[NOTE: This is but a smattering of evidence available from public online sources that has been compiled by Marc M. Friedland and is clearly not exhaustive of all the topics and related details. These are not ad hominem attacks on Joe Biden, but a Summary of his Polices that have made America less safe and secure since January 20, 2021. Following your will find 17 identified areas of failure of the Biden Administration].
1. OPEN BORDERS: Axios says “amid a record number of border crossings, nearly two-thirds (2/3rds) of Americans said illegal immigration is a real crisis, not a politically driven media narrative. Americans are open to former President Trump's harshest immigration policies, spurred on by a record surge of illegal border crossings”. Law Enforcement leads to preventable crime and unfortunately the District Attorney “rogue” prosecutors in sanctuary cities backed by George Soros continue to downgrade charges against illegal aliens and these actions are causing an overwhelming and exploding increase in crime. Although Trump gave Biden the Blueprint to come close to eliminating Illegal Immigration, Biden refused to continue the construction of the border wall initiated by Trump, leading to what has amounted to an invasion into the US and a wast of rotting border materials. The official tally for fiscal 2023 is 2.47 million encounters at the southern border (with at least 2 Million “Gotaways,” migrants seen but not apprehended, since 2021).since Biden took office. Annually, Illegal aliens cost US. taxpayers at least $150 billion and over 100,000 deaths per year result from Fentanyl smuggled into the US. We are only catching 3%-7% of drugs coming into the country. NYC Democrat Mayor Eric Adams continues to blame Biden for migrant influx. For months, Adams launched unrelenting broadsides against the federal government and honed a damaging political message: Biden is failing to handle the migrant crisis in America’s biggest city.
2. LACK OF FULL SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL AND JEWS. Biden’s weakness is on display for all the world to see as he refuses to fully support our closest ally, Israel, by reneging on weaponry for Israel that he signed into law April 24, 2024 and for calling on the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu as Israel’s Prime Minister. Also not forcefully condemning the continuing Antisemitic violence on college campuses in the beginning and instead is equivocating on this issue to gain pro-Palestinian votes in swing states including Michigan.
3. ENERGY: Killed the Keystone pipeline on his first day in office, made drilling for domestic oil and natural gas more difficult by restricting permits, removed millions of acres of federal land from exploration and drilling, expanded subsidies and spent hundreds of billions of federal funds (tax dollars) on inefficient and unreliable wind and solar projects and Electric Vehicles, turned our excess fossil fuel independence that we exported to our dependence on importing fuel from hostile countries and to tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to release millions of gallons of oil into the market to lower gas prices just ahead of the 2022 election and now must be replaced at much higher prices.. Gas prices are 47% higher under Biden than they were under Trump.
4. CORRUPTION: Complicit in his son Hunter’s illegal business dealings. Testimony from whistle blowers, business associates and the fired Ukrainian prosecutor indicate that Biden was not only involved in Hunter’s business deals but also allegedly accepted $10 million in bribes from Burisma in exchange for pressuring the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma, according to Fox News.
5. TWO STANDARDS OF JUSTICE: The Department of Justice and FBI participated in persecution of political enemies, parents concerned about school curriculum and indoctrination of their children, and unarmed protesters who trespassed in the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. It has been determined that their was NO Russian collusion. Damage to our country resulting from two systems of justice, exemplified by the indictments of Trump while Biden family corruption goes unpunished, is perhaps the most egregious failing of the Biden administration, creating loss of confidence in the Rule of Law.
6. AFGHANISTAN: In August 2021, against the advice of his commanders, Biden ordered the complete vacuum withdrawal of US. forces in Afghanistan, resulting in one of the largest debacles in US. military history, including the deaths of 13 US. military personnel at Kabul airport, abandonment of hundreds of US citizens and thousands of Afghan allies and the loss of tens of billions of dollars in military equipment at the Bagram air base.
