Northfield Police Department

Northfield Police Department Community pride, quality of life along with the concept of serving and protecting is why the Northfield Police Department is here. Drop us a line!


‼️Northfield PD is asking for the public’s assistance‼️

With the storm we can not be all over the town in Northfield. If you have been affected, or your road has been affected please either:

Message this page telling us where in Northfield and what damage or information, photos are appreciated.
Call the PD and report it.

We greatly appreciate your help. Please stay safe and dry ⛈️

🎆🥰DOG RETURNED BACK TO OWNER!!!🥰🎆Male yellow lab mix found. Located at Northfield PDIf this sweet boy belongs to you ple...


Male yellow lab mix found. Located at Northfield PD

If this sweet boy belongs to you please call 802-229-9191 push 3 and ask to speak to the officer on duty to come get the goodest boiiiii!

‼️PSA‼️Please be advised that laws regarding Child Passenger Safety in vehicles has changed as of July 1st. Please updat...


Please be advised that laws regarding Child Passenger Safety in vehicles has changed as of July 1st.

Please update yourself with the new information below.

A safe child is a happy child🤍

🇺🇸It’s that time of year again🇺🇸A few reminders: -Fireworks are allowed WITH a permit from the appropriate agencies in t...

🇺🇸It’s that time of year again🇺🇸

A few reminders:

-Fireworks are allowed WITH a permit from the appropriate agencies in town

-There is a noise ordinance which begins at 10pm

-Be aware of your pets and make sure they are safe and sound we know that fireworks are often troublesome and bothersome for pets. Plan accordingly. This also goes for people with children or anyone who struggles with firework noises.

-Do not drink and drive or else you will have fireworks of your own. Drive sober or get pulled over. Designate a DD.

-PLEASE be mindful that calling 911 because your neighbors are setting off fireworks is not an appropriate use of the emergency line. If you call 911 when it’s not an emergency someone experiencing an emergency CAN NOT get through.

-Enjoy. Celebrate. Be safe. ❤️🤍💙

⛈️A rain dance or maybe even a storm dance might help “rain rain go away!” Or even some old fashioned puddle jumping in ...

⛈️A rain dance or maybe even a storm dance might help “rain rain go away!” Or even some old fashioned puddle jumping in mud!⛈️ (of course let’s not do this when it’s lightening or thundering outside)

There has been mixed reviews of the weather anticipated to hit us here in lil ol Northfield. With that being said everyone should always prepare for the worst but expect the best.

The national weather service website is constantly being updated. You can access it at and in the left top
Corner type in the zip code for information.

Always plan ahead for:
AC or Heat
Weather proofing measures
Debris or trees in your area
Power outages
Charge those phones
Areas of flood zones

Check on your family. Neighbors. And friends. And animals.

As always Northfield Emergency Services are a phone call away.

Random police department calling asking for money. Apple services calling to ask for money. Someone asking for your bank...

Random police department calling asking for money. Apple services calling to ask for money. Someone asking for your bank account or social security number. Sounds rather fishy or seems off? Might make you shake your head or the hair on the back of your neck stand up?

Do any of these sound familiar? If they do. Or if they don’t. Don’t fall victim to scammers.

It is strongly suggested to never give your social security number out, bank account number, or date of birth to an organization or someone you do not know.

If you have fallen victim to a scam, please report this to the Attorney General Scam Hotline 800-649-2424. Northfield Police Department can start a case for you but we do not investigate these crimes.

☀️ a heat wave is coming☀️Please be mindful of your family, pets, and yourself. The National Weather Service has issued ...

☀️ a heat wave is coming☀️

Please be mindful of your family, pets, and yourself.

The National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory for our area from noon Tuesday through 8:00pm Thursday. Maximum temperatures will reach the upper 80s to upper 90s each afternoon from Tuesday to Thursday. Overnight lows are expected with temperatures in the upper 60s to mid 70s.

For more information on this week’s weather forecast, visit the National Weather Service website at or call the Vermont Department of Health/Environmental Health at 802-863-7220, extension 0, or contact [email protected]

The Vermont Department of Health’s Hot Weather webpage is another valuable resource during extreme heat days. Visit the Hot Weather page at

Are you or someone you know in need of assistance in the event of an emergency? As we all know. After Irene and the Grea...

Are you or someone you know in need of assistance in the event of an emergency?

As we all know. After Irene and the Great Floods of 2023. Vermont’s weather is anything but predicable and can take a turn any moment. Emergencies take many forms, CARE helps all of the Northfield services (Police. EMS. And Fire) identify which places may need additional resources. Please see the attached form below.

Please sign up online, call or stop by the PD to get the form.

