East Hollywood has a 'Neighborhood Council'?
East Hollywood has a 'Neighborhood Council'?
...and it has a 'Governing Board'? and there are 'seats' up for 'election' in 'East Hollywood' on Apr. 5th?
The filing deadline is coming! Feb 3, 2025. 📅 Here's what you should know:
✨ East Hollywood is 1 of 99 publicly-funded Neighborhood Councils across the city of LA
✨ It has 10 Committees right now, each having chairs, members and public attendees who join whenever: https://www.easthollywood.net/committees/
✨ We're all volunteers - no one is paid! But we live, own property, or run businesses *in East Hollywood* - this is required to join the Governing Board
✨ But we also have an operating budget? We help schools and 501c3s, and fund projects and activities that benefit EaHo
✨ Must be 16 years or older to run for Gov Board
🗳️ 🗳️ 🗳️ 🗳️
Questions, comments concerns? Learn more at https://neighborhoodempowerment.lacity.gov/elections/ also https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Neighborhood_councils_of_Los_Angeles
Call for Mural Artists
Call for mural ArtistsThe East Hollywood and Silver Lake Neighborhood Councils’ Art & Culture Committees are excited to collaboratively announce a call for artists to submit designs for a mural at the corner of Santa Monica and Virgil. This opportunity is sponsored by Council District 13. The selected artist will receive $3,000 for the design and installation of the mural. Deadline is November 15th.
Submit your designs here: https://www.easthollywood.net/news/call-for-artists
Application details:
– Deadline for submissions is November 15th, 2024
– You can submit more than one design
– The dimensions for the design should be 16′ height x 20′ width
– You must have the rights to the artwork submitted; designs should not be commercial in nature
– The cost of supplies and half of the artist fee will be paid upfront and the second half upon completion of the mural
-The selected artist will need to submit a W9 and itemized invoice for payment
Selection process + criteria:
Members of the EHNC and SLNC Art & Culture committees will review the designs based on the following criteria and point system. The top three designs with the most points will be selected for a final review. The winning design will be chosen by the property owner and must be approved by the Council District 13 office.
– Does the design speak to the neighborhood/area history and culture? (20 points)
– Does the artists live and/or work locally? (10 points)
– Does the design beautify the location? (30 points)
– Is the design on theme? (40 points)
Theme suggestions: vibrancy, celebrating the cultural history and diversity of the area, something that puts a smile on someone’s face when they’re stuck at the traffic light.
Hey East Hollywood 👋 are you compassionate and want to make a difference in your community? Then consider joining Mayor Karen Bass's Crisis Response Team! 🤲
The Crisis Response Team is committed to providing resources and support-on-scene to survivors of crime and crisis in the City of Los Angeles.
They are currently accepting applications for the upcoming *Fall Training Academy* that begins September 17th! 📅
Trainings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays for nine weeks at LAPD Elysian Park. 🚔
Here's the program's requirements:
☝️Attend an interview session
☝️Complete a live scan
☝️Attend a 9-week the 62-hour Training Academy
☝️ Respond to critical incidents by providing immediate on-scene crisis intervention
☝️Commit to 1 year of volunteering and 36 on-call hours per month
☝️Be at least 21 yrs of age
Apply here: https://lacrt.org/volunteer
You too can make a difference in creating a beautiful, healthy Los Angeles! Be the change, and register today!
Arts & Culture Committee Meeting
Governing Board - 4/15/24
Joint Meeting of Art & Culture/PHSS Committees
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Executive Board + Budget/Finance Committee
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PHSS/Art & Culture Committee Meeting
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January 5th - Special Meeting
Hello East Hollywood! For those who have been asking for the replay of the January 5th Special Governing Board Meeting, please find it below 👇
Joint Meeting of PHHS and Art & Culture Committees
Join us!