On March 27th Governor Tony Evers signed bipartisan legislation intended to protect members of Wisconsin’s judiciary. Of particular importance to Register of Deeds Offices is the shielding of personal information of judges and their immediate family members. Today I attended the local Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) meeting along with several Registers from throughout our state (including the Racine County ROD - Karie Pope and Kenosha County ROD - JoEllyn Storz) discussing our obligations under the new law which goes into effect in January 2025. Please call our office for further information about this law.
• AB 965: Picketing and Parading (Representatives Tusler and Stubbs; Cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard and Taylor)
• AB 966: Judicial Officer Privacy (Representatives Tusler and Ortiz-Velez; Cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard and Taylor)
• AB 967: Withholding Judicial Security Profiles from Public Access (Representatives Tusler and Ortiz-Velez; Cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard and Taylor)