🎉🏃🏼‍♀️LETS GO NORTHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TRACK TEAM!🏃🏼‍♀️🎉The girls took the big W… STATE CHAMPS 2024!!!!! It was an h...


The girls took the big W… STATE CHAMPS 2024!!!!! It was an honor to bring the winners into town. These girls worked extremely hard and succeeded. Northfield Police is proud of the State Champs and honored to have been able to bring them home!

Huge shoutout to the other agencies who also brought the girls home. It’s times like these that remind us why we do this job and the smiles on the faces are priceless!

*photos attached were taken by a paramedic who was the passanger, not driving*

It’s that time of year again-speed sign time!Ofc Welch is in charge of the speed signs in Northfield. She will be placin...

It’s that time of year again-speed sign time!

Ofc Welch is in charge of the speed signs in Northfield. She will be placing them out and about this week starting 5/29/2024 until the fall.

Please be mindful the following things:

-There are only two signs that she places randomly in areas of concern or where feels can be seen, meaning they are visible to the general public, obstruction free.
-They require battery’s. So when the sign is not working it means she is charging them.
-The signs are a deterrent for speed, Ofc Welch asks that you do not play NASCAR and try to get a top speed, this is not funny or appreciated or safe for the public. Keep your speedy speedy zoom zooms to a normal range!
-If there is an area of concern you have for “high speeds” please reach out, all the cruisers are equipped with radar units, tested at the start and end of shift and the officers do traffic stops. They would be more than happy to enforce speeds. *also for general public clarification, if you are issued a ticket or warning, there is no quota in the town. It is up the officer if they choose to issue a ticket or warning.*
-A safe driver is a happy driver. And the police department loves happy and safe drivers!

If you see her placing these signs up, feel free to give her a honk, wave or shout hello. She loves the signs!



If you see cruisers out and about today or tomorrow that are not Northfield Police. Do not fret. Northfield Police is also on.

In a campaign for highway safety other agencies have teamed up around the county and are conducting safety and traffic stops.

This is also a good time to remind the public that buckling up, not using your cellphone while driving, managing your speed, driving substance free, and driving the correct and proper way is the best way.

Stay safe on the roads, you matter and the public matters.



Thanks to the amazing Facebook Detectives and their help!

A darker brown , Astro Van, with tinted rear windows and possibly two (younger) gentleman. Loaded the Mayors chair on top of the van and traveled south on route 12. This occurred last night between the hours of 7:30pm-8:30pm.

If anyone could pass the message along to these youngsters to return the chair to spot it came from at Four Seasons, *no questions asked* that would be greatly appreciated. Please also remind them that if NPD discovers who stole the chair, they will be issued festive paperwork to appear in front of a judge, if the chair is not returned to its sacred spot.

Wishing our friends at Northfield Ambulance Service a Happy EMS Week! Thank you for all that you do for us and the commu...

Wishing our friends at Northfield Ambulance Service a Happy EMS Week! Thank you for all that you do for us and the community. We could not do our jobs without you. We simply have the best crew of first responders and are thankful for each and everyone single one of you who dedicate your time and lives to the community.


‼️The Mayors Chair-Four Seasons‼️

Most everyone in town knows Mr. Dwayne. AKA the Mayor. The kindest, most loving human, and the social butterfly of the town. His chair was taken from Four Seasons last night 5/24/2024, sometime after 7pm. Without the Mayors chair the Mayor is not complete!

❗️Four Seasons is asking that the chair be returned. No questions asked. If the chair is not returned and Northfield Police Department is made aware of who has taken this, there will be criminal charges.❗️

Be a kind human and please return the chair back to Four Seasons!

It is National Law Enforcement week-Sunday May 12th to Saturday May 18th In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as...

It is National Law Enforcement week-Sunday May 12th to Saturday May 18th

In 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week in which May 15 falls, as National Police Week. Established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962, National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others.

National Police Week is a collaborative effort of many organizations dedicated to honoring America’s law enforcement community.

Northfield Police department would like to recognize and thank Cpl Gero, Ofc Welch, Ofc Gosselin and Chief Gomez this week for dedicating their time and lives to the Northfield Community.

Northfield Police Department also recognizes and honors all the fallen heroes before them. May we know them, remember them, and carry on their legacy’s each and every single day. 🖤💙🖤


Press Release
CASE #: 24NF000487
R. Gero

CONTACT #: (802) 485-9181
DATE/TIME: 05/12/2024 00:41
INCIDENT LOCATION: 329 Union Brook Road
VIOLATION: Domestic Assault, Interfering with Access to Emergency Services, Violation of
Conditions of release
OFFENDER: Katie Burt
AGE: 41
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 05/12/24 at approximately 0041 hours Northfield Police responded to a reported family fight. Further investigation led to the arrest of Katie Burt for Domestic Assault, Interfering with Access to Emergency Services. Burt was cited into Washington County Superior Court, Criminal Division for May, 13, 2024 at 1230 hours and lodge on $2000.00 bail at Chitenden County
Correctional Center.