7. STUDENT DEBT CANCELLATION. A Federal judge in Texas on November 10, 2022 ruled that President Joe Biden's plan to cancel hundreds of billions of dollars in student loan debt was unlawful and must be vacated. Then in Biden v. Nebraska, on June 30, 2023, the Supreme Court ruled 6 to 3 that Biden did NOT have the authority to issue the forgiveness plan under the HEROES Act, a federal law passed in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that allows the Education Secretary to change student loan programs for those affected by the attack. [The Biden administration had overstepped its authority when it announced that it would cancel up to $400 billion in student loans. As many as 43 million Americans would have benefited from the loan forgiveness program; almost half of those borrowers would have had all of their student loans forgiven]. However, not to be deterred just four months after his first student debt forgiveness scheme was found unconstitutional by the US. Supreme Court, on October 4, 2023 the President announced he would cancel an additional $9 billion in student debt for 125,000 borrowers. The President is determined to do whatever it takes to put the education of the upper class on the tab of middle- and working-class American families. The obvious conclusion is to buy the Election votes of student loan forgiveness recipients.
8. OVERREACHING REGULATIONS. Overreaching regulations and burdensome red tape have cost workers nearly $10,000 per household. Biden’s 122 executive orders have saddled families, farmers, and businesses with $1.5 trillion in additional and unforeseen expenses. “As of the end of 2022, the Biden administration imposed new regulatory costs on American households and businesses at a pace surpassing that of the Obama administration during a comparable period. • The added costs from these Biden-era final rules, which include both their current and expected future costs, amount to almost $10,000 per household. If regulatory costs continue to rise at the same rate as they did during the Obama administration, the total costs of Biden's rule making over an eight-year period would almost reach $60,000 per household. • While the automobile fuel economy and emissions standards contribute the greatest single cost, they still account for only a third of the total regulatory costs. Collectively, health, labor, telecommunications, and consumer finance regulations impose costs that exceed those of automobile regulations. • President Trump reduced regulatory costs almost as fast as President Obama and Biden were adding them. Without even counting Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s agencies through four years reduced regulatory costs by almost $11,000 per household in present value. • Unlike President Obama, who had virtually no deregulation in his first two years, President Biden has already implemented several meaningful deregulations that are treated as negative costs in my estimates. “The Biden administration has so far been adding regulatory costs at a rate of $617 billion per year of rule making, not counting regulatory costs created by statutes and other non-rule regulatory actions. Assuming that the US. has 123 million households, the amount shown in Table 1a is equivalent to about $9,600 per household for the rules finalized in 2021 and 2022. These costs are spread over time rather than concentrated in the first year that the rule takes effect. More rule making is ahead for the Biden administration. If its rule making costs accelerate at the same pace that the Obama administration’s did, the result after eight years would be a cumulative $7 trillion, which is almost $60,000 per household. President Trump showed that regulatory costs can be subtracted rather than perpetually added. Four years of President Trump reduced regulatory costs by about $11,000 per household. Eight years would have saved a total of more than $21,000, which is a gap of $61,000 to $80,000 from the Biden trajectory. Even if we ignore the large number of regulatory costs missing from the agency estimates, they show a meaningful gap too.19 Eight years of President Trump would add only $561 to the average household’s cost (agency estimate), whereas eight years of Biden staying 15 percent ahead of the Obama administration would cost households almost $11,000 each on average. The stagnation of economic growth, declining worker productivity, and wages that fail to keep up with inflation could well be linked to the resurgence of regulatory burdens”. [Source: https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116105/documents/HHRG-118-GO00-20230614-SD005.pdf].
9. ECONOMY: Under Biden’s profligate spending, inflation rose to over 9%, highest in 40 years. National debt has increased by $6 trillion under his watch to nearly $32 trillion and is projected to increase to between $40 and $45 trillion in 4 years at current rates of spending. Household income has decreased by an average of $4,000 relative to inflation. Mortgages have more than doubled under Biden to over 7%, putting home ownership out of reach for many new buyers.
10. WEAKENING THE MILITARY: Appointed military leaders who were more concerned with rooting out “white supremacy” than preparing for war. Mandated COVID vaccinations for the military that forced out thousands of trained and experienced military personnel and exacerbated recruiting difficulties. Biden has again proposed a vastly inadequate Defense Department budget as his proposal for 2025 is a mere 1% increase from this year’s agreed level. Adjusted for inflation, it’s about $140 billion below the 2010 budget that many analysts, including these pages, deemed insufficient in far less challenging times. While America’s military remains the strongest and most capable in the world, our advantage over potential adversaries has been shrinking rapidly. We must do better if we are to deter our enemies. For decades, the nation expected the military to be able to fight and win two wars simultaneously. That expectation has been gradually reduced to winning one war while deterring “opportunistic aggression” elsewhere. The Biden administration has placed less emphasis on military capability and more on tools such as sanctions.
