We are disappointed in what will likely be the outcome of consolidation not passing, but we respect the decision of the voters of our communities. We would like to thank everyone who generously donated their time and/or hard-earned dollars to our campaign, and to all of you who saw the value in this request from our Fire districts and voted YES! We are determined to continue to support our area first responders who deserve only the best for all that they do for us.
Based on Unofficial Election Results (if results do not change significantly, it is unlikely there will be an automatic recount):
Dear Members of the Community,
We wish to extend our sincere gratitude to all of you who participated in the recent vote on the consolidation of Elk Creek, Inter-Canyon, and North Fork fire-protection districts. While we had hoped for a different outcome, we respect and acknowledge the decision that has been made by the majority of voters. We also want to express our gratitude to voters in Elk Creek Fire Protection District for the passage of ballot measure 7E, preventing the loss of 2.5 mills in the district, to voters in Inter-Canyon Protection District for a majority vote on both 6A and 6B, and to voters in North Fork Fire Protection District for a majority vote on 7B and 7C.
The results of any vote underscore the importance of the democratic process, where the voices of community members are paramount. We hear your concerns and respect your decision, and we remain committed to serving the emergency needs of our community to the best of our abilities.
This was an incredibly close race (the consolidation question in Jefferson County, 7F, last stood at 50.69% No and 49.31% Yes.) This tells us that a significant number of voters have identified the need to expand emergency services in this community.
We were dedicated to the idea of consolidation as the best method to accomplish this, as it would provide increased 24 / 7 staffing and therefore a more robust emergency-response capacity. We know this increased capacity is needed to care for this mountain community as it grows. We will continue exploring ways to enhance our services and remain open to dialogue and collaboration with the community to address the challenges ahead, both known and unexpected.
We understand that consolidation is a complex issue with various perspectives and concerns. We also believe that circumstances and perspectives may change, and we remain receptive to the needs and concerns of our community members.
Your support and involvement are crucial, and we will work together to ensure a safe and resilient future for all.
Our firefighters and other emergency responders will continue to work tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of the community, as they always have.
Thank you for your engagement and for entrusting us with the responsibility of safeguarding your lives and property.
Elk Creek Fire Protection District
For results in Jefferson County: https://results.enr.clarityelections.com/CO/Jefferson/118893/web.317647/ #/summary
For results in Park County: