Happy Holidays from the City of Great Falls!
In observance of the Christmas holiday, City offices will be closed on Monday, December 25.
How to Prevent Your Water Pipes and Meter From Freezing
Outdoor Faucets
Disconnect garden hoses from all outdoor faucets. This allows water to drain from frost free faucets.
If your home is older, the outdoor faucets may not be frost free:
-Find shut-off valve in the basement or crawl space where the pipe feeding the faucet goes to the outside.
-Shut it off.
-Open the outside faucet to make sure the faucet drains and the valve is completely shut off.
-Now the outside faucet can be left open.
“What happens next?” Slides from the Council of Councils Meeting
“What happens next?” Slides from the Council of Councils Meeting.
For more information, visit safetyinthefalls.com.
#FirePoliceJustice #SafetyLevy2023 #YourVoiceYourChoice #NextSteps
“What happens next?” Part Three
“What happens next?” Part Three - City Attorney David Dennis explains how the failure of the Levy will impact the Municipal Court.
For more information, visit safetyinthefalls.com.
#FirePoliceJustice #SafetyLevy2023 #YourVoiceYourChoice #NextSteps
“What happens next?” Part Two
“What happens next?” Part Two - City Attorney David Dennis explains how the failure of the Levy will impact the City’s Legal Department.
For more information, visit safetyinthefalls.com.
#FirePoliceJustice #SafetyLevy2023 #YourVoiceYourChoice #NextSteps
What happens next?
“What happens next?” Listen to City Manager Greg Doyon explain what happens next if the Public Safety Levy and Bond pass, if they both fail or if one passes and the other fails.
For more information, visit safetyinthefalls.com.
#FirePoliceJustice #SafetyLevy2023 #YourVoiceYourChoice #NextSteps
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! The goal of this annual health campaign is to increase awareness, improve support, and promote early detection.
Friday, October 20th, 2023, is PINK@WORK day. City of Great Falls staff proudly wore pink at work to show their support!
#BreastCancerAwareness #PinkAtWorkDay2023
Public Safety Funding
In FY2023, over 78% of the City’s General Fund Budget was allocated to Public Safety.
#FirePoliceJustice #SafetyLevy2023 #YourVoiceYourChoice #BeInformed
Why is the City asking for a Public Safety Levy and Bond now?
Why is the City asking for a Public Safety Levy and Bond now? Listen to Mayor Kelly as he explains why the Commission felt it was time to let the voters decide the future of public safety in our growing community.
For information on the #PublicSafetyLevy and #PublicSafetyBond requests visit: https://safetyinthefalls.com/
#FirePoliceJustice #YourVoiceYourChoice #GreatFallsIsGrowing
What happens if the Public Safety Levy doesn’t pass?
What happens if the Public Safety Levy doesn’t pass? Listen to Mayor Kelly as he addresses this question at the most recent Town Hall meeting.
For information on the #PublicSafetyLevy and #PublicSafetyBond requests visit: https://safetyinthefalls.com/
#FirePoliceJustice #YourVoiceYourChoice #GreatFallsIsGrowing
Listen to Mayor Kelly as he addresses this question at the most recent Town Hall meeting.
For information on the #PublicSafetyLevy and #PublicSafetyBond requests visit: https://safetyinthefalls.com/
#FirePoliceJustice #YourVoiceYourChoice #GreatFallsIsGrowing
David Dennis, City Attorney
A strain on our legal system is a strain on our safety. Heavy caseloads in Great Falls are overwhelming our legal system. Great Falls has the largest number of criminal cases in the state and one of the fewest numbers of city prosecutors. 10,172 citations were filed in Great Falls in 2022, with only 3 city prosecutors to prosecute the cases.
#FirePoliceJustice #SafetyLevy2023 #YourVoiceYourChoice #BeInformed
Public Safety Levy and Bond Explaination
There will be two Public Safety questions on the ballot this fall. Listen to City Manager Doyon's brief explanation of the levy and bond requests. #BeInformed
For information on the #PublicSafetyLevy and #PublicSafetyBond requests visit: https://safetyinthefalls.com/
#FirePoliceJustice #YourVoiceYourChoice
Great Falls Public Safety History & Why Now
#SafetyLevy2023 – For years, the City Commission has worked to address the growing public safety needs in Great Falls. Listen to City Manager Greg Doyon as he shares public safety history and why the City Commission decided now is the time to ask.
For information on the #PublicSafetyLevy and #PublicSafetyBond requests visit: https://safetyinthefalls.com/
#FirePoliceJustice #YourVoiceYourChoice
Balancing Act Budget Simulator
Census 2020 Fill Out Your Form
City of Great Falls State of Emergency Press Conference