunteer colleagues will tell you the same. We all know that working together as a united front is what this community needs as we face a growing and aging population and an ever-increasing threat of potentially catastrophic wildfire. This is why 7D, 7E, and 7F are each an easy “Yes” for every one of us." -Elk Creek Fire Fighters Local 4710


Steve, a resident and member of A Safer Conifer, shares his thoughts on consolidation. Please watch and share, and !

Consolidation Ballot Language questions? We've got answers!The language used on the ballot for the three Elk Creek FPD b...

Consolidation Ballot Language questions? We've got answers!
The language used on the ballot for the three Elk Creek FPD ballot issues that are related to consolidation (7D / 7E / 7F) is unclear and lacks context on the requirements for the approval of Consolidation. To provide clarity, we have included a brief explanation of each ballot issue and what is necessary for a complete YES vote for Consolidation.

Elk Creek Fire Protection District Ballot Issue 7D
This ballot measure asks you to vote “Yes / For” or “No / Against” A TOTAL APPROVED MILL LEVY OF UP TO 16 MILLS to fund the proposed consolidated FPD. The 16 Mill Levy total is based on extending the current Elk Creek FPD 12.5 Mill Levy (which otherwise disappears end of December 2023) and adding an additional property tax levy of 3.5 MILLS. Voting ‘Yes / For’ makes it financially feasible to Consolidate.

Elk Creek Fire Protection District Ballot Issue 7E
This ballot measure asks you to vote “Yes / For” or “No / Against” keeping the current Elk Creek FPD Mill Levy of 12.5 MILLS in the event consolidation is not approved. The 12.5 Mill Levy would be payable in 2024 and would continue without expiration. Voting ‘Yes / For’ amounts to zero net change in today’s property taxes.

Elk Creek Fire Protection District Ballot Question 7F
This ballot measure asks you to vote “Yes / For” or “No / Against” the consolidation of the Elk Creek Fire Protection District, the Inter-Canyon Fire Protection District, and the North Fork Fire Protection District to form the Conifer Fire Protection District as a single consolidated fire protection district. This question is asking you to vote “Yes / For” or “No / Against” on Consolidation. Voting ‘Yes / For’ issue 7F moves Consolidation forward using the funding made available by 7D.

How do I vote YES for Consolidation in the Elk Creek FPD?
In order to vote YES for Consolidation, you MUST vote “YES” for BOTH Ballot Issues 7D and 7F. A YES on one and a NO on the other is NOT a YES vote for Consolidation.

Why vote YES on Ballot Issue 7E?
In the event consolidation is not passed, to protect and extend the current Mill Levy of 12.5 MILLS, you MUST vote YES for Ballot Issue 7E. This prevents the ECFPD from having its Mill Levy reduced to 10 MILLS if consolidation doesn’t pass. This is a safety hedge, maintaining current funding levels and creating no new tax levy beyond the present.

We ask all Elk Creek FPD voters to vote YES for all three issues (7D / 7E / 7F).

Please let us know if you have further questions. Thanks!

Thank you Snowpack Taproom & Pizzeria!!!

Thank you Snowpack Taproom & Pizzeria!!!


"I want to thank C Shift for their quick, decisive action at a structure fire on September 3rd. At 11:18pm, Elk Creek was toned in. Their response time was 11 minutes and they saved that house. That was my friend's house. ...Because this house was 1 mile from district line, Evergreen Fire Rescue was also auto-aid toned-in as well. Their response time was approximately 30 minutes. That's not a criticism, that is just a fact. Had our staff [and] volunteers not been able to be so quick with their response time, they would not have saved that house. And to say, it's not a criticism of Evergreen, those volunteers got out of their cozy homes and their beds and they showed up on scene and it was truly magnificent. There was Inter-Canyon, there was Evergreen Fire Rescue, there was Elk Creek all working together. There was career staff, there were volunteers, and it was awe-inspiring. ...It was only by working together that we were able to save my friend's home. We are and . Thank you." -Miranda Tucker, September ECFPD Board Meeting

Please read below… we are incredibly disappointed in the unethical behavior we are witnessing with our signs being taken...

Please read below… we are incredibly disappointed in the unethical behavior we are witnessing with our signs being taken.

Our community knows the facts, they know consolidation makes Conifer a safer community. When they reached out and requested signs to show their support for consolidation, we responded. We followed all the rules and regulations to provide campaign material and delivered the signs for anyone that requested one. Sadly, our opposition doesn't want our community to make an educated decision. They are relying on a disinformation campaign and have now resorted to these childish antics of stealing our signs. We are aware and as always our firefighters will take the high road. We will continue to run an honest campaign and educate our community on how we can work together to make a safer Conifer.


Firefighter Wilkins with a strong statement on the collaboration and camaraderie between volunteers and career firefighters. We are ! Over the past few years, Elk Creek Fire, Inter-Canyon Fire, and North Fork Fire have signed Intergovernmental Agreements, sharing costs on fire academies, our fleet mechanic, the Conifer Wildland Division, Fuels Crew (which handles our highly popular and successful Chipping Program), Fire Marshall, and more. We are already working well together, but it could be even better if you (Ballot measures 7a and 7B in North Fork, and 6A and 6B in Inter-Canyon Fire) so our new combined district, Conifer Fire, can hire additional firefighter/paramedics to be on duty 24/7 responding to fires and medical calls.


PO Box 353
Conifer, CO


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