COURT DATE/TIME: May, 13, 2024 at 1230
COURT: Washington Superior Court - Criminal
BAIL: $2000.00

***Northfield Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance***If anyone knows who drew these artistic murals o...

***Northfield Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance***

If anyone knows who drew these artistic murals on the walls of the Memorial Park located on King Street. Or you perhaps the artist. Please contact the Police Department we would love to discuss art.



Press Release

CASE #: 24NF000447

CONTACT #: (802) 485-9181

DATE/TIME: April 30th, 2024, 1749 hours

VIOLATION: Aggravated Domestic Assault. Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Reckless Endangerment.

And a Search Warrant into 203 King Street

OFFENDER: Youthful Offender
AGE: 19

On 4/30/2023 Northfield Police Department was dispatched to an assault involving a knife and axe. Upon further investigation it was revealed that the Youthful Offender had assaulted a family member, a warrant into the residence was granted.

On 5/8/2024 Northfield Police (Cpl Gero, Ofc Gosselin). Barre City Police (Cpl Ga***rd and K9 Mike). Montpelier Police (Ofc Bullard, Sgt Pearson). Berlin Police (Chief Pontbriand) Fish and Game (Warden Circe) executed a search warrant into King Street where they successfully located the Youthful Offender.

COURT DATE/TIME: 05/08/2024 at 1300 hours
COURT: Washington Superior Court - Criminal Division
BAIL: Held Without Bail

*** Northfield Police does not release the names of victims of
sexual assault or domestic violence. Northfield Police Department does not release the names of juveniles under the age of 22***

🌮 It’s Cinco de Mayo 🌮Northfield Officers are out and about and want you to be safe and the community safe. If you plan ...

🌮 It’s Cinco de Mayo 🌮

Northfield Officers are out and about and want you to be safe and the community safe.

If you plan on celebrating do not drink and drive! Have a DD!

Being responsible = happy life!

With the warmer weather we want to remind the community of the leash law, ordinance  #14-32. Northfield Police Departmen...

With the warmer weather we want to remind the community of the leash law, ordinance #14-32.

Northfield Police Department loves to see and meet all your furry friends but we ask that you be mindful of the laws, to keep your animals, families, friends and community safe 🐾

Attached below is a snippet of the leash law ordinance for you to read:

Section 5 Dog Leash
(a) All dogs within the municipal limits of Northfield Township brought or kept outdoors shall be restrained by leashes, by electronic tethers, or by other acceptable means on the property in which theanimal is being kept and in all developments and developed areas of the township as described herein,except working dogs such as service dogs, farm dogs, hunting dogs, and other such dogs, when accompanied by their owner or authorized agent, and while actively engaged in the activities for which
the dogs are trained.

(b) It shall be the responsibility of a dog owner or authorized agent to immediately remove any f***s deposited by the dog on any property not owned by the dog's owner or authorized agent that contains development such as but not necessarily limited to, subdivision plats, site condominium developments, multiple family residential developments, mobile home parks, and grounds containing institutional, including public parks, commercial or industrial land use and the landscaped areas, drives and off-street parking areas of such places, but excluding public road rights-of-way and private road easements in undeveloped areas of the township.

(c) Any dog in violation of Section 5 (a) and/or Section 5 (b) is declared to be a nuisance.

(d) Any person, or agent of such person, who shall own, keep, harbor, or be the custodian of any dog described in Section 5 (c) within the municipal limits of Northfield Township, or who shall otherwise be in violation of Section 5 (a) or Section 5 (b), shall be responsible for the offense of a municipal civil infraction.

(e) If the person described in Section 5 (d) cannot be located, and the dog described in Section 5 (c)cannot be sufficiently confined, the dog may be impounded to return peace to the neighborhood.

(f) A person found responsible under this ordinance is subject to the penalties set forth in Section 6.
Section 6 Penalties

(a) The provisions of the Northfield Township Municipal Civil Infraction Ordinance (Ord. No.13-22), and as may be amended, shall apply to this article.

(b) Any person, or agent of such person, who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be responsible for the offense of a municipal civil infraction. Each day that a violation continues to exist shall constitute a separate violation, with potentially a separate fine, cost and/or penalty.

(c) Any person, or agent of such person, found responsible for the offense of a civil infraction for
violating this article as herein provided shall suffer the fines, costs, and/or other penalties as
outlined in the schedule of fines and/or costs set forth in the municipal civil infraction ordinance.

