City of Beaumont - Mayor's Office

City of Beaumont - Mayor's Office Mayor Roy West
Official account of the City of Beaumont, Texas


🌟 Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) OPEN Soon 🌟

Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) applications are coming soon, and we couldn't be more thrilled about the opportunities this brings to our community.

💡 What are CDBGs and why should you care? 💡

CDBGs are federal grants available to area non-profits that provide resources and support for local projects that aim to improve the quality of life for our residents. Here's why this is a big deal:

Public Services: Organizations that provide essential social services can receive the support they need to reach more people and make a positive impact.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: CDBGs promote accessibility, ensuring that everyone in our community can enjoy a high quality of life.

If you are a non-profit that has an idea for a project that will strengthen our community, consider applying for a CDBG grant. Applications are now all digital, making it easier than ever to apply, and these funds are here to help your vision become a reality!

Let's work together to create a brighter future for Beaumont. Get informed, get inspired, and let's make our neighborhood an even better place to call home.

Apply Today >>

Learn More >>


🌸 🌼 Contribute to Beautifying Beaumont 🌸 🌼

We all want to live in a clean, beautiful, and aesthetically pleasing city. You now have the opportunity to make a voluntary two-dollar monthly donation to Beautify Beaumont.

These proceeds go directly toward community improvement projects such as:

🌸 Flower and tree planting
🌼 Public art and murals
🌸 Painting and lighting
🌼 Purchase of garbage receptacles
🌸 Materials for citywide clean-up events
🌼 Other needs supporting Beaumont’s beautification efforts

Your donation is welcomed and appreciated. Contact Water Customer Service at 409-866-0023 to sign-up to have the donation added to your monthly utility bill today.


Spooky season kicks off at the Jefferson Theatre on Friday the 13th! Which of these classics are you most excited about? 👻🎃


Condolences to Councilman Getz. Allison was a light in the community and Beaumont was better for it.


🌳 🏀 Parks & Rec Improvement Updates 🏀 🌳

We've gotten a few questions regarding the status of various projects that were approved with the 1.4M in funding for parks and Beaumont Recreation improvements from the 2023 budget. You should be able to see a lot of progress in the upcoming months -- there's much to look forward to!

Dr. Shannon Allen, the Superintendent of BISD, and I had the privilege of speaking about volunteer opportunities with th...

Dr. Shannon Allen, the Superintendent of BISD, and I had the privilege of speaking about volunteer opportunities with the school district at Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday morning!


Agenda Items of Interest:
✔️ Heard a proclamation honoring Lamar University’s Centennial Celebration.
✔️ Heard a proclamation recognizing the month of September as National Su***de Prevention Month.
✔️ Heard a proclamation celebrating the 117th Anniversary of the Pride of Beaumont #291.
✔️ Heard a proclamation recognizing the month of September as National Recovery Month
✔️ Held a Public Hearing on the 2023 (FY 2024) Proposed Tax Rate.
✔️ Approved an ordinance adopting the FY 2024 Budget by a record vote.
✔️ Approved a resolution adopting the 2024 Capital Program.
✔️ Approved an ordinance accepting the appraised roll and approving the property tax rate for the tax year 2023 (FY 2024) at 0.681485/$100 valuation for the tax year 2023 (FY 2024), which is 1.35 cents less than the current tax rate.
✔️ Approved an ordinance ratifying the budgeted property tax increase reflected in the FY 2024 Budget.
✔️ Approved an ordinance amending Section 22.05.211 of the Code of Ordinances to increase garbage rates by $1.00 per month effective October 1, 2023. Raising the rate from $22.25 to $23.25 will ensure that the minimum fund balance requirement of fifteen percent (15%) is maintained per financial policies.
✔️ Approved an ordinance amending Section 22.02.001, Water Service Rates and Section 22.02.002, Wastewater Service Rates of the Code of Ordinances to increase water rates by four percent (4%) and sewer rates by ten percent (10%) effective October 1, 2023. The increase in minimum required fund balance is necessary in order to meet the concerns of rating agencies when the City goes to the market to issue water and sewer revenue bonds. As operating costs within the fund
continue to rise due to inflation and employee increases, it is necessary to increase the revenues of the fund as well. A customer using an average of 5,000 gallons per month would see an increase in their bill by $4.80 per month from $70.06 per month to $74.86 per month.
✔️ Approved an ordinance amending Section 22.05.214 of the Code of Ordinances to increase landfill disposal fees by $1 per cubic yard effective October 1, 2023, which would bring the compacted refuse fee to $7.10/cy and the noncompacted refuse fee to $6.31/cy which will ensure that the minimum fund balance requirement of fifteen percent (15%) is maintained per financial policies.
✔️ Approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 5, accept maintenance, and authorize final payment to To-Mex Construction, LLC, of Houston, for the Street Rehab Sewer Line Pipe Bursting Project.
✔️ Approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to award a contract to King Solution Services, LLC, of Houston, for the Street Rehab Phase V Sewer Line Replacement Project.
✔️ Adopted the disaster declaration issued by the Mayor on September 8, 2023
✔️ Held a work Session to review and discuss adopting amendments to gaming site regulations and licensing with the goal to increase City oversight and improve public safety.

