The Real Bulldog 7

The Real Bulldog 7 This is the official U.S. Army page for the senior enlisted advisor of 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, BULLDOGS!

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It has been an honor to serve as your Brigade CSM the last few years. You never fail to impress with your hard work, initiative and dedication to accomplishing the mission in any environment. Keep honing the edge with training that is tough, combat focused and safe. Take care of each other and be proud you are an important part of the most lethal formation in the Army.
CSM Braud

3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division
4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion

Congratulations to Corporal Roberson from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Bri...

Congratulations to Corporal Roberson from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

CPL Roberson stepped up during a shortage of personnel and worked long hours to single handedly execute all of the supply related tasks, on time, to facilitate his company's change of command. Great dedication. Thanks.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Private Livingston from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Bri...

Congratulations to Private Livingston from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week for 30 May to 3 June.

PV2 Livingston participated in his squadron's physically and mentally challenging Spur Ride and also volunteered to serve as the squad leader for his 8 Soldier team. He performed duties above his rank by maintaining accountability, navigating between lanes and motivating his squad with words and actions. Keep stepping up into challenging positions.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6


On this day 78 years ago, the allies undertook the largest military seaborne invasion in history, storming the beaches of Normandy, France. Code named “Operation Neptune,” most people know it as D-Day.

Congratulations to Sergeant Ordoveza from 1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brig...

Congratulations to Sergeant Ordoveza from 1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week for 23 - 27 May!

SGT Ordoveza played a key role in his company's return from Korea and then immediately began preparing Soldiers for the upcoming training cycle by spending over 12 hours in the simulator instructing tank crews. Thanks for the hard work.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division use the post shuttle to get around Fort Bliss for free.  Scan the ...

3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division use the post shuttle to get around Fort Bliss for free. Scan the QR code for the route and schedule.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion

Congratulations to Sergeant Drew from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade ...

Congratulations to Sergeant Drew from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SGT Drew is the Emergency Care Sergeant for his Squadron's medical platoon, his Troop's Primary Armorer and a recent Basic Leader Course graduate. Great job supporting the brigade by excelling in several challenging jobs. Thanks.

4th/6th Parachute Battalion
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Sergeant Vargas from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Briga...

Congratulations to Sergeant Vargas from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SGT Vargas works as a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic in the Service and Recovery section that keeps his battalion running. In addition to quickly learning new skills in tracked vehicle recovery he also the company's retention NCO and coordinated the reenlistment of two Soldiers this week. Keep up the good work. Thanks.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Specialist Grebenchuk from 4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All" for being selected as the 3rd Ar...

Congratulations to Specialist Grebenchuk from 4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All" for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

Since the Brigade returned from Korea SPC Grebenchuk has taken charge of repairing and moving fire support vehicles from the rail head, earned the Silver German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge, and aced her Military Occupational Specialty proficiency exams. Keep up the outstanding work! Thanks.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6


3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division family, remember the CSM Barreras Gate is closed when you come to greet your Soldier.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion

Congratulations to Specialist Roberts from 1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Bri...

Congratulations to Specialist Roberts from 1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SPC Roberts has set the example for his peers to follow by showing outstanding work ethic and initiative as his company prepared to redeploy. Thanks for the hard work.

1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Thanks to Warrior 7 for recognizing some of the great Soldiers and future leaders from 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, ...

Thanks to Warrior 7 for recognizing some of the great Soldiers and future leaders from 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division for their excellent work during our rotation.

2nd Infantry Division
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion

Congratulations to Specialist Choi from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigad...

Congratulations to Specialist Choi from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SPC Choi constantly performs above his pay grade and has worked overtime to make sure his squadron's containers are sea worthy and ready for redeployment. He has also completed numerous welding repairs to armored vehicles to help maintain the brigade's lethality. Thanks for the hard work.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Specialist Costello from 123rd Brigade Support Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigad...

Congratulations to Specialist Costello from 123rd Brigade Support Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SPC Costello a Health Care Specialist who has been working tirelessly to keep Soldiers in his battalion as well as the brigade and division protected from COVID. He worked long hours over the holidays testing Soldiers in addition to his normal clinic responsibilities. He also helped develop better sick call procedures to ensure safe delivery of care to respiratory and non-respiratory patients. Thanks for the hard work.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
The Real Bulldog 7

3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division here is an opportunity for Soldiers and families to take advantage...

3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division here is an opportunity for Soldiers and families to take advantage of some great resources. Develop a financial plan and make your money work for you.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Staff Sergeant Yohman from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored...

Congratulations to Staff Sergeant Yohman from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SSG Yohman stepped up and quickly adjusted food service operations to make sure that his battalion was fed during recent COIVD restrictions. Thanks for supporting the force.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Private First Class Clift from 4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All" for being selected as the 3r...

