What we in fact need is a President who will inspire our congress being a coalition of differing views, to work together for a united cause. Instead of Democrats having wars with Republicans and vice versa we need to celebrate the good that both parties along with the others bring to benefit and enhance our lives. We are the United States Of America not the Divided States. We had better soon learn to be ONE nation under God ( Yah ) indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all. We need to act like the coalition government under Republicanism that we , are.
A coalition government is a form of government in which political parties cooperate, reducing the dominance of any one party within that "coalition". The usual reason for this arrangement is that no party on its own can achieve a majority in the election. A coalition government might also be created in a time of national difficulty or crisis (for example, during wartime or economic crisis) to give a government the high degree of perceived political legitimacy or collective identity, it can also play a role in diminishing internal political strife. In such times, parties have formed all-party coalitions (national unity governments, grand coalitions). If a coalition collapses, a confidence vote is held or a motion of no confidence is taken.Make no mistake about it ," we are in a state of crisis experiencing a national emergency and we need someone to EMERGE on the scene who will truly set her heart to the task of cleaning up the mess of many a year of dirt slinking, mud splattering, war loving non peacefulness. I got news for you. In order for America to be Great Again one would have to point out a time when America was great and give definition to that greatness. I am of the opinion that we have yet to be the greatest we can be. A great nation is comprised of the majority people deciding they will be great people.. We become great as we live true to the principals of our creed. There are too many stains on our dark past for us to allow ourselves the arrogant title of great; howbeit they have been a vast number of ones whom I declare to be great for they chose to blow again the winds and change the times which caused so may dread. Let us learn from the faith that the dark past has taught us. We are able to become great. A truly great people and it will feel oh so good to live within that freedom. deal of
Patrick Henry,Who said “ give me Liberty or give me death " stated the cry needed for our today's society. We must need gather such a mind set for ourselves for if we fail to stand up for liberty, we will receive death. Death of freedom, ideas, free thought, free enterprise. Death of ability to guide our own affairs, rear our children as we see fit, death of religious freedom… death of our voice for it will be squashed and silenced by the will of socialism which is raising it’s ugly head waiting for the opportunity to dictate in the place our freewill granted to us by our Creator and guaranteed us by our proclaimed Republican form of governance by constitution . Liberty is the foundation upon which American society and constitution are built. We are live breathing people who comprise " we the people who are the true governing body of ourselves. Me have a duty to alight with the natural laws of righteousness if we expect to be great. What I see is a whole lot of confusion, a blatant disregard for life and no respect for the foundation upon which we all must stand. If our foundation fails to stand sure.... our house will eventually... fall down. Here the modern cry of Paul revere for it is Midnight in America and the cry must be loud and strong for freedom lovers and from those who love freedom. Let Freedom ring from every mountainside, Great God ( Yah ) Our true King! I am not afraid to be a witness and Light of righteousness in a darkened world. Yah( God ) Bless You, America, and everyone else, everywhere.