👉 If you missed the meeting, you can always watch the recording on our website
👉Closed Captioning and Transcriptions are Now Available!

Take Yourself & a Loved One to the Doctor Day Health fair hosted by Commissioner Everette "Bo" Alfred at Cathedral of Fa...

Take Yourself & a Loved One to the Doctor Day Health fair hosted by Commissioner Everette "Bo" Alfred at Cathedral of Faith Baptist Church was an awesome event!

This morning we had a Gathering to Pray for Rain in front of City Hall. Thank you for all that were able to attend and f...

This morning we had a Gathering to Pray for Rain in front of City Hall. Thank you for all that were able to attend and for those that could not be there but texted and called. We certainly understand this is a challenging time, but people of faith will continue to pray and we will get through this drought.

The City of Beaumont Staff, Management and City Council will continue to do all we can to meet the needs of the residents.

I enjoyed the Grandparent Breakfast at Marshall Middle School Wednesday morning! Thank you for the invitation!

Please join us if you are able tomorrow morning (Sept 13) at 10 am in front of City Hall to Gather to Pray for Rain.

Please join us if you are able tomorrow morning (Sept 13) at 10 am in front of City Hall to Gather to Pray for Rain.


You’re Invited: Join us Wednesday for a “Pray for Rain” Event
Wednesday, September 13 from 10-11 am at City Hall


The disaster declaration will allow the city can to use state and federal resources to help with funding water issues such as main water line breaks.

Here is the latest update from the City of Beaumont - Government

Here is the latest update from the City of Beaumont - Government

9/7 Water Update:
We are now 15 days into the free chlorine conversion. The city plans to convert back to chloramines on Tuesday, September 12th.

Governor Abbott issued a Drought Disaster Declaration for Texas, including Jefferson County, on August 22, 2023. You can read the full declaration here>>

Due to the exceptional drought and hot temperatures we are experiencing a large number of water line breaks. City crews are working hard to repair these lines and are prioritizing the larger leaks over smaller ones. If you see a leak please report it to 311 through the app or by calling. If the leak is marked with a wooden stake painted blue then it had already been evaluated by city staff for repair.

We invite you to attend a Press Conference concerning the Water Situation in Beaumont on Friday, September 8, 2023 at the Lakeside Center Meeting Room (150 Magnolia Street) at 10:00AM. You can hear an update from City officials, staff and administration regarding the drought and chlorine conversion. It is open to the public, but questions will only be taken by media partners. If you can not make it in person, we encourage you to watch the live broadcast on our page. To see the full details, visit the Event page >>

Please continue to help conserve water as we remain in Stage 3 drought restrictions. Thank you for your assistance as we work to get through this drought.

Major Leak Repairs Reported: 5 | Major Repairs Fixed: 5
Minor Leak Repairs Reported: 3 | Minor Repairs Fixed: 21
Water Quality Calls: 11 (Note: A Chlorine smell/taste is normal right now)
Learn More Here >>

It was a wonderful day sharing a Proclamation for the LU Collegiate 100 Chapter! They were recognized for their recent N...

It was a wonderful day sharing a Proclamation for the LU Collegiate 100 Chapter! They were recognized for their recent National Award!

Thanks to Professor Kathryn Washington and the 100 Black Men of Greater Beaumont, for mentoring and guiding these deserving students.



Agenda Items of Interest:
✔️ Heard a presentation from Eddie Solis with Hillco Partners on the 88th Legislature who recapped the city's legislative priorities. A number of items related to funding for water, infrastructure, parks and the homestead exemption will be propositions for the public to vote on in November.
✔️ Council approved ordinance providing for the reimbursement of capital expenditures incurred prior to the closing of financing.
✔️ Council approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a new interlocal agreement (ILA) with Beaumont Independent School District (BISD) for the School Crossing Guard Program.
✔️ Council approved a resolution adopting the Strategic Plan 2023-2028-2038 for the City of Beaumont which outlines the City's vision, mission and goals for the next 15 years and will be shared with the public soon.
✔️ Conducted a Public Hearing to hear applicant requests for funding from the 2023 Hotel Occupancy Tax Grant Program. Organizations spoke about their tourism proposals, which will be reviewed by an advisory committee and voted on at a later date.

👉 If you missed the meeting, you can always watch the recording on our website
👉Closed Captioning and Transcriptions are Now Available!


Ch 22 Art 06 In order to conserve the available water supply and protect the integrity of water supply facilities, with particular regard for domestic water use, sanitation, and fire protection, and to protect and preserve public health, welfare, and safety and mini

Congratulations to Beaumont’s Kendrick Perkins on being inducted in the Texas High School Basketball Hall of Fame! Kendr...

