When the weather outside is frightful.... and a Code Blue weather advisory is issued for Monmouth County through December 15, (the alerts are issued by county, when temperatures in specific areas are expected to drop to 18 degrees (including the wind chill) for 2 hours or more during a 24-hour period.) Middletown offers the MTPL and Senior Center as options in addition to the following other local warming stations.
Hope and Comfort Center (Check in begins at 5pm)
166/168 Shrewsbury Av, Red Bank 07701
Phone: 732-741-5617
The Feast NJ, Women’s Heartwarming Center (Must call ahead - 8am-4pm)
90 Maple Av, Red Bank 07701
Phone: 732-749-2974
Monmouth County Library - Shrewsbury
101 Rt 35, Shrewsbury, NJ 077702
Hours: https://monmouthcountylib.org/library-branches/eastern-branch-shrewsbury/