Agenda Items of Interest:
✔️ Heard a proclamation honoring Lamar University’s Centennial Celebration.
✔️ Heard a proclamation recognizing the month of September as National Su***de Prevention Month.
✔️ Heard a proclamation celebrating the 117th Anniversary of the Pride of Beaumont #291.
✔️ Heard a proclamation recognizing the month of September as National Recovery Month
✔️ Held a Public Hearing on the 2023 (FY 2024) Proposed Tax Rate.
✔️ Approved an ordinance adopting the FY 2024 Budget by a record vote.
✔️ Approved a resolution adopting the 2024 Capital Program.
✔️ Approved an ordinance accepting the appraised roll and approving the property tax rate for the tax year 2023 (FY 2024) at 0.681485/$100 valuation for the tax year 2023 (FY 2024), which is 1.35 cents less than the current tax rate.
✔️ Approved an ordinance ratifying the budgeted property tax increase reflected in the FY 2024 Budget.
✔️ Approved an ordinance amending Section 22.05.211 of the Code of Ordinances to increase garbage rates by $1.00 per month effective October 1, 2023. Raising the rate from $22.25 to $23.25 will ensure that the minimum fund balance requirement of fifteen percent (15%) is maintained per financial policies.
✔️ Approved an ordinance amending Section 22.02.001, Water Service Rates and Section 22.02.002, Wastewater Service Rates of the Code of Ordinances to increase water rates by four percent (4%) and sewer rates by ten percent (10%) effective October 1, 2023. The increase in minimum required fund balance is necessary in order to meet the concerns of rating agencies when the City goes to the market to issue water and sewer revenue bonds. As operating costs within the fund
continue to rise due to inflation and employee increases, it is necessary to increase the revenues of the fund as well. A customer using an average of 5,000 gallons per month would see an increase in their bill by $4.80 per month from $70.06 per month to $74.86 per month.
✔️ Approved an ordinance amending Section 22.05.214 of the Code of Ordinances to increase landfill disposal fees by $1 per cubic yard effective October 1, 2023, which would bring the compacted refuse fee to $7.10/cy and the noncompacted refuse fee to $6.31/cy which will ensure that the minimum fund balance requirement of fifteen percent (15%) is maintained per financial policies.
✔️ Approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 5, accept maintenance, and authorize final payment to To-Mex Construction, LLC, of Houston, for the Street Rehab Sewer Line Pipe Bursting Project.
✔️ Approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to award a contract to King Solution Services, LLC, of Houston, for the Street Rehab Phase V Sewer Line Replacement Project.
✔️ Adopted the disaster declaration issued by the Mayor on September 8, 2023
✔️ Held a work Session to review and discuss adopting amendments to gaming site regulations and licensing with the goal to increase City oversight and improve public safety.
👉 If you missed the meeting, you can always watch the recording on our website https://beaumonttexas.gov/city-council/council-agenda/
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