Congratulations to Private First Class Clift from 4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All" for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

PFC Clift works in his Battery's Fire Direction Center. When an unreadable radio transmission came over the net during recent Live Fire Exercise, he immediately but the Battery in a "check fire" status putting a hold on all live fire until the message was validated. When asked why he didn't wait for a leader to make that decision his response was "Everyone is a safety officer." Outstanding! Thanks for keeping everyone safe and training to standard.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Corporal Ortiz from 1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade...

Congratulations to Corporal Ortiz from 1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

CPL Ortiz, a recent Basic Leader Course graduate, is a vital part of the Distribution Platoon who has moved ammunition and over 100,000 gallons of fuel to keep her battalion shooting and moving during recent training. Thanks for the hard work.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Private First Class Ferrin from 123rd Brigade Support Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored...

Congratulations to Private First Class Ferrin from 123rd Brigade Support Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

PFC Ferrin volunteered to spearhead his battalion's Environmental Compliance Program. His efforts resulted in a commendable rating during a recent inspection. Thanks for the awesome initiative.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Sergeant Prouse from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Briga...

Congratulations to Sergeant Prouse from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SGT Prouse led his field maintenance team to consistently maintain a 100% operational readiness rate for his company's M1A2 Main Battle Tanks. When he's not keeping Tanks running he finds time to little things like winning the Strongest Warrior Competition at Camp Humphreys. Thanks for the great work.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Specialist Graves from 4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All" for being selected as the 3rd Armore...

Congratulations to Specialist Graves from 4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All" for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SPC Graves played a key role in making sure all of the combat platforms in his battery and battalion could share voice and digital communications during a recent communications exercise. Thanks for keeping the Brigade ready to fight tonight.

2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Sergeant Field from 2d Engineer Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, ...

Congratulations to Sergeant Field from 2d Engineer Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SGT Field trained and qualified Soldiers from his battalion and the 11th Engineer Battalion on the Assault Breacher Vehicle. His efforts helped to ensure the brigade's success at the combined arms breach during our recent training exercise. Thanks for the attention to detail training Soldiers.

2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Corporal Mendoza from 4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brig...

Congratulations to Corporal Mendoza from 4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

CPL Mendoza is a signal non-commissioned officer who help keep two battalions effectively communicating during our recent joint exercise. Thanks for the hard work.

1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Staff Sergeant Payne and Sergeant Call from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as...

Congratulations to Staff Sergeant Payne and Sergeant Call from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Heroes of the Week!

SSG Payne and SGT Call provided key support to our recent training exercise by driving over 725 miles moving Soldiers to and from remote training and delivering hot chow. Their behind the scenes support enabled realistic training for the entire Brigade and our ROKA partners. Thanks for the hard work.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Specialist Kyle from 1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigad...

Congratulations to Specialist Kyle from 1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SPC Kyle shows the initiative to teach and coach the Soldiers in his team during weekly preventative maintenance and in the Close Combat Tactical Trainer simulator to improve their armored maneuver skills. Thanks for increasing the lethality your team.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Specialist Woods from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brig...

Congratulations to Specialist Woods from 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SPC Woods is a M88 Recovery Vehicle operator and played a key role in the success of his battalions recent exercise by recovering two tanks, installing mine plows & rollers, and keeping the tracked vehicles in his company running. Thanks for the hard work.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Sergeant Rodriguez from 123rd Brigade Support Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade...

Congratulations to Sergeant Rodriguez from 123rd Brigade Support Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SGT Rodriguez is his company's Master Driver. He helped his battalion operate safely on the roads in Korea by exceeding the standard on an Eighth Army-Korea inspection, maintaining the drivers training program and licensing 75 Soldiers. Thanks for keeping the supplies safely moving.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Specialist Viray from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Briga...

Congratulations to Specialist Viray from 2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Hero of the Week!

SPC Viray is assigned to his squadron's distribution platoon where he consistently works above is pay grade and outside of his specialty to help the squadron and brigade succeed. Thanks for the hard work and keep showing outstanding initiative.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
2d Engineer Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6

Congratulations to Specialist Alvarado from 2d Engineer Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat T...

Congratulations to Specialist Alvarado from 2d Engineer Battalion for being selected as the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division hero of the week!

SPC Alvarado personally troubleshot and ensured that his battalion's digital communication systems are operational. This capability allows his unit to communicate across the Division during up coming training. Keep up the good work.

4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment
1st Battalion 67th Armored Regiment
1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment
4-1 Field Artillery "First or Not at All"
123rd Brigade Support Battalion
The Real Bulldog 6


Fort Bliss, TX


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