Congratulations to Beaumont’s Kendrick Perkins on being inducted in the Texas High School Basketball Hall of Fame!

Kendrick Perkins played 14 seasons in the NBA with the Boston Celtics, Oklahoma City Thunder, New Orleans Pelicans and Cavaliers. He won the 2008 NBA championship with the Celtics.



Agenda Items of Interest:
✔️ Held a Budget Work Session to review the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget, CIP and heard from each department and division about their proposed initiatives and programs
✔️ Heard a presentation about proposed Water and Sewer Rate Models for Fiscal Year 2024
✔️ Heard a presentation on the Salary and Compensation Study Methodology and Planned Implementation (Please note: there was an audio issue during the portion that was presented via zoom)
✔️ Heard a presentation on City Health Insurance Costs
✔️ Council approved an ordinance for the proposed settlement of Entergy's 2022 Fuel Reconciliation Request
✔️ Council approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to award a contract to Brystar Contracting, Inc., of Beaumont, for the Evalon Street 8’X8’ Box Culvert and Cavity Emergency Repair Project.
✔️ Council approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Gulf Coast, a CRH Company, for the 4th Street Roadway Rehabilitation Project.
✔️ Council approved an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 23-059, a request for abandonment of Doctor's Drive and a portion of 15th Street with retention of a general utility easement.

👉 If you missed the meeting, you can always watch the recording on our website
👉Closed Captioning and Transcriptions are Now Available!

There was a lot happen at the Magnolia Park this past Saturday! We celebrated the Magnolia Pool Opening Party, there was...

There was a lot happen at the Magnolia Park this past Saturday! We celebrated the Magnolia Pool Opening Party, there was Snow Cones, Music and Fun to be had by all!

Two Proclamations this week at the City Council Meeting;Norris Batiste, received a Proclamation for being the First Blac...

Two Proclamations this week at the City Council Meeting;

Norris Batiste, received a Proclamation for being the First Black U.S Marshal in East Texas and Pioneering Women, the 2003 founder Georgine Guillory!

Beaumont Farmers Market is the best! Every Saturday at the College Street Athletic Complex!I love Our City!

Beaumont Farmers Market is the best! Every Saturday at the College Street Athletic Complex!

I love Our City!


Thanks to Dr. Ron Jackson, Director of Athletic’s & Rolander Fontenot, Assistant Director of Athletics for the Beaumont Independent School District for providing Beaumont United High School and West Brook High School Football helmets for the Mayor’s office!

Also in the picture is Kenneth Williams, City Manager, Stacey Lewis Sr., Community Liaison & Virtue Alexander, Executive Assistant!

I love our city!

Mayor Roy West
Official account of the City of Beaumont, Texas

Beaumont Police had another successful BPD Cops & Kids Fun Day in Rogers Park! There were lots of games and free Kona Ic...

Beaumont Police had another successful BPD Cops & Kids Fun Day in Rogers Park!
There were lots of games and free Kona Ice!

Happy 4th of July!I enjoyed being Grand Marshal in the Calder Place 1929 Neighborhood Parade. The have been happening fo...

Happy 4th of July!

I enjoyed being Grand Marshal in the Calder Place 1929 Neighborhood Parade. The have been happening for the last 18 years.

Some of my Family and the City Manager, Kenneth Williams and his wife and much of the Community had a wonderful time!

God Bless America!

God Bless America!

I love our City!Come celebrate with us!

I love our City!

Come celebrate with us!

Saturday we had a great time at Southend Days! Lots of families gathered to celebrate at Charlton Pollard Park! We are b...

Saturday we had a great time at Southend Days! Lots of families gathered to celebrate at Charlton Pollard Park! We are better together!

I love our City!

📢 Exciting News for the Citizens of Beaumont: Introducing the Official page and Instagram Accounts for the City...

📢 Exciting News for the Citizens of Beaumont: Introducing the Official page and Instagram Accounts for the City of Beaumont Mayor's Office! 🎉

We invite you follow our newest citizen resources on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date with the latest news, initiatives, and projects directly from the Mayor himself. This is an excellent opportunity to come together as a community and actively engage in shaping the future of Beaumont.

Here's how you can get connected:

Facebook: Hit the "Follow" button on this page of Beaumont - Mayor's Office to receive regular updates directly in your newsfeed. Engage with posts, leave your comments, and be part of the discussions that will shape our city's future.

Instagram: Follow the Mayor's Instagram account Get a glimpse into the Mayor's activities, behind-the-scenes moments, and happenings within YOUR city government.

By following these official channels, you can:

👉 Stay informed about key decisions and projects related to the City.
👉 Get notified about upcoming council meetings, town hall meetings and community events organized by the City of Beaumont.
👉 Share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns about our city's future.
👉 Connect with fellow residents who share your passion for Beaumont's growth and prosperity.

We are always ready to hear how we can make Beaumont better for you!


801 Main Street
El Paso, TX


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