Currently, that schedule is as follows:
First violation: Warning
Second violation: $50.00
Third repeat offense*: $100.00
Fourth or subsequent repeat offense*: $150.00
* "Repeat offense" is defined as another violation of the Code and/or ordinance within a two-
year period as determined from the dates of the violation(s).

𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫Norwich University will be holding its graduation and commissioning ceremonies this Saturday, April 27...

𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫

Norwich University will be holding its graduation and commissioning ceremonies this Saturday, April 27. Please expect an increase in traffic as students and families celebrate their achievements.

To the Class of 2024, thank you for all you have brought to our community over the last four years, we wish you all the best as you start your careers. To those commissioning into the Armed Forces, thank you for dedication to this country and stay safe wherever life takes you.

All may notice an increase in law enforcement presence over the weekend. To those celebrating, please don't ruin your future before it even begins, have a designated driver.

Have fun, stay safe, and congratulations!



Press Release

CASE #: 24NF000419

CONTACT #: (802) 485-9181

DATE/TIME: April 22nd, 2024, 1749 hours

VIOLATION: Aggravated Domestic Assault
OFFENDER: Briana Quinton
AGE: 26

On 4/22/2024. Northfield Police Department was dispatched to an assault involving a tire iron. Upon further investigation it was revealed that Quinton had assaulted a family member.

COURT DATE/TIME: 04/23//2024 at 1230 hours
COURT: Washington Superior Court - Criminal Division
LODGED - LOCATION: 4Cs Correctional Facility
BAIL: $1,500

*** Northfield Police does not release the names of victims of
sexual assault or domestic violence***


Friendly Reminder:

We love that the public messages us! It is a great tool. However we are not always checking messenger and unfortunately some things may be delayed or lost.

We ask the following:

If you see something or need to report something or speak to someone:

please call 802-485-9181 Monday to Friday from 6am-2pm.
802-229-9191 push 3 Monday to Friday 2pm-6am and 24 hrs on the weekend.

Drive sober or get pulled over. Driving high is still a DUI. Only the casserole should be baked tomorrow.

Drive sober or get pulled over.
Driving high is still a DUI.
Only the casserole should be baked tomorrow.

The week of April 14-20, 2024 is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. During this time we are proud to recogni...

The week of April 14-20, 2024 is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week.

During this time we are proud to recognize our very own Sara Lique, communications dispatcher and administrator of the Northfield Police Department.

Sara has been dispatching for 18 years. She has been with Northfield Police Department for over 5 years. Without her dedication, care, committment, compassion, and love the department would not function as a whole. Northfield Police Department is extremely lucky to have one of the best!

Please take a moment this week to thank Sara, along with others who are the voice in the darkness at various agencies throughout the county. They are the first voice you hear when you are experiencing an emergency or when you call. Without them the work of others at the public safety agencies would not be possible.


❗️information for the public ❗️Starting next week 4/15/2024. The state will be working on milling the Northfield end of ...

❗️information for the public ❗️

Starting next week 4/15/2024. The state will be working on milling the Northfield end of Vermont Route 12.

Please be aware of the following:
-Traffic will be slowed or stopped by Flaggers. Be mindful of them they are doing their job.
-There will be multiple single lane closures with alternating one way traffic.
-This will extend roughly 8 miles from Northfield into Berlin and Montpelier.
-Plan accordingly for your travel as this may cause delays.
-Work includes milling and paving of a leveling and wearing course, pavement markings, signs, drainage, and other highway improvement’s.
-Please refrain from calling dispatch asking when traffic will begin moving, or that it is delayed.

Has been claimed *******If you are missing this diaper bag please reach out to the police department.

Has been claimed *******

If you are missing this diaper bag please reach out to the police department.


Case # 23NF001423

Rank/Officer: Cpl Michael Gero
Contact: 802-485-9181

Date/Time: December 5, 2023 approximately 0014 hours
Incident location: Union Brook Rd, Nfld VT

Accused: Jennifer L LaCasse
Age: 46
Violation: DUI

Summary of incident

Cpl Gero responded to Union Brook for a reported motor vehicle crash. Subsequent investigation led to Jennifer L LaCasse age 46 of Burlington being cited into Washington County Superior Court, Criminal Division for Driving Under for December 21, 2023 at 0830 hours.


Northfield Police Department


It’s that time of year where all the packages and goodies are arriving. Be mindful that people around are also watching those goodies come to your house.

To prevent this or mitigate this:

-Ask for FedEx UPS or USPS to place the package in an area where you know and only you know where it will be
-If it is a valuable item or items. Have the sender send it to the post office where you will be required to sign for the item
-Track your orders and try to be home when they come or ask a buddy who you trust to get the items for you
-Be mindful of people around
-Place cameras up on your property

Happy Holidays 🎄





110 Wall Street
Northfield, VT


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