Your vote matters! You may not know about the failed policies and practices of the legacy Board of Trustees in Frisco ISD, but we are certain that if you did, you would want change.
Legacy FISD Board of Trustees have conspired against parents and silenced voices that they don't agree with - Three of the current trustees are even UNDER INVESTIGATION.
But it doesn't stop there, these same individuals have ushered in bad ideas and worse policies. Putting our kids safety and academic success at risk. Besides conspiring against parents, these individuals have also put into place:
Failed Pilot Programs
Standards Based Grading
Restorative Practices
Obscene Library Books / Curriculum
One of these trustees - Dynette Davis, is up for reelection. Vote "NO" to her and let's end these practices in our district.
Vote for CHANGE! Vote for Reed Bond (Place 4) and Susan Kershaw (Place 5) for Frisco ISD Board of Trustees.
#FISD #friscotexas #friscotx #frisco #BoT #schoolboard
Impact of FISD Discipline Policy
It's time to Correct the Commentary on the FISD Updated Discipline Policy.
In 2020, Erin Miller, chief student services officer for FISD, told the board the district is updating its discipline philosophy altogether. “We want to change behavior, not punish,” Miller said. You can learn more here:
What is the cost of implementing restorative practices? Does not punishing behavior result in a safer environment for teachers and students? What kind of learning environment do you want for you children?
If you believe that sound discipline practices should be put back into place, vote for change this election cycle. Vote for Reed Bond for Place 4 and Susan Kershaw for Place 5 FISD Board of Trustees.
Early voting start April 24th.
#families4frisco #FISD #friscotexas #friscotx
During public comment at a recent FISD Board Meeting, a parent shares their frustrations, concerns and disappointment with the Administration not removing the sexually explicit books in FISD schools. #families4frisco
Does Natalie Deserve Your Vote?
Is Dustin Paschal the RIGHT CHOICE for FISD?
Frisco ISD eliminates advanced ILA in the middle schools - how will this affect your student?