11. UKRAINE: Created conditions that contributed to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by refusing Ukrainian requests for military assistance before the invasion and implying that a “minor incursion” would have little consequence. Committed over $100 billion since the invasion and depleted US. military stocks to send to Ukraine, leaving the US at greater risk in the event or war with China.
12. IRAN. Politico says” There is no Biden strategy for Iran. If he wants to end the growing chaos in the Middle East, he might want to come up with one. But for most of Biden’s time as president, his aides’ No. 1 goal hasn’t been to solve this puzzle, but to keep it off the president’s desk. The strategy is to keep it on low boil on all fronts — nuclear, regional, whatever. That’s been the approach for some time now”. Biden’s $6 Billion Ransom Payment to Iran fueled their terror machine. The Biden administration last extended the sanctions waiver on November 14. As a thank you, Iran-backed militia groups attacked US. troops in Iraq, Syria or Jordan. In total, the Iran proxy groups attacked US. troops there 170 times since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack in Israel, spiking tensions in the region. The Biden administration renewed a sanctions waiver on March 13, 2024 that grants Iran access to $10 billion in previously escrowed funds. The waiver, which allows the Islamic Republic to use electricity revenue from Iraq for budget support and debt repayment, comes just six weeks after an Iran-backed drone attack killed three US. service members in Jordan on January 28, 2024.
13. NON-CITIZENS ARE DETERMINING CONGRESSIONAL AND PRESIDENTIAL REPRESENTATION. Congressional and Electoral College apportionment is based on the number of residents, as determined by the Census. Currently, Census includes illegal aliens and other non citizens as residents. Consequently, a state can gain extra congressional districts and representation in Congress thanks to the presence of a large population that isn’t legally allowed to vote. Since the number of congressional seats is limited to 435, this additional representation comes at the expense of other states. This warped representation is carried over into the Electoral College, where each state is allocated a number of votes equal to the number of senators and representatives in its congressional delegation. Congress must put an end to the electoral influence of a growing non citizen population that is unfairly altering both representation in the House and the Electoral College. American citizens should not have their voting rights devalued or their congressional and presidential representation corrupted due to the inclusion of non citizens in our Census.
14. COVID RESPONSE: Continued lock downs and implemented unconstitutional vaccine mandates long after the efficacy of lock downs and experimental vaccines was disproven. Directed social media to suppress any comments which cast doubt on masking, vaccines and lock downs, resulting in irreparable harm to children unable to attend school and preventing the use of medications that could effectively mitigate the virus. Despite his so-called “pro-choice” posture, Sought to force Americans to put vaccines into their bodies by issuing a rule that all workers in any business of more than 100 employees must get vaccinated or else be constantly tested. His vaccine-or-test mandate for workers was overruled by the Supreme Court and later withdrawn by his administration.
15. GREEN NEW DEAL. Continues to “force” Americans to change their lifestyle on multiple topics related to daily living. The Green New Deal is one of the most Socialistic legislative proposals ever conceived in Congress. It would, among many other things, create massive new spending programs, eliminate "pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible," transform all US. manufacturing and transportation, and upgrade "all existing buildings in the United States." it would also make substantial changes to America’s vast agricultural industry, create a jobs guarantee, and provide all people with government-managed health care, "economic security," healthy food and "access to nature."
16. DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION. DEI describes preferential or discriminatory race-or gender-based policies as well as mandatory training that promotes them. Hundreds of DEI programs are now falling out of favor across America. The US. House of Representatives’ Office of Diversity and Inclusion closed in March 2024 due to a bill passed earlier this month. The positive effects of diversity training rarely last beyond a day or two, and a number of studies suggest that it can activate bias or spark a backlash. The problem is that we can’t motivate people by forcing them to get with the program and punishing them if they don’t. The numbers sum it up. An organization will become less diverse, not more, if you require managers to go to diversity training, try to regulate their hiring and promotion decisions, and put in a legalistic grievance system.
17. REDEFINITION OF S*X. Biden administration has redefined s*x over highly controversial Title IX changes in order to include claimed gender identities. In other words, the updates that were made would allow biological males who identify as females to compete against girls and women in their respective sports. This, of course, provides such athletes with a very unfair advantage as the biological makeup of a man provides him with dense muscles and bones that increase strength and speed.