United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College

United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College The Marine Corps Command and Staff College provides graduate level education and training in order t

A day to celebrate. Congratulations graduates of CSC Class of 2022.

A day to celebrate. Congratulations graduates of CSC Class of 2022.

Meaningful words and the Commander’s Cup for one last visit to LH-1 rounding out a successful year at Command and Staff ...

Meaningful words and the Commander’s Cup for one last visit to LH-1 rounding out a successful year at Command and Staff Colllege. Congratulations Class of 2022, now get out there and write history.

Fair winds and following seas to our departing colleagues. Thank you so much for your hard work and the role you played ...

Fair winds and following seas to our departing colleagues. Thank you so much for your hard work and the role you played in building a generation of leaders SA Chris Hartley, Dr. Rich Hegeman, and LtCol (Dr.) Craig Grant (Ret).

From Brandy Station and Sky Meadows, through Macphersons Ridge, Cemetery Ridge, Seminary Ridge, Little Round Top, The An...

From Brandy Station and Sky Meadows, through Macphersons Ridge, Cemetery Ridge, Seminary Ridge, Little Round Top, The Angle, all the way to Williamsport the students and Faculty of AY22 Command and Staff learned the valuable lessons of the 1863 Pennsylvania Campaign.

A strong showing by both sides at the IMS versus US soccer game. Final score of 3 US- 2 IMS

A strong showing by both sides at the IMS versus US soccer game. Final score of 3 US- 2 IMS

CG7 celebrated some of the local opportunities and conducted and offsite at the Army Navy Club.

CG7 celebrated some of the local opportunities and conducted and offsite at the Army Navy Club.

More outstanding electives. The Cold Weather Operations and Arctic Security elective conducted a wargame with support fr...

More outstanding electives. The Cold Weather Operations and Arctic Security elective conducted a wargame with support from the Krulak Center.

As part of the AY-22 electives program, CSC students braved arctic temperatures during a 27 January staff ride on the Se...

As part of the AY-22 electives program, CSC students braved arctic temperatures during a 27 January staff ride on the Second Manassas campaign. The students planned & executed the ride as a means to employ history as a tool to enhance decision-making and critical-thinking skills.


For authoritative sources and guidance related to the coronavirus, check the Marine Corps University's COVID-19 page. https://www.usmcu.edu/COVID-19/


Command and Staff College completed its first full week of virtual classes. Across the school, people have been experimenting with a variety of approaches using different techniques and software applications. Over the past week, each conference group took part in a large-scale teleconference for the Director's leadership session, two lectures, and four seminars.

The entire team is sharing best practices and continues to accomplish the school's mission as staff, faculty, and students adapt to the new challenges.


Due to the COVID-19 situation, the Commanding General of MCU has directed Command and Staff College to hold its classes remotely starting tomorrow (March 19) through the beginning of May. The Director, Dean, Deputies, and support personnel will remain at their posts and are available to assist as required.

Using a variety of online resources to study, meet, and discuss course materials, students and faculty will continue the mission of educating and preparing joint staff officers and commanders. When they graduate later this year, the AY20 students will return to their respective services, agencies, and partner nations during a tumultuous and critical period.

Students will continue not only the core curriculum, but also the Master of Military Studies program for those who are pursing the graduate degree and have not yet completed the oral defense of their thesis.

The Director, Dean, Deputies, and support personnel will remain at their posts and are available to assist as required.

Some students are likely to face challenges: transitioning to an exclusively digital interface (with hardware, software, or connectivity issues); preparing for and eventual ex*****on of permanent change of station; and uncertainty about how long extraordinary measures will be necessary.

The Director, staff, and faculty are planning for all contingencies, so students can focus on the next 8 weeks of instruction while staying flexible,resilient, and healthy.


As the COVID-19 situation evolves, check the base's Fb page Marine Corps Base Quantico to keep abreast of changes to facilities, schools, activities, etc.


*COVID-19 Update*
CSC is preparing to ensure the school can continue to accomplish its mission as we receive guidance to reduce direct contact between students, faculty, and staff.

In the interim: if anyone assigned to or attending CSC feels sick, has indications they were exposed to COVID-19, has a family member with a compromised immune system, or is high risk -- STAY HOME.

-If you have any concerns, contact your MILFAC.
-If you who have documents saved on the classroom computers and may need them, save them to a Google drive for future remote/cloud access.


CSC students from CG-16 visited the U.S. Department of State


As part of the group's study of conflict analysis, CG10 held a panel discussion with representatives from USAID (the US Agency for International Development). CSC student Erin Wrobleski moderated the discussion.


This week, the Command and Staff College's international military officers and their families visited New York City as part of the field studies program. The program emphasizes studies related to human rights, democratic ideal, roles and interrelationships in our diverse and democratic society, and the U.S. free enterprise system.

To address those topics, visits during the week included: the Empire State Building; Bloomberg Financial; the 9/11 memorial; the Council on Foreign Relations; the Sri Lankan mission to the United Nations; the United Nations; and, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.


Dr. Gordon, Ryan Harlow, LtCol Harlow, and Dr. Flynn test and refine a wargame in order to explore ways to promote competition, creativity, and decision making at CSC.


This morning, Dr. Claire Metelits (CSC Security Studies professor) lectured on conflict analysis, introducing frameworks the students will use to understand the complexities of conflicts they will encounter in their studies or during future operations. She discussed analysis/categorization of conflicts based on their causes and based on behaviors during the conflict. She also shared some of her experiences conducting field work in conflict zones including South Sudan.


