Introducing our Community Collection of Authors from The African Diaspora in Children's, Young Adult and Adult. Located at three locations including @nyplcounteecullen
Please join us for book discussion for Book Lakewood by Megan Giddings Thursday Oct 21 @5pm. Hope to see you there
As New Yorkers prepare for Election Day on November 3, The New York Public Library is proud to present its 2020 Election Reading List. The books on this list illuminate voting issues including healthcare, education, climate change, and foreign policy, and explore subjects including political polarization, the media, and movements toward greater justice and socioeconomic equity. Make an informed decision. Read as if your vote depends on it.
Make sure New York City gets the resources it deserves. The Census deadline recently moved up to September 30, 2020. This means there is just a little over a week left for New Yorkers to fill out their census and make sure their communities are counted!
This is the Grab and Go at Countee Cullen. This process takes you through returning and/or picking up Reserved items placed on Hold. patrons will receive notices during the evening letting you know your items can be picked up the next day. All Items are already checked out to you so all you have to do is drop off and pick up. Please make sure to wear your Mask when entering any NYPL Libray. If you don’t have a mask, onecan be provided for you.
In Nick @harkaway’s Gnomon, a high-tech surveillance state follows the death of a dissident in custody and state inspector Mielikki Neith immerses herself in the victim’s world.
Sign up for our #BookoftheDay newsletter to get daily recommendations:
February's Monthly Calendar is available at #nyplcounteecullen . Come in and get your copy today for Adults and Children