With the warmer weather we want to remind the community of the leash law, ordinance #14-32.
Northfield Police Department loves to see and meet all your furry friends but we ask that you be mindful of the laws, to keep your animals, families, friends and community safe 🐾
Attached below is a snippet of the leash law ordinance for you to read:
Section 5 Dog Leash
(a) All dogs within the municipal limits of Northfield Township brought or kept outdoors shall be restrained by leashes, by electronic tethers, or by other acceptable means on the property in which theanimal is being kept and in all developments and developed areas of the township as described herein,except working dogs such as service dogs, farm dogs, hunting dogs, and other such dogs, when accompanied by their owner or authorized agent, and while actively engaged in the activities for which
the dogs are trained.
(b) It shall be the responsibility of a dog owner or authorized agent to immediately remove any f***s deposited by the dog on any property not owned by the dog's owner or authorized agent that contains development such as but not necessarily limited to, subdivision plats, site condominium developments, multiple family residential developments, mobile home parks, and grounds containing institutional, including public parks, commercial or industrial land use and the landscaped areas, drives and off-street parking areas of such places, but excluding public road rights-of-way and private road easements in undeveloped areas of the township.
(c) Any dog in violation of Section 5 (a) and/or Section 5 (b) is declared to be a nuisance.
(d) Any person, or agent of such person, who shall own, keep, harbor, or be the custodian of any dog described in Section 5 (c) within the municipal limits of Northfield Township, or who shall otherwise be in violation of Section 5 (a) or Section 5 (b), shall be responsible for the offense of a municipal civil infraction.
(e) If the person described in Section 5 (d) cannot be located, and the dog described in Section 5 (c)cannot be sufficiently confined, the dog may be impounded to return peace to the neighborhood.
(f) A person found responsible under this ordinance is subject to the penalties set forth in Section 6.
Section 6 Penalties
(a) The provisions of the Northfield Township Municipal Civil Infraction Ordinance (Ord. No.13-22), and as may be amended, shall apply to this article.
(b) Any person, or agent of such person, who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be responsible for the offense of a municipal civil infraction. Each day that a violation continues to exist shall constitute a separate violation, with potentially a separate fine, cost and/or penalty.
(c) Any person, or agent of such person, found responsible for the offense of a civil infraction for
violating this article as herein provided shall suffer the fines, costs, and/or other penalties as
outlined in the schedule of fines and/or costs set forth in the municipal civil infraction ordinance.
Currently, that schedule is as follows:
First violation: Warning
Second violation: $50.00
Third repeat offense*: $100.00
Fourth or subsequent repeat offense*: $150.00
* "Repeat offense" is defined as another violation of the Code and/or ordinance within a two-
year period as determined from the dates of the violation(s).