GEN Raymond A. Thomas (USA, Ret), former commander of US Special Operations Command, was the second lecturer to address the "gray zone" this week. He provided his unique insights, having participated in special operations from Panama (1989) to recent operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Although his experiences include significant application of the military instrument of national power, he emphasized information as the dominant domain for the competitive actions, below the threshold of major war, that make up what is sometimes called the gray zone.


The Honorable Frank Kramer (former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs) spoke with CSC about gray zone operations in the context of the current great power competition. He addressed issues including Russian and Chinese perspectives; the roles of DoD, the US government as a whole (interagency), and the private sector (particularly with regard to threats in the cyber domain); and, the changing character of these competitive activities around the world.


MajGen David J. Furness (CG, 2d MARDIV) returned to Marine Corps University to share his perspective on the Division’s recent MAGTF Warfighting Exercise (MWX) at 29 Palms, CA. The exercise focused on a force-on-force, combined arms fight against a high-end (threat-informed) enemy.
2d Marine Division
MAGTF Training Command/Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at 29 Palms


Dr. Paul Gelpi, CSC Professor of Military History, lectured on Cold War strategies and the role of nuclear weapons therein. Following the lecture, conference groups will discuss the historical context and examine current US nuclear forces and strategy (including the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review).


BGen Maxwell, Assistant Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics (I&L), and Col Winthrop, Head of Futures Branch for I&L, discuss logistics in the future operating environment with CSC students as part of the Joint Operational Logistics Elective.


CSC faculty conduct a Kriegspiel, using a wargaming technique taught to them by a training team from MCTOG (the Marine Corps Tactics & Operations Group) in 29 Palms, CA. A series of Kriegspiels this week was part of CSC's efforts to increase the role of wargaming and decision-making in the school's curriculum.


The Staff Ride elective class visited the site of the Second Battle of Manassas (Bull Run) This photo was taken at Henry Hill. The staff ride was led by Dr. Christopher Stowe, War Studies Department Head and Professor of Military History.
Manassas National Battlefield Park


For the last lesson of the Cold Weather elective, students engaged in a planning exercise of a fictitious Arctic scenario. MajGen William F. Mullen, Commanding General of Training and Education Command, stopped by with CSC Director Col Thomas Gordon.


On the final day of the Cold Weather elective, Lt. Col. Terje Bruøygard gave Major Carl Quist and Major Mary Blair awards for first and second best papers (respectively) of the class. Brigadier General Lars Lervik, commanding general of Brigade North/Norwegian Army, donated the traditional Sámi knife and Major General Stephen Neary, deputy commanding general II MEF and commanding general of II MEB, donated the II MEF hatchet for the awards.


Congratulations to Dr. Matt Flynn, CSC Professor of Military History. Dr. Flynn was recognized today for ten years of federal service.


On Thursday, CSC students from the Joint Operational Logistics Elective conducted a site visit to the Defense Logistics Agency Headquarters in Fort Belvoir, VA.


Students from two electives are kicking off a wargame drawing upon and reinforcing lessons from each class. The electives are “Sea Power in War, Thucydides to Thucydides’ Trap,” and “Chinese and East Asian Militarily Capabilities and Strategies.” The wargame is supported by products from the Wargaming Division and experts from the MSTP staff.


Students visited CIA headquarters on 9 January, as part of their elective "Utilizing CIA and National Intelligence as a Military Strategist." Students and the MCU CIA Chair toured the Agency and met with CIA counterparts that support US military operations and plans.


On Tuesday, CSC’s international military students toured the Pentagon as part of the field studies program.


Congratulations to CSC students Maj Stephanie Mafrici, USMC, and MAJ Sean Andrews, USAF, who were among 10 officers selected as part of the next cohort of the prestigious SECDEF Strategic Thinkers Program; they will begin the program at Johns Hopkins University in August.


United States Marine Corps Command and Staff College's cover photo


On January 7, the international military students at CSC toured the White House in Washington, D.C. as part of the field studies program. CDR Trey Criner and Ms. Angela Miller, from the CSC and MCU IMS staffs, accompanied the students.


New this year--Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations elective at CSC

The Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration and MCU have teamed up to teach, for the first time, an Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) course to Command and Staff College. A team of instructors will teach warfighters how to operate, fight, and win in the future operating environment. This course will teach students that freedom of action in the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) is a critical enabler for all warfighting functions and in all domains. In the absence of credible challengers, the Joint Force began to treat the EMS as a readily available commodity. As peer threats have challenged the U.S. military’s unfettered access to the EMS, the Joint force has come to recognize the electromagnetic battlespace as an environment in which we must maintain situational awareness, attack, and defend to ensure friendly access to the EMS at the time and place of the commander’s choosing while denying the same to the enemy. Rather than being relegated to oversight by a small group of staff officers from a limited range of technical communities, EMSO is now understood to be “Commander’s business.” EMSO must have an offensive bias and be agile, adaptive, and integrated to achieve EMS superiority across the range of military operations.


The Cold Weather elective kicked off with great discussions with Major General Stephen Neary, commanding general of II MEB, and Brigadier General Lars Lervik, commanding general of Brigade North/Norwegian Army.


Dr. Amin Tarzi gives an overview at the start of his elective course, The State of Israel in Context (1948-2018)


Welcome back, CSC students! After a break for the holidays and study/research days to work on their MMS papers, students begin the electives block today.


Congratulations to Maj David Elliott, Sr (CG-2) who was promoted to his current rank on New Year's Day.


2076 South Street
Quantico, VA


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