The University of Rhode Island's College Student Personnel (CSP) graduate program prepares reflective practitioners for professional careers in student affairs. The URI CSP program readies students for entry-level positions in college and university settings and for careers as advisors, coordinators, and directors/deans at institutions of higher education. The program offers both full and part-tim
e options for students on the university's Kingston campus. The program can be completed in two years with full-time study and from three to five years for those who attend part-time. Approximately 10-15 students are accepted to the program each academic year, which begins with the fall semester. The priority deadline for fall semester admission is January 15, however, applications are accepted until April 1. To ensure your application is complete by the priority deadline, we recommend submitting your on-line application by no later than January 1. This gives references two weeks to complete their recommendations. Applications completed between January 16-April 1 are reviewed on a space-available basis.