Don't let them steal our equal representation through taxation! Our power is OUR VOTES! Glenn Youngkin PLEASE HELP FIGHT THIS TYRANNY!
Remember last year when Gov. Youngkin removed 1600 illegals from the voter roles and the Democrats went nuts? They sued and it went to the Supreme Court which said removing non-citizens from the roles is A-Ok... because.. they are NOT LEGAL to vote.
So enter stage right - Delegate Michael Feggans who now is a patron for HB1657 - a bill to work around the Supreme Court and prohibit future governors from removing illegals within 90 days of an election.
Should this become law - a future governor who may discover thousands of illegals on the voting rolls, would be prohibited from removing them if it were within 90 days of the election.
A veteran who swore an oath to defend the Constitution is now trying to create law to shield illegals from removal from voting rolls.