HHC Valkyrie Tent Exercise
Train and Certify Leaders! 💪
The HHC Valkyries successfully conducted a tent exercise on Tuesday, 26 March.
We validated our ability to rapidly deploy equipment, personnel, and vehicles to execute an assigned mission in an austere environment and enhance our proficiency in sustainment operations. We commenced with the execution of convoy operations, followed by the occupation of the training area. Subsequently, we streamlined our Tactical Operations Center (TOC) layout, identified the internal TOC configuration and power distribution, and installed lines.
This training helped ensure that we are prepared for upcoming training exercises. 📡
Train to sustain 💪This morning for Sergeant’s Time Training, the Valkyries completed the vehicle training course taught by our Master Driver, SFC Corbin. This instructional period included a demonstration of the proper techniques to safely drive, pull, park, maneuver, and back up trailers and generators. 🚚This ended with the Soldiers validating their skills and maneuvering through a low-water crossing. 1st Medical Brigade #Valkyries #SergeantTimeTraining #PeopleFirst #WorkHardTrainHard
🛞 Roll out - HHC is heading to the field!
As a certain Brigade Commander likes to say “If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.”
#valkyriestrong #heedtheknight
1